You were enough!!!

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''Call me every day, at least twice. We'll meet at least once every two weeks and videocall every Sunday.'' Harry said and hugged Niall tightly.

''I know. I know. Where will you live?'' Niall said and Harry shrugged.

''I don't know. I will see a beautiful small town. I will stop and I will find a house. That's the plan.'' Harry said and Niall slapped the back of his head.

''That's not a plan. You are so irresponsible, oh my god Harry. And you took what? Two outfits? God, Harry you should have told me before that you hadn't found a place or a fucking town. Okay, okay. Stay one more day and I will find you a-'' Niall said but Harry hugged him again.

''It will be alright. It's an adventure.'' Harry said and smiled.

''It's not an adventure. Take it seriously or you're end up at the streets.'' Niall said but Harry was already at the front door, waving Niall goodbye.

''Bye, Niall. Also, please give this to Louis. Do not open it.'' Harry said and looked straight into Niall's eyes, handing him a really thick envelope and something that looked like a book.

''Is this the...'' Niall said and Harry nodded.

''You won't understand what it says anyways but don't open it.'' Harry said again and Niall nodded, trying to find a bag, to put them in.

''What should I tell him?'' Niall asked and Harry bit his lower lip.

''I don't know. What should you tell him?'' Harry said and Niall sighed.

''You know he will freak out, right?'' Niall said and Harry nodded, looking down.

''I want a piece of paper and a pen.'' Harry said and started looking around, like a maniac.

''Here.'' Niall said and spotted a pen, handing it to Harry.

''Ugh. I have no paper left.'' Harry said and grabbed Niall's arm.

''What the fuck Harry?'' Niall asked but Harry started writing on it.

''It hurts.'' Niall whined and tried to pull away but Harry tightened his grip around Niall hand, making whimper in pain.

''Stop being dramatic.'' Harry said and Niall rolled his eyes, before sitting completely still.

''I was testing my acting skills.'' Niall said and smiled.

''Here. Show him this.'' Harry said and Niall started reading it.

''I don't know what I am supposed to say. I love you and I will always do. Everything I own is yours, so just take them before Niall ruins them or throws them out- H. I was not going to throw them out. I would sell them. You have enough money to buy the whole Gucci.'' Niall read what Harry had wrote on his hand and then commented on it.

''Don't shower and don't you dare touch them.'' Harry said and put on his coat.

''I love you.'' Harry said, as he opened the door.

''Yeah, I love me too.'' Niall said and Harry laughed, as he closed the door. (A/N NARRYYYY sometimes I feel like this fan fic involves more narry romance than larry lmaooo)


''Goodbye girls. Stay safe. I love you.'' Louis said, as he waved goodbye to them.

''Bye Louis.'' the twins yelled, before getting in the car. Louis smiled at them and closed the door, when the car disappeared from his sight.

''What do you want Niall?'' Louis asked, as soon as he saw Niall inside the house.

''I-. Man, this is hard to say. I have to tell you something.'' Niall said and cursed Harry for making him do this.

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