Don't be sad. You're my favorite :)

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''If I see another pair of glittery boots, I am gonna kill myself.'' Niall said.

''How about these glittery rainbow boots?'' Harry said, making an excited face. Niall looked at him and pretended to point a gun at his head and shooting it.

''I like them.'' Fizzy said.

''See? She has taste.'' Harry said and Zayn looked at him with a bored look.

''You can come back now. Thanks Harold. It meant a lot.'' Louis texted Harry and he got up.

''Let's go see Louis because why not?'' Harry said and everyone looked at him with a confused look. His phone vibrated once again.

''Bring the rose with you.'' (AN THIS SOUNDS DIRTY NOW THAT I READ IT AGAIN)

''Come on, guys.'' Harry said, pulling Liam out of the couch. Once Liam was standing, he run to his room and grabbed the rose. He must water it. He headed towards the kitchen, filled a glass of water and poured it in.

''Where are you Harry?'' Niall called out and Harry headed towards the apartment's entrance, where all the boys and girls were standing.

''Not that stupid rose again.'' Zayn said, rolling his eyes.

''Shut up. It is not stupid.'' Harry said and opened the door.


Liam knocked on Louis' door and he opened it after some seconds.

''Harry tried to kill us from boredom'' Zayn said and stormed into the apartment and sat on the couch. The others followed, except from the twins, who hugged Louis and kissed his chick.

''Are you okay?'' Harry asked, as he handed Louis the rose.

''No. I will explain later.'' Louis said and took the rose, putting it on the table.

''I have already watered it.'' Harry said, while Louis was looking at it. Louis liked the rose. It was like he had a part of Harry with him.

''Thank you.'' Louis said.

''What are you gonna do with the girls?'' Harry asked, as him and Louis were looking at the girls and the boys from the kitchen.

''I don't know yet. I wish I had time to prepare. Tomorrow, I will start looking for a house, school and teachers for their French classes. It is gonna be hard but I can do it, right? I mean, Lottie and Fizzy will help, won't they? I also have to start everything over. I will have to enroll myself on literature classes, quit economics-'' Louis said but Harry cut him off.

''It is gonna be hard but I will help in anyway I can. So will the rest of the boys.'' Harry said, looking at Louis' eyes.

''Thanks, Harold.'' Louis said and hugged him.


''So this is my home.'' Harry said, opening his house's door.

''Thanks for letting us stay, Harry.'' the girls said and Harry said a 'No problem'. The girls run upstairs to see their rooms and Louis and Harry placed their stuff in the living room.

''Seriously Harold, thank you so much for everything.'' Louis said, looking at Harry smiling.

''The rooms are so pretty.'' the twins beamed, running down the stairs.

''Don't run girls.'' Louis said, looking at them.

''You are already like their mum.'' Harry said and Louis and him high-fived.

''I also have fairy tales, girls.'' Harry said excited and the girls screamed a 'yes'.


Louis was currently laying on Harry's couch looking at the ceiling. Harry had left an hour ago, after he read the girls a fairy tale. Louis was going to search for a house with Harry tomorrow and afterwards he had arranged an appointment with the headmaster to enroll himself in literature classes. He had to study hard for the next months to catch up.

''Hi Lou:)'' Harry texted Louis. Louis smiled and replied.

''You have been snobbing me for almost a day. That's rude:(''

''I had to travel all the way to Doncaster to help out a friend.''

''You have other friends other than me? :(''

''Don't be sad. You are my favorite:)''

''Hahaha. Thank God, because otherwise, I would be jealous.''

''I got to go. Niall is throwing up for some reason.''

Louis had to read this text twice because he couldn't believe that Niall actually was throwing up at 2AM. He got up and went to check up on the girls. Fizzy and Lottie were sleeping at the one room and the twins at the other. All the girls were sleeping peacefully, except from Phoebe, who was crying. Louis' eyes widened and picked her up from the bed.

''What's going on Phoebes?'' Louis, whispered as he exited the room, carefully closing the door behind him.

''What is going on, Louis?'' she asked and cried on his shoulder.

''You are safe. We will be fine. We are gonna live in a beautiful house, meet new people, make friends. We can bake cookies tomorrow. Do you want us to bake cookies tomorrow?'' Louis said, smiling, hoping that Phoebe will feel better. Louis hated that he couldn't do anything. They lost their dad in one day. Louis didn't know if they even wanted to leave, they just had to. Louis thought that it would be a good idea for his sisters to go on therapy or something because he knew that it would be hard for them to open up to him.

''I miss mum and the old dad.'' Phoebe said between sobs. Louis missed the times when Mark was normal, when his mum would tell him not to go very hard on him.

''I miss mum too but she is always here.'' Louis said, pointing at Phoebe's heart. Louis and Phoebe were laying on the couch. Phoebe had her head on Louis' chest and Louis was rubbing her back.

''I love you, Louis.'' Phoebe said.

''I love you too.'' Louis said. After a few minutes, Phoebe was asleep and Louis was in deep thoughts.

Who was his dad?

Is Mark lying?

Can he take care of four girls?

If Mark isn't his father, his sisters were half sisters?

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