You can fuck me

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''So, after I have analyzed my feelings for the past six months. Be my boyfriend.'' Louis said and Harry was just standing there stunned. He blinked a few times like he came back to reality and looked at Louis.

''Yes but your way was not romantic either.'' Harry said and got up, hugging Louis tightly, who sighed in relief.

''I literally told you my feelings, you little shit. How more romantic do you want me to be?'' Louis said offended and Harry laughed.

''I am sorry, Lou'' Harry said and kissed Louis' cheekbone.


''That was better.'' Louis said and laughed a little bit.

''Knock, knock.'' Harry said and Louis sighed hitting himself with a pillow.

''I don't want to hear another one.'' Louis whined and Harry pouted.

''Last one. Knock, knock.'' Harry promised and Louis smiled.

''Who's there?'' Louis said and rolled his eyes, playfully.

''A cow.'' Harry said and Louis looked at him with a 'what the fuck' look but Harry just nodded, making him continue.

''A cow who?''

''No, a cow goes moo.'' Harry said and broke into laughing, while Louis just smiled, seeing Harry laughing his ass off.

''That was... tolerable.'' Louis said and Harry pouted once again.

''Come on, that's my best one.'' Harry said and threw his arms in the air.

''Meh. What time is it?'' Louis asked suddenly and Harry shrugged.

''I don't know. Maybe 2p.m?" Harry said and Louis laid on the couch, putting his head on Harry's tummy, looking at Harry, who put his hands on Louis' hair and played with them.''

''I have to leave in one hour.'' Louis said and Harry's smile faded.

''No.'' Harry whispered.

''Yes.'' Louis whispered back and smiled.

''I just want you to stay every day, all day. Why can't you?'' Harry said and groaned.

''I can't I have the girls. You know what's crazy? The said that they will take care of the girls so I can focus on my studies and myself. Like come on, they have been lying to me for my whole life and they expect me to just let my sisters down and not be committed to them.'' Louis said and laughed because he couldn't and didn't want to do that. He loved them way too much to be apart from them and that reminded him that he should arrange a meeting with Liam's dad. Thankfully, Mark didn't do anything to take the girls back, which was a relief but at the same time it worried Louis because what did Mark want and what was his game? Louis looked at Harry, who stood there emotionless and Louis frowned.

''What?" Louis said and Harry looked at him and smiled.

''Nothing.'' Harry said and leaned and kissed Louis on the lips.

''Something is wrong. Did I say something?'' Louis said and Harry shook his head.

''I just don't want you to get mad because we are so good right now.'' Harry said and kissed Louis again.

''But-'' Louis started and Harry kissed him on the lips again. This happened multiple times, until Louis forgot what he even wanted to ask Harry. Maybe or maybe not just said random words, so Harry would cut him off by kissing him.

''Ba-'' *kiss*

''Na-'' *kiss*

''Na-'' *kiss*

''Did you just say banana?'' Harry asked and Louis rolled his eyes.

''Of course. What did you expect?'' he said and Harry laughed before kissing him again.

Suddenly, they both heard Niall yelling from the other side of the front door and they both panicked.

''What do we do?'' Louis asked and Harry tried to calm him down.

''Let's pretend we are fighting and you wanted to see Niall.'' Harry said and Louis nodded but when Harry headed towards the front door, Louis grabbed his arm and pulled him closer and connected their lips for one last time, before Niall entered and ruined their whole 'boyfriend bubble'.

''Hi Niall.'' Harry said, as he opened the door, and Niall entered with his hands, holding groceries.

''Why did it take you so long? Hi Louis. Wait, what are you doing here Louis?'' Niall said and looked genuinely confused because he had no idea why Louis was here. Weren't Louis and Harry fighting or something?

''Uhm I came to see you. It's been a while.'' Louis said and Niall looked again confused.

''Okay... And did you guys fight?'' Niall asked, hesitating a bit and Louis shrugged.

''Ask that dickhead. I have to go.'' Louis said and Niall started saying something but Harry screamed 'Fuck You' at Louis.

''No, fuck YOU.'' Louis said and waved at Niall goodbye, before giving Harry the middle finger.

Not even after a minute he had left the apartment, his phone beeped and it was a message from Harry.

''I guess you can fuck me, if you want'' and Louis laughed, while reading it.


''So, what's up, guys?" Niall said, trying to break the awkward silence.

''Nothing much.'' Louis said, as he was looking something on his phone.

''Fuck guys, we have nothing to talk about? Why has everything changed?'' Zayn said and they all knew the reason but Louis would not admit it or he didn't realize it just yet.

The girls.

Don't get the boys wrong, they loved the girls and they were great kids, like super nice. Lottie and Fizzy were almost same age, as the boys, which made it more comfortable to spend time with them. The problem is that they were just... there. They couldn't do anything that would put them at risk. For example, they couldn't go outside because they couldn't leave the girls alone. Louis couldn't go out at night, get drunk, spend time with them outside the house, come home early and be a fucking teenager in college in general. The boys couldn't pretend that they didn't see Louis' dark circles under his eyes, the pressure of studies, the girl and the football, the insecurity, that even though he was going to therapy had grown. Every time that the boys would suggest to go somewhere, Louis would deny because he always had something to do. But as the days, the weeks and the months passed the boys would stop asking and expected Louis to tell them when he wanted to go out. This made Louis feel bad, the fact that he always had to deny and that he would see the boys getting disappointed and sad about it.

''I know.'' Liam said and all the boys raised their eyes, while Harry, Zayn and Niall shook their heads 'No'.

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