We'll see that

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''Niall, I told you a thousand times, you can't keep making sex jokes about me and Harry. It's annoying and again...WE ARE NOT FUCKING DATING!'' Louis said angrily at Niall. Louis was pissed at all of the boys but especially at Niall.

Last night, Liam, Harry, Zayn and Niall went to a club without telling Louis because he was asleep. Louis woke up in the middle of the night without finding any of the boys in their rooms and none of them replying his texts. So Louis, worried sick, had to get up and went to every bar was near trying to find the boys. He finally found Liam and Niall being drunk as fuck, sitting at the bar laughing at something, Zayn hooking up with Elise and Harry fucking a girl in the men's toilets. After, Louis had gathered all the boys outside the bar, he saw Elise alone inside and decided that he should take her to her room too. So he took off his jacket and he made all the boys to hold it tight so no boy would leave, persuading them that it was a magic jacket and it needed to be held by four people, so not to get ruined and they actually believed it- Idiotic little kids-. He hurried inside, grabbed Elise, who could barely stand. When he returned of course Niall motherfucking Horan had ran away. Louis thought that he should probably return all the others home before going out to search for Niall. On their way home, Zayn and Elise wouldn't stop screaming at each other. Literally.

* Flashbacks from last night *

''You know what Zayn? The deal is fucking off. I have met a guy better at sex than you'' Elise said.

''No you haven't. We were literally hooking up, not even half an hour ago.'' Zayn said.

''How dare you?'' Elise said and slapped Zayn, while Liam and Harry were laughing and they were recording the whole thing.

''Seriously guys? You can't even walk but of course you can record Elise and Zayn fighting'' Louis said angrily.

''Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh'' Louis heard Niall screaming.

Wait what?

Louis, then, saw Niall running around shirtless screaming. Liam and Harry burst into laughing and Louis was angry, really angry.

''Niall come back here'' Louis whispered-yelled.

''No because you are mad at Harry for cheating on you!'' Niall said.

Then Louis saw Harry's eyes filling up with tears.

''I am so sorry babe. I swear it didn't mean anything. I-I love you'' Harry said crying, begging Louis.

''ALRIGHT THAT'S IT!'' Louis yelled.

''Niall come right here and you Harry grab Liam's arm. Zayn and Elise shut the fuck up for a second and grab each other's arm. Niall grab mine and let's go because I can't deal with anyone leaving again'' Louis said and took Niall's arm.

After Louis took everyone in their rooms, he realized that he didn't know where Elise's apartment was and the girl could barely walk. Louis unlocked the apartment's door and put Zayn in his bed and Elise at his. Then he took a clean pillow and slept on the couch.

*End of flashbacks*

''So what are we gonna do today?'' Elise asked.

Louis first thing in the morning, told Zayn and Elise to make up or at least tolerate each other when they all wanna hang out together.

''I don't know. Any ideas anyone?'' Harry asked.

''THE WOODS'' Zayn screamed.

''No'' Louis said.

''Come on Lou.'' Zayn said pouting.

''Don't you remember you little shit that they said ''No student is allowed to go to the woods''?'' Louis said.

''Don't you remember me saying ''We'll definitely go to the woods''?'' Zayn said in the same tone.

''I am at Louis' side. Everything that Zayn is thinking is bullshit'' Elise said.

''I am with Zayn'' Niall said.

''Of course you are.'' Louis said, rolling his eyes.

''I am with Zayn too'' Harry said and Liam agreed.

''Yay. Everyone let's meet each at the entrance in 20 minutes'' Zayn said and everyone nodded.


Currently, the boys and Elise were walking towards the woods, cautious of getting caught by a teacher or something. Louis was kicking rocks and he could tell that Harry was annoyed at him for doing that but he didn't really care because these fuckers were pissed last night and Louis was worried sick for them.

''Could you please stop that?'' Harry asked.

''No I can't.'' Louis said.

''What's your problem anyway?'' Harry asked again, slightly annoyed.

He thought that him and Louis were making progress the past two months. They weren't best friends but they didn't hate each other either. Guess he was wrong.

''You wanna know what my fucking problem is? You take my friends out without telling me, after you have lectured me and basically made me feel like shit because obviously I was manipulating them because I am the rich son of a bitch controlling other people. You know in what condition I found you last night? You were fucking a girl, and you know in what condition Niall was? The fucking worst. You know what could happen to Niall? He was running around shirtless, Harry. He could be expelled or even worst get hit by a car or something. You were supposed to watch them.'' Louis said angrily with teary eyes.

He loved the other boys so much. Niall being a dork and his Irish accent saying stupid jokes and his obsession with food. Zayn being a man, who would live life on edge but always be there for Louis and Payno, who was always so responsible.

''Who the fuck told you that I was supposed to take care of them? I am not their fucking mum and if you expect me to be their babysitter or something you are just fooling yourself.'' Harry said angrily.

''Then stop saying I am just using them, while you do the opposite. You see Styles. I care more about these three boys that you care about any fucking human being. So fucking bite me.'' Louis said and tried to run so he could catch up with the others. But Harry had other plans. He grabbed Louis' wrist and pulled him so close, that their faces could touch and he looked into his icy blue eyes and said.

''You will regret your words Tomlinson.''

''We'll see, Styles'' Louis said before breaking free from his grip.

Louis was mad because Harry was just such a hypocrite. Even if he wants to, he can't forget all the harsh things Harry had said to him and he just couldn't move passed them.

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