The quickest relationship ever

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''Enlighten us, then.'' Louis said, knowing what Liam was about to say and trying to form the best comeback.

''Liam, sit down.'' Zayn said and Harry looked at Louis with sad eyes. This is what Harry wanted to tell Louis about but changed his mind last minute. God, he fucking hated this. He wanted to see the shine into Louis' eyes, which was long gone. He remember all those things that they did before everything happened and he missed it, he missed that Louis. The kid Louis. The Louis, who wasn't scared to do anything, get arrested, be there for his friends. Now? Now everything was different. Harry could sense and see that in Louis. His beautiful blue eyes were clouded with pain, worries, sadness... anger. He just wanted old Louis back. It wasn't like he didn't love Louis the way he is...




He didn't even realize that he loved, loved Louis, but he did. He loved how teasing Louis could be, how brave he was, how sassy he was, how smart, how beautiful, nice, kind... . The list could go on and on about things that Harry loved about Louis so he decided that it was time to snap out of these thoughts.

The point was that Harry and the rest of the boys missed carefree Louis and they needed his bright smile and his sparkly eyes back because happy Louis could make their whole day.

''Louis, just listen to me. Please.'' Liam said but Louis threw his arms in the air.

''I am listening. Go on, Payno.'' Louis said and folded his arms, while sitting comfortably on the armchair.

''It's just... I don't want you to get upset but I feel like I have to tell you. We just ought to tell you.'' Liam said and Louis looked at the others, who looked at their shoes and played with their fingers, except from Harry, who looked straight into Louis' eyes with a sad expression.

''Go on, then.'' Louis dared Liam, who ran a hand through his hair.

''Look, the girls are great, actually great and you know I hate kids but they suck the life out of you-'' Liam said but Louis cut him off.

''What the fuck did you just say? No they don't. They are my sisters-''

''And you are fucking eighteen. You can't raise them or do you want to not live your best years and by the time they are off to college, you will be fucking thirty wondering when did you grow up? Stop growing up, just be how you used to.'' Liam continued pretty upset because he was just advising Louis.

''That's none of your business. I can spent my years however I want to because they are mine.'' Louis yelled at him and Harry got up but Louis snapped his head and shook his head.

''I think you should leave.'' Louis told them and went up to the stairs.

''Louis-'' Harry started but Louis shook his head in fury.

''Leave.'' he said, as he was on top of the stairs and headed towards his sisters' rooms. He knocked on the twins' door and he saw all the girls sitting around, braiding each other's hair.

''Hi.'' Louis said and leaned on the doorway and folded his arms, smiling.

''Hi. We heard voices from downstairs.'' Phoebe said and suddenly a loud 'bam' was sound and one of the boys had banged the door, while leaving. Probably Liam or Harry.

''Don't worry.'' Louis said smiling.

He loved them so fucking much. No. He adored them. No he ladored them if that's even a word. It should be a word. Ladored someone.

''You sure?'' Fizzy asked and looked at Louis, who nodded reassuringly.

''Louis, can I talk to you for a second?'' Lottie said and Louis nodded once again. She got up and exited the room, Louis following her.

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