Always check the ID

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''Zayn-'' Louis started out.

''What? You tell this bitch to come here for what?'' Zayn said upset.

''I am the bitch, you fucking asshole?'' Elise yelled at him and was ready to slap him but Harry grabbed her hand last minute and helped her calm down, while Louis did the same with Zayn.

''Yes you are, when you do some fucked up shit like that.'' Zayn yelled.

''Fucked up shit? I am helping us both.'' Elise said, defending herself.

''Without asking me? You thought that you were helping us.'' Zayn said, emphasizing on the 'us'.

''Ask you? Even if you said no to me having an abortion, I still would do that because you may think I am selfish but I give us both a future and a damn good one, so you can provide your future children a good life. Thinking only about me?'' Elise said and Zayn stomped his foot on the wooden floor loudly.

''Who told you that I couldn't provide for it?'' Zayn yelled back.

''Even if you could, I wouldn't want you to. I know that you have been saving up money, I know that you want to travel and that you want to visit galleries all over the world. I am not going to tell you to quit this amazing school and work at a fucking diner, while your only connection with art is drawing graffities on fucking walls in that shithole, Bradford.'' Elise yelled and Zayn groaned.

''The problem is that you didn't give me a damn choice. I wanted that fucking choice.'' Zayn said, more calming this time, as if he was exhausted emotionally and physically, because he didn't even get a minute of sleep last night.

''You didn't get your choice because you would ruin yourself if you made that choice. Right now, right at this moment, you would head to the headmaster's office and tell him that you would quit. Right now, you would call your mum and tell her that you were going to have a child and that you quit your dream school. Even if you say you wanted this, I didn't want this for you, okay? So, just leave me alone'' Elise yelled back.

''Why do you make it sound like you did this for me, as if you are a hero?'' Zayn asked.

''I did it for both of us. I did for me too, okay? Yeah, I did. Sue me. If you want a kid so bad, go fuck a whore and have a child with her. What is done, is done.'' Elise said and grabbed her purse and coat and headed towards the front door.

''I hate you so much right now. You have no fucking idea how.'' Zayn yelled and headed towards the front door too.

''Shit.'' Harry mumbled.

''Fuck.'' Louis mumbled back.

''Cool.'' Elise said and opened the door, waiting for Zayn to exit first.

''Thanks Louis and Harry. See you, I guess.'' Elise said and exited too.

''What did just happen?'' Harry mumbled and Louis shrugged.

''I never thought they would end up like this.'' Louis said, a little disappointed because they were made for each other, according to him.

''It's not the end. You'll see.'' Harry said and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist, pulling him closer and Louis had a small, sad smile on his face and he started pinching Harry's arms, slightly and was really focused on it, as it was the most important thing in the world, deep in his thoughts.

''What's wrong?'' Harry said pouting a little and shook Louis a little to get his attention.

''Nothing.'' Louis said and gave him a bigger smile, which Harry understood it wasn't quite genuine.

''Come on, Lou. I know that there is a lot on your plate right now but everything is going to be alright and it's okay if you don't want to tell me, okay?'' Harry said and pressed a soft kiss on Louis' forehead.

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