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Zayn returned to the apartment half and hour and he was pale as fuck ,so Louis decided to ask him what happened.

''Shit'' Zayn said.

''WHAT?'' Louis screamed. He was getting worried about his roommate.

''I was at the hallway, until I bumped into a girl and I was like sorry and I looked at her and Oh My God.'' Zayn said and gulped hard as he went silent.

''Jesus Zayn. Fucking talk'' Louis said and signed.

''I saw her and she was a girl I was dating back in Bradford''. Zayn said.

''That was it? THAT WAS IT? Who gives a shit.'' Louis said and facepalmed himself.

''I am going to the same school with a girl that probably hates me after I cheated on her.'' Zayn said.

''I bet she won't even remember you. Chill Bad boy''

''No you don't understand Louis. She really hates me.'' Zayn said at Louis.

''Meh, I don't think she does'' Louis said.

''Whatever lad I am going to bed'' Zayn said getting up from the couch and going to his room.

''Goodnight casanova'' Louis said.

''Night, night Loueh'' Zayn called out.

That night before Louis drifted into sleep he realized that him and Harry had more in common than he thought. And he absolutely hated it.


''Louis wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Ni invited us to go at a pic nic with him and Harry Yayy'' Zayn beamed as he was jumping up and down the bed.

''Leave me and my bed alone. Tommo needs his sleep'' Louis said and hugged his pillow.

''They said we can play soccer'' Zayn said and Louis eyes opened and got up and screamed

''THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU LITTLE FUCKER'' Louis screamed and went into the shower.


''No you don't understand the best Harry Potter is the Goblet Of Fire.'' Louis argued with Harry.

''No you don't get it you little shithead the last two are the best movies and the last book is just top'' Harry said.

''Yeah lad. Go with the obvious choice. Why not?'' Louis said and scoffed.

''Whatever you tasteless bastard'' Harry said and rolled his eyes.

''Are you both done?'' Niall asked.

They had been arguing for the past half hour and both Zayn and Niall were bored as hell.

After ten minutes of complete silence Harry said

''How can you believe that the last movies aren't iconic?''

''Ughhhh come on you two shut up. Harry Potter is for nerds.'' Zayn said.

''How dare you?'' both Louis and Harry said in union.

''They agreed on something'' Niall said and him and Zayn high-fived.

''So I heard that there would be football...?'' Louis trailed off after a while.

''Zayn bring the ball.'' Niall said and Zayn stood up to go to the car to bring the football.

They are at this beautiful field with colorful flowers and tall trees and the best part that no one is here, even of this place is in the school grounds. Classes started next week because the headmaster and the teachers wanted the kids to feel at home first. The worst part here? Harry freaking Styles. From the moment Louis and Zayn got into Harry's car, he wouldn't shut the fuck up. ''So Louis, how being a kid with a rich daddy feels like?'', ''Why did you wear these shoes?'', ''Didn't they teach you manners?'', ''What were you doing at my apartment, last night?'' and these kind of questions.

Louis wanted to punch him in the face.


''Where is Zayn?'' Niall asked.

''I am gonna check'' Louis said, standing up. He really wanted to leave. There was this awkward silence and Louis couldn't stand it, as he could not stand Harry either.

As Louis started walking, he saw Zayn with a boy similar height as Zayn with brown short hair and brown eyes walking next to him, both of them laughing.

''Tommo! This is Liam. I met him near the parking lot and I offered him to join us. I hope this isn't a problem, right?''.

''Sure. Nice to meet you Liam. I am Louis Tomlinson.''

''Liam Payne, nice to meet you Louis''.

''Shall we?'' Louis asked.

''Yes'' Zayn replied leading the way.


''Come one Payno, shoot!'' Louis yelled at Liam.

''Ouch!'' Niall screamed.

Yup, that's right.

The ball hit his face and now his nose was bleeding.

''Oh no Niall'' Zayn said as Louis, Zayn and Liam rushed to Niall's side.

''I told you not to be the goalkeeper.'' Louis said and rolled his eyes.

''Oh my Gosh I am so sorry Niall. Does it hurt?'' Liam asked.

''No I am fine and it was not your fault I am just really clumsy hahah'' Niall said as he was thanking Zayn, who handed him a towel so he could wipe his nose.

''Harold you dickhead, Niall is hurt.'' Louis yelled at Harry, who denied playing football because he didn't have the appropriate clothes- and oh yeah, he considered football a stupid game.

''I told ya it was a stupid game. Should have listened to Harry.'' Harry told them pointing at himself as he was bending down to see Niall nose, that had stopped bleeding.

''That's all you have to say?'' Louis said.

''Your nose is fine. I see nothing broken, leprechaun''. Harry said with a small smile and patted Niall's shoulder.

''Let's just go to our pic nic lads'' Zayn said and helped Niall get up.

''Well, today was fun. Nice meeting all of you. Niall, again I am so sorry for the incident. I guess I will see you around then''. Liam said.

''Wait where are you going? Stay!'' Harry insisted.

''I don't want to get in the way of your meal. I mean, you are close and I don't really know any of you so...'' Liam said but he was cut off by the other four lads laughing.

''Do you think we are close? Really? That's a golden one.'' Louis said laughing.

''When I met Zayn I thought he was a douche. Still think that Harry is and Niall called me sir after he hugged me in the first seconds of meeting him. Believe me you are the most normal person that I had a talk with since we got here.'' Louis continued laughing.

''I hope you choke'' Harry said.

''Harold we've been over this. I don't like you and you don't you like me. No need to been acting all I hope you choke and stuff'' Louis said trying to be the bigger person.

''Y'all are something else, I swear'' Liam said laughing while Harry was glaring at Louis.

As they sat down to eat, Louis noticed a brown, leathery notebook with some stars on it.

''Whose that?'' Louis asked as he picked the notebook.

''Mine.'' Harry said with panic clear in his voice, as he quickly grabbed it.


''Bye guys!'' Zayn said.

''I still don't like you Harold'' Louis said opening their apartment door.

''Same here Lewis'' Harry said.

What a great day.

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