I had an epiphany

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Louis was mad.

''Louis?'' Niall asked, pretending that he didn't understand what Harry meant.


Louis was so pissed at Harry. He thought that they all knew something and they weren't telling Louis, even though, they all tried to convince him that they weren't hiding anything from him. The first week Louis thought that Harry was taking some time for himself and he understood that. He really did. It was a lot for someone like Harry. Harry was a free spirit and all these kids around him weren't his kind of thing and Louis knew it so he just let it be. He could have called or text but it was Harry. He didn't expect him to text or call. Harry was the kind of guy, who preferred to talk to you in person than text you. Also, Louis was distracted with the whole moving thing so he didn't really think of Harry that much and the boys and his sisters had such a great time together.

Second week passed and Louis started getting worried about Harry. What if something bad had happened? He even tried to ask the professor about how exactly Harry was attending classes but she told him that it was private information. How private could this shit be? Louis thought but decided to ignore it.

Third week passed and Louis ended up being pissed at him. He genuinely hated Harry. He told him all the bullshit about friendship and that he would be his friend for as long as Louis wanted and the next day he fucking disappeared. Around third week, Louis realized that he hadn't watered the rose and went to his room with a glass of water to water it but when he arrived, what he saw was just a withered rose. The brown, now, petals have fallen on the soft dirt and Louis just picked one up.

So... lifeless.


That was what Harry meant to him.

He was dead to him.

Louis didn't even realize that a tear has slipped from his teared up eyes, as he saw it landing on the wooden table. This was basically his first heartbreak, wasn't it? Ironic because Louis never thought that he would got his heart broken by a BOY. If someone had told him four months ago that he would fall in love with Harry, he would have laughed his ass off. Louis picked up the rose and looked at it. What was he supposed to do with this? Throw it away? Keep it? Louis sighed and poured the water in the pot. Maybe a miracle would happen. It was a pretty rose. It had a light pink color and Louis genuinely loved it. He thought that it was special.


''I asked how Louis reacted to this whole thing but I think I understood pretty well myself.'' Harry said and sighed, looking sadly at Niall, who didn't know what he was supposed to even say.

''Louis hates you.'' Niall said and Harry looked at him kinda lost and shocked, not expecting Niall to choose these words.

''Fair enough.'' Harry said leaving a small laugh at the end, before taking a seat next to Niall.

''When you left Louis was keeping it together because he thought that you left cause it was just too much with the girls and the changes. He was doing fine but after two weeks, he started acting weird and he changed the subject every time we talked about you. Lately, he is so mad when we talk about you and he just flips off but that doesn't mean everything. It's not like he hasn't hated you before. You just have to make him feel the way he did when you were friends.'' Niall explained and Harry smiled, as he put his hand in his hand and took out a package of cigarettes.

''Who said I want to become friends with him?'' Harry said, as he opened the package and put a cigarette between his lips.

''What? You seemed sad and what the fuck are you doing? Are you smoking?'' Niall said before he grabbed cigarette from Harry's lips.

''You know Niall, when I was away nothing happened. Literally nothing. And I had an epiphany. I want to be brave. Like, brave- brave. I am going to tell Louis how I feel.'' Harry said and Niall's mouth hang open.

What the fuck is happening?

''W- what?'' Niall said and Harry smiled before putting another cigarette between his lips.

''Yeah, Ni. Life is too short for me to run away every time and act like a wuss.'' Harry said and lighted the cigarette up, before sucking it.

''And what's with the smoking?'' Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.

''What can I say I am a bad boy.'' Harry said, trying to form smoke rings with his mouth.

''Pf.'' Niall scoffed, rolling his eyes.


''It's going to be okay.'' Niall said at Harry, who looked super anxious.

''It's not. I ruined everything. Let's just go home.'' Harry pleaded Niall but Niall shook his head before opening the car door and exiting it. Harry sighed before opening his and looking around.

That was wrong.


He wants to go home. This was not going to end well... or start well. Louis had bought the house and it looked pretty. Noting had changed outside, except that the grass was mowed and there was a table with some small, white chairs. It looked cute and homey. Niall knocked on the door, before grapping Harry's shoulder tightly, in order for him not to leave.

''Niall you fucking donkey. You are late. Again.'' they heard Louis with his doncaster accent from the inside of the house and someone's footsteps coming closer towards the door. Harry gulped, as he felt his hands sweating. He shouldn't have return... or left. I mean, he basically just studied and went on long walks in the middle of fucking nowhere. His sister and step father were also calling for god knows what reason but Harry didn't pick it up... not even once. He only listened to Louis' voicemails and to songs.

Last afternoon he listened to Louis' last voicemail and he hated the idea of Louis hating him, so he decided to come back but it didn't sound as a good idea right now.

The front door opened after some seconds, that felt like a whole eternity.


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