We knew each other?

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''How many times?'' Niall asked, taking a sip of his beer, looking at Harry, who had his eyes focused on his bottle, pilling off the label.


''I want a real number.'' Liam said and Harry sighed.

''Seven.'' he replied and Niall burst into laughing.

''I just can't get him to say 'yes'. Do something or talk to him.'' Harry said and Niall laughed even more with Liam joining him.

''We talked to him. He always says the same thing.'' Liam said, taking a sip of his beer.


''I'm too young, Zi. We both are.'' Louis said and Zayn groaned.

''Bullshit. Other people have kids at your age. You're twenty-two, almost twenty-three.'' Zayn reminded him.

''I'm not other people.''

''Come on, man. The twins are twelve and Fizzy is almost eighteen, while Lottie is already two years in college.'' Zayn said and Louis rolled his eyes.

*2 years ago-flashback*

''My baby.'' Louis said, wrapping his arms around Lottie, who groaned, trying to get out of his grip.

''Leave me alone.'' she said but Louis hugged her tighter.

''That's enough.'' Harry said, pulling Lottie away from Louis, who pouted.

''Do you have all of your things? Wait, I have the list and-'' he started out but Lottie cut him off.

''I think I do.'' she said, laughing a little.

''Think? You aren't sure. We can go back and check if you had forgotten anything. Yeah, fine.'' Harry said, turning to go back in the car but Louis stopped him.

''Now, stop overreacting. She is going to be fine and if she has forgotten anything she can buy it or we can send it to her.'' Louis said, while the other girls hugged Lottie.

''Hand-cream, lip-gloss, T-Shirt, phone.'' Harry said, handing Lottie stuff, when Louis looked at the phone confused.

''That's your phone.''

''She'll need a second phone. Now if anything happens, anything, call me. It doesn't matter what time is. Call. Pepper spray, pepper spray, pepper spray.'' Harry said, searching his pockets and her bag for pepper spray.

''You don't have a pepper spray. My first day in university I prayed to have one, when a random dude started following me.'' Harry mumbled, searching.

''And what happened?'' Lottie said.

''I beat him up but you can't, except if you can, I don't know. Niall.'' Harry yelled, rushing towards him.

''Don't mind him. He is just nervous. Okay, school looks cool, I guess. Although, Harry is not wrong about the pepper spray.'' Louis said, eyeing a random kid, that walked past them.

''Calm down. Everything will be fine.'' Lottie said, hugging him again.

''Now, you take care, young lady.'' Mark said, hugging her, while the twins started crying.

''She is going to stay here? So far away?'' Phoebe asked and Louis nodded, hugging her.

''She will come and visit.'' Louis said, trying to calm them down.

''Every month.'' Lottie said.

''Oh, give this back to him. He is out of his mind.'' Lottie said, handing him Harry's phone.

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