What did she have?

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''Wanna get out of here?'' Louis suddenly asked, leaving Harry shocked, turning his head, his green eyes, meeting Louis' blue ones.

''Are you trying to seduce me, Tomlinson?'' Harry asked and played with his hair, trying to act flirty.

''You wish, don't you?'' Louis asked in a deep posh accent and he laughed.

''Ok let's go.'' Harry said and asked the bartender for a bottle of whiskey and paid for it.

''Harold, are you even allowed to drink?'' Louis asked and Harry rolled his eyes.

''I am allowed daddy, chill.'' Harry said laughing and got out of the club.

The cold hit Harry in the face and he wrapped his coat tighter around his body.

Louis was still inside. He said that he was going to inform the boys about them leaving so Harry waited outside, deep in his thoughts.

Why did Louis want him and Harry to leave?

Did something happened?

Louis definitely seemed more comfortable around Harry and he even joked around him.

''Harry, are you okay?'' Louis asked and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry turned his head and smiled, nodding.

''Let's walk, shall we?'' Louis said and Harry nodded.

They walked in silence, Harry looking now and then, the stars and the dark sky. There was a full moon tonight, even though it was kind of weird to have full moon in the middle of February.

''Look, it's a full moon.'' Louis said surprised and Harry smiled.

''Yeah, that's kind of weird.'' Harry said but Louis was just looking amazed at the moon. Louis was the kind of person that enjoyed the moment. He saw a full moon? He would just admire that and nothing else. Louis was like a child, never thought about the coincidence of his actions. Harry on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He would worry about everything, he would overthink everything, he would analyze everything. Every look that anyone gave him, every tone in their voices, just... everything. He was suspicious of the fucking moon... jesus.

He hated this.

Why couldn't he just be like Louis? See the good in people, joke around, always being likeable.

Louis was like the sun. Open to everything, bright, lighting the dark and make others happy. No one, absolutely no one hated current Louis. The best and only version of him. He never changed his mind about anything, he was focused on one thing and he would achieve it. He was brave... so, so brave. Who would just take custody of four girls at age of 18? Only Louis. Louis was just so... so special.

''You sure you're okay?'' Louis asked once again, as he saw Harry in deep thoughts.

''Yeah. Why wouldn't I?'' Harry said and smiled ,reassuringly at Louis, who genuinely looked worried.

''You've been avoiding me lately.'' Louis stated and Harry bit the inside of his cheeks.

''You started avoiding me first.'' Harry said and Louis immediately turned his head.

''Fair enough.'' Louis said and looked down, at his vans, who were slightly dirty.

''Why are we like this?'' Harry asked and Louis sighed, understanding exactly what Harry meant.

''I don't know.'' Louis said with a sad tone. Harry didn't know what time was or how long they have been walking but when he looked around, he realized that they were at a very familiar place. Where he was last week. Where he and her were last week. It's boring and graphic how many times they have came here. It's like this place was capturing them and didn't let them go. Memories bad and good , funny and sad were created here and even though it meant a lot this place to Harry, it's still the place where Louis decided to take her. The place that Harry showed him.

How dared he?

That was completely random... so random but Harry felt like there was a burning ball in his chest. Harry, all of a sudden was angry. From the very first day Harry brought Louis here, that's when he picked asleep Louis and just everything important had to do with the field.

This field.

But no...no Louis had to bring her, the fucking random bitch, who suddenly came into their lives.


''You brought her here.'' Harry said and stopped walking. Louis after noticing that Harry had stopped walking, he stopped too and turned his head, looking at Harry who seemed angry and... lost?

''What?'' Louis asked, genuinely confused. Was he talking about him and Eleanor?

''Why did you bring Eleanor here? Out of all the places, why here?'' Harry asked and Louis felt...embarrassed and angry?

He didn't want to talk about his girlfriend to his crus-, old crush and why did Harry even care? It wasn't like Harry was jealous.

''That's none of his business and last time I checked it didn't say that this field is yours or had your name written anywhere.'' Louis said and folded his arms.

''You are just so ugh...annoying. You always have something to say just shut the fuck up.'' Harry said and started walking the opposite direction, returning back to the boys.

''What will you do if I don't because, Styles, I have a lot to say, like a lot about you and your little shitty behavior.'' Louis said and followed Harry, who immediately turned and started walking angrily towards Louis, who was stunned and had to take a few steps back.

''For how long will you talk about me leaving? Until I fucking die? Or maybe even after that? Even when we are both in hell you will keep babbling about it? Get over it. It's been a almost a fucking month.'' Harry yelled at Louis.

''Do you want me to delete that you left for a fucking month from my memory? Do you want me also to tell you where and with whom I am going to because maybe... I don't know you have peed on that place and you assume it's yours?'' Louis said and Harry was so mad that he threw the bottle of whiskey on the ground, shattering into a million pieces and staining the road.

''Just stop talking. I can't keep listening to your fucking voice. Shut up for a fucking second.'' Harry said and run a hand through his face.

''No I am not going to shut up you left without an explanation and you-'' Louis started but Harry cut him off.

''You want me to give you a fucking explanation? Because I can give you one and oh believe... it's good.'' Harry yelled and Louis nodded. Harry took a step and now he was just some inches away from Louis.

''You know what? I don't want to know. It's just a shitty reason, I just know it and you will make me hate you more and it's sad because I thought of actually starting trusting you again.'' Louis said and turned to leave but Harry didn't even pay attention to what he was saying. He was focused looking at Louis' blue eyes and his lips... oh his lips were just so soft and full. They were so red, even though Louis didn't wear lipstick or anything.

Harry shook his head immediately and saw Louis leaving, so he had to act fast, he wrapped his cold hand around Louis' wrist and turned him. Louis was confused and started yelling once again.

''Leave me you fuck-'' but a pair of cold lips placing on his hot ones stopped him immediately and left him shocked and he just stood there motionless. After a few seconds of not doing anything, Louis felt like he had just woken up and started pushing Harry away but Harry was just too fucking strong and didn't let Louis go. Louis without even thinking just gave in and opened his mouth.

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