Don't touch my fucking books

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''FOR GOD'S SAKE NIALL'' Louis yelled.

''What?'' Niall asked, having his mouth stuffed with cake.

''YOU FUCKING DROPPED TEA ON ME, YOU FOOKING IRISH SHIT'' Louis screamed. It hurt because it was really hot too.

''Oops?'' Niall said smiling sheepishly.

''Oops? That's all you have to say? I swear your Irish ass is so freaking clumsy'' Louis said, sighing.

''Well boys I am out.'' Harry called, coming out of his room, wearing a purple floral shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned, black skinny jeans and brown boots.

''Like what you see huh?'' Harry asked Louis with a smirk.

''You wish, don't ya curly? Sorry to break it to you but I was just looking at your ridiculous shirt. It is the ugliest one I have ever seen,'' Louis replied, pointing at his shirt.

''Whatever, the ladies and even the boys like them'' Harry said winking.

''Zack, Lewis, Niall'' Harry said and opened the door.

''Our names are Zayn and Louis, shithead'' Louis mumbled but Harry had already left.

''Well me and Zayn have to go somewhere. You can stay here if you like. We will be back in like thirty minutes'' Niall said grabbing his coat.

''Wait you guys where are you going?'' Louis asked.

''Something came up. Don't worry'' Zayn said and opened the door.

They left.


Louis sat down on the couch and patted his knees, until he saw a bookcase with books. He went closer and started looking at the titles. They were old copies, probably expensive as fuck.

He opened a random one and on the front page there was a quote.

''Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.''

Louis looked at the book title ''Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island''

He took another one, opened the front page

''If you dont imagine, nothing ever happens at all.-John Green, Paper Towns''

Same handwriting.

Opened another one.

''Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.- John Green, The Fault in Our Stars''

''We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire''

''Its only after we've lost everything that were free to do anything.- Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club''

''It is never too late to be wise.- Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe''

''When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist''

''Get busy living, or get busy dying.- Stephen King, Different Seasons''

All of these books had a quote written on the first page. Then it clicked. Niall writes his favorite quote on every book like Louis tattooed his favorite one. Who would think that the chatty, happy, Irish lad had such a deep love for books and he was so spiritual. Impressive. Never judge a book by his cover.

As he was looking at the books, he heard kissing and whispers outside the door. Seconds later the door was opened and Louis saw a drunk Harry kissing a probably even more drunk, blonde woman.

''Oops Lewis didn't see you there. Wanna have a threesome?'' he asked with a smirk, clearly drunk too.

''Oh baby yeah! He is hot'' the woman said.

''I think I'll pass'' Louis said disgusted.

Harry then led the blonde girl into his room and said

''Told ya the shirt is working and Hey Lewis, Don't touch my fucking books''

Louis would have sworn that he saw Harry's green eyes turning darker after that but it just disappeared as soon as it appeared.

''My name is Louis'' is all that he said and he opened the door, existing the apartment, making sure he banged the door.

On his way to his room, he bumped into Niall and Zayn, who was holding a big box.

''Hey why aren't you in the apartment?'' Niall asked

''Well, Mr. Styles is having a good time and he likes screaming, if you know what I mean'' Louis said rolling his eyes.

''Ugh again? I swear last night there were not one but two girls. And I saw him like 10 minutes before they were sitting on the couch. He was alone.'' Niall said, serious.

''Anyways, what is in this box Zayn?'' Louis asked.

''It's a lot like a lot home-made samosas by my mum. I love them so much'' Zayn said with a dreamy look.

''What the hell is a samosas?'' Louis asked.

''It's like a spicy pastry in the shape of a triangle and it is filled with meat and vegetables.'' Zayn replied.

So the boys walked all the way to Zayn and Louis' apartment and just hang out there for a while until Louis said:

''Harry has a lot of books, doesn't he?''

''Yup, he is a freaking nerd and he has this little stupid thing that he does after reading a book. He writes his favorite quote off the book and then he just writes his whole opinion and review of the book with beautiful letters and then he perfumes the paper, which he choses the color of the paper based of what color the vibe of the book gives off.'' Niall said and then he shook his head laughing.

''He is a nice lad, like really nice but he can be cheesy sometimes.'' Niall continued.

Louis could not believe it

He just couldn't.

He did the same thing.

He used the same perfume for every paper. An expensive one that smell like flowers. It smelled like home for Louis and he uses a wooden box to keep every little paper, every little review of every book that he read since he was 10 years old. It was the same box that his mum gave him when he told her about this idea of his, so he could remember every book that he read. The same box, where his mum kept the exact same perfume that perfumes the small papers. In the bottom of the box there was a card from his own mum that said ''This is your box that will be filled with all these new worlds that can travel you anywhere. I love you boo bear, mum.''

''Yeah he is so lame'' Louis said and scoffed,


''Well, boys today was awesome but I have to go back to my apartment. Harry has finished, like literally'' Niall said and laughed.

''I also want to go buy some chips'' Zayn said grabbing his jacket.

''See ya'' Louis said and went into his room.


Zayn was walking into the hallways when he bumped into a blonde girl.

''Fuck'' Zayn said when he saw her eyes.

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