Please, flip me off

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''Can you please stop ignoring me? It's been two damn hours.'' Harry said and looked at Louis, who was reading a book, laying on the bed.

''Lou, I said I am sorry.'' Harry said and went laying next to Louis, who didn't even spare a look at him.

''Lou, come on. Don't be so stubborn.'' Harry said and put his hand on Louis' tummy.

No look, no reply.

Harry brushed his nose against Louis' ear and he kissed it.

''Lou.'' Harry said again and kissed his cheek.

''I love you.'' he said and he wrapped his hand around Louis' waist, pulling him closer, spooning him.

Harry kissed Louis' back of his neck, his shoulder and his back but still Louis was too focused on his book that he ignored or at least tried to ignore Harry.

''Talk to me. Say anything, please.'' Harry basically begged Louis.

''Anything.'' Louis said and Harry smiled a little, kissing Louis' shoulder again.

''Hi.'' Harry said.

''Hey.'' Louis replied, still reading his book.

''I'm sorry.'' Harry said again.

''Mhm.'' Louis said.

''Forgive me?'' Harry asked hopefully.

''I don't know.'' Louis said, sighing.

''I am so stupid and I just.. I don't know. Gemma texted and it just affected me and-'' Harry started out but Louis cut him off.

''Gemma? As in your sister Gemma?'' Louis asked and Harry nodded.

'' did you reply?'' he asked and Harry shook his head.

''Nope and I don't think I will but it got me thinking and it got in my head and I just stormed off for no reason and I hurt you with my stupid actions and my big mouth. Sorry, Lou. I am really sorry. I am idiotic, stupid and a jerk.'' Harry said and Louis turned so he could face him.

''It's okay. Family can be hard.'' Louis said with a smile, knowing how hard it is to deal with them sometimes.

''No, it's not. At the same time I want you to forgive me but at the same time I am not worthy of your forgiveness.'' Harry explained and he pressed his nose against Louis' cheek.

''It's okay, just let it go.'' Louis said and gave him a small smile and Harry kissed his cheek.

''I love you so much.'' Harry said and Louis pecked his lips in response.


''The Stylinson couple is back I see. Good, good.'' Zayn said with a smile and he hugged them excited.

''Stylinson?'' Louis asked and Niall replied with a full mouth.

''Styles and Tomlinson combined.'' he explained and Liam nodded next to him.

''Glad to see you two out after only five hours. I thought I would have to spend my whole holidays with you.'' Zayn said and sat on a chair.

''Really, what did you do the whole five hours? I mean, it's a lot of time.'' Liam said, taking a sip of his tea and Harry went to sit on a chair, wincing in pain, as soon as his ass touched the chair and Louis tried to hide his smile.

''Never mind.'' Liam said, rolling his eyes and Harry tried to sit carefully again, breathing heavily.

''So, what do you want to do today? Last day here.'' Niall said excited.

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