I think...I'm a liability

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Louis and Harry were currently in the dining room and were gathering all the plates from breakfast, so they could take them to the kitchen, to clean them. There was a heavy silence until Louis asked Harry

''Do you mind if I put on some music?'' Louis asked. Louis absolutely loved music. He liked many different artists and genres and he always listens to music when he has time or when he is doing his homework.

''Sure.'' Harry replied. He adored music. He wanted to play music and to sing but not professionally. Niall knows that Harry plays the guitar and piano when they are home alone because he doesn't want anyone to know. It is personal to him.

Louis opened Spotify and chose a playlist and ''Liability by Lorde'' started playing. Louis adored this song and he hated that he related to it but he did.

''They say, "You're a little much for me, you're a liability, you're a little much for me"

So they pull back, make other plans, I understand, I'm a liability''.

''They're gonna watch me disappear into the sun

You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun''.

Louis felt himself tearing up.

'No, no, no, no don't do that. Harry is here. Calm down.' Louis said to himself.

Louis felt like a liability. How could he even think of betraying his family and becoming something else? A fucking teacher? He was upset at himself. He was selfish. He should be punished for even thinking about talking to his father for his stupid dream. ( A/N: how much have y'all cringed at this moment lmao. I'm peeing my pants lmao. It's too bad but I have zero ideas rn) Louis' moves were fast and his hands were shaking. Today was literally the worst day. His mum, himself, his dreams. Man, Louis was fucking broken. All these years Louis was so sure of what he wanted that when he came here he saw a new world. Young kids that were studying what they wanted. Elise was gonna be a fashion designer for the love of god. Zayn was studying art. Fucking art. Zayn would spend hours outside making graffities or something and what Louis did? Fucking economics. But no Louis couldn't think like that. What the fuck was happening? Louis would fucking own a business. That was what he wanted. He would own a company period. Louis didn't realize Harry talking to him.

''Louis are you ok? Answer me'' Harry said ready to grab his arm and shake it a little.

Louis shook his head and turned his head to look at Harry and then.

Green eyes met the blue ones.

Louis was still shaking and he dropped a plate, which shattered into a million pieces.


''Shit'' Louis muttered and bended down to pick up the broken pieces when he heard Harry saying 'No' but it was already too late, as Louis had cut his hand. It was not a big cut but it bled a lot. Louis felt tears streaming down his face, not because the cut hurt or something but because he was fucking useless. He could not even gather some fucking plates and in 4 years he would own a company. He is gonna fail. He always does. Louis felt like he couldn't breathe. He needed to sit down. He sat on the floor and started breathing but no air was entering his lungs. He felt like he wanted to scream but he couldn't. He felt Harry sitting next to him.

''Louis are you ok? LOUIS?'' Harry yelled, but Louis couldn't reply.

Harry was fucking freaking out. Louis was having a panic attack and he didn't know what to do. He wanted to call for help but he couldn't leave Louis alone. He wanted to scream and cry but he had to be there for Louis.

''Hey Louis. Look at me'' Harry pleaded Louis and he slowly turned his head. His eyes were half-closed and his mouth open gasping for air.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Harry took Louis' head gently and he placed it on his chest and started taking breaths.

''Follow my lead'' he whispered to Louis. After a while, Harry felt Louis taking a deep breath and Harry felt his whole body relaxing. Some minutes went by and Louis got up and before Harry could say anything, Louis hugged him and said 'Thank you' a lot of times.

''It's Ok'' Harry said hugging him back.

''Today was really hard for me. Last year on December the 7th my mum died and I am clearly not over it.'' Louis said and sighed. He didn't know why he told Harry that. He hated him but Louis felt like he should explain his weird behavior. Louis then noticed that his hand was still bleeding and there was some blood on Harry's shirt. They didn't have much time yet and then Harry broke the silence:

''I am sorry'' and looked at Louis' in the eyes.

''No, I am sorry. I fucking ruined your shirt and I acted weird and you had to clean up the mess that I made I-''

''It's Ok it's not a big deal. Now give me your hand'' Harry cut him off and grabbed his hand. He ripped part of his shirt off and tied it where Louis' cut was.

''There you go'' Harry said smiling and letting Louis' hand gently.

''Thanks'' Louis said, giving Harry a small smile.

''I think we should get back to work.'' Harry said getting up and offered his hand, so he could pull Louis up.

After 1 hour they were still not done but they had this system to go faster. Harry would wash the plates and Louis would dry them with a towel. There was a comfortable silence between then, as the only sounds that could be heard was some soothing music and the running water. Louis wanted to forgive Harry. Maybe he wasn't that bad after all and Louis' reaction was too much.


Louis would forgive Harry.

After a couple of hours the plates were clean and shiny and Harry and Louis were ready to leave, when Harry stopped Louis and told him

''Hey Louis... uhm I am sorry for being a jerk lately and I am deeply sorry. I hope you can forgive me.'' Harry said shyly, scratching the back of his neck.

''Of course. I don't know what I would have done without you today and also I think I overreacted the other day so I am sorry too.'' Louis said smiling and shook Harry's hand.

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