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''So, where are you going?'' Liam asked Louis, who was putting on his shoes.

''Uhm I have something but I will return at evening.'' Louis said and Liam looked at him suspiciously.

''My father called and he said that we should all got to dinner at my house next Saturday and you can discuss about the whole Mark thing.'' Liam said and Louis nodded.




It has been a while. In fact, three months, since he had heard from him, which was weird because maybe he is preparing something, something bad. And the fact that he wasn't Louis' biological father worried him even more. Now, Mark wouldn't give a shit about taking Louis down. It wasn't as if he was his actual son. He hadn't talked to Harry about his father, since that night that he found out and called him but he was thinking about it every day. Somewhere out there, his father was alive. Maybe, he was searching for him but probably not. Louis was everywhere in the media, due to his step-father's but still no sigh of Adam.

''Okay. Bye, Liam.'' Louis waved goodbye and Liam smiled at him.

Just after the day that him and Liam fought, Liam and the rest of them apologized. Of course, they realized that they didn't have the right to tell Louis what was right for him or his sisters and Louis forgave them because he knew that lately, everything was too much for them and for him and it was a sure thing that they would have fights but at the end of the day, these four boys and his sisters were the closest he had to a family.


''Where are you now?'' Harry asked, excited.

''On my way.'' Louis replied, smiling, while walking down the road.

''Run.'' Harry said through the other line.

''No, in fact, I am walking slower because you didn't let me take my car and made me all the way from my apartment.'' Louis complained. Suddenly, two arms were around Louis' waist.

''Harry help me.'' Louis said through the phone.


''Hi.'' Harry said in Louis' ear and Louis fell on the ground, in the middle of the road.

''Oh shit. Are you alright, Lou? I am sorry.'' Harry said and kneeled next to him.

''And you want our kids to remember that?'' Louis said, his heart still pounding.

''I got so scared. Oh My God.'' Louis breathed out and Harry felt bad because he scared Louis, even though it was a joke.

''I am so sorry. I just wanted to surprise you.'' Harry whispered and Louis smiled at him.

''It's okay. I just got super scared because we are in the middle of nowhere.'' He said and went closer to Harry.

''How about we start our date from now? Our kids won't have to know about this.'' Harry said and Louis smiled.

''About the time you almost gave their father a heart attack?'' Louis asked innocently and Harry rolled his eyes.

''3 , 2 , 1'' Harry said.

And oh well, Louis kissed him.


''Sorry, I thought this was a remake of New Year's'' Louis explained and Harry laughed.


''So, what have you planned, you non-basic person that actually chose the most basic place, that he could.'' Louis said and Harry rolled his eyes.

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