He needs love

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Louis was currently at the school library, looking for a book to read.

Lately, things were going just fine. He went out with the boys and Elise is pretty close with all of them, even with Zayn. They were all preparing themselves for Christmas because they didn't know if they would go home or stay at the school and spent them together. Louis wanted to go home and see his sisters but didn't want to see his father. He would start talking about the business and how Louis was doing at school and Louis did not want to discuss it. He knew he would have a great time with the boys and he really wanted to stay with them but his father would start questioning and stuff.

''Hi Lou'' Harry said behind him, smiling.

''Hi Harold'' Louis said.

''It's Harry. What are you doing here?'' Harry asked.

''Looking for a book you fucking idiot'' Louis replied, rolling his eyes.

Him and Harry have become good friends and Niall, for some reason, couldn't be happier.

''There aren't many good books here... Wanna come to my apartment so I can lend you one?'' Harry asked. Louis raised an eyebrow, before saying 'yes'. Louis followed Harry upstairs to his apartment, where they found a guy, who was ready to leave. Louis made a confused face, while Harry was just watching the guy leaving. Then Harry turned his eyes and looked at Louis. His eyes were darker than usual and Louis thought that it would be better not to ask, even though Louis knew that this was probably one of Harry's one-night-stands. Harry had at least one-night-stand every day and Louis absolutely hated it. Harry often ditched him and the boys, so he could return home with someone.


Louis went towards the library and starting looking at the books. He grabbed a book ''The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria Augusta von Trapp''. Louis opened the front page and saw We learned the shocking truth that "home" isn't necessarily a certain spot on earth. It must be a place where you can "feel" at home, which means "free" to us. in Harry's handwriting.

''That's a good one'' Harry said taking the book from Louis' hands and looking at it.

''Can I borrow this one?'' Louis asked pointing at it.

''Sure'' Harry said smiling, giving it back to him. Suddenly, Harry's phone rang and he went to his room to answer it. As Harry was talking, Louis looked around. Surprisingly it wasn't messy. considering that Niall lived here. The living room wasn't small, but not big either. It had one big brown couch and a coffee table. There were some paintings hanged on the beige walls. There were also some vinyls, laying around. Louis grabbed one and saw ''1989- Taylor Swift'' Harry was a Taylor Swift fan? Louis looked at the coffee table again and saw Harry's notebook. Harry never let anyone of them to touch it and Louis was tempted to take a look at it, but he probably shouldn't.

What the hell?

Louis grabbed it and opened the front page. It just said ''Property Of Harry Styles. Please don't open.'' Louis felt bad but he really wanted to see what Harry was writing and why he was so mysterious about it. He took a deep breathe and flipped the page. It was just some small sentences, really random.

''I miss her''


''She is alive''


''Not alone''

''He did it''

Louis didn't understand a thing and passed through some pages.

''I don't like it here''

''He doesn't care''

''Wants me to stay''

''I met an Irish guy''

''We live together''

''He is funny''

He was talking about Niall. He keeps memories through small sentences? Is this a short form of diary? Are these written like this so no one can understand, except him?

''What are you doing?'' Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

''I am so sorry'' Louis said closing the notebook and giving it back to Harry. Harry didn't seems upset or anything, in fact, he was...smirking?

''How long did you read?'' he asked.

''Until, you meeting Niall'' Louis said, gulping.

''And did you understand anything, except Niall?"' Harry asked, smiling because he knew that no one could possibly understand anything about his diary.

Louis whispered a simple 'no' and stared at his feet.

''Good.'' Harry said and sat on the couch. ''How about we watch a movie?'' he asked excitedly.

Louis just nodded and sat next to him. He really felt embarrassed because of what he did but also felt thankful for the fact that Harry didn't make a big deal out of it. Harry chose to watch ''The Notebook''.

''Ugh this one again? I swear this is the most stupid movie of all time and to be honest it's kinda girly lad.'' Louis said.

''Bet you are gonna cry?'' Harry asked offering Louis his hand to Louis.

''Loser gets an embarrassing tattoo that the other chooses.'' Louis said, laughing.

''Sure'' Harry said and Louis shook his hand.


''It was one fucking tear'' Louis exclaimed.

''BUT IT IS CONSIDERED CRYING SO MR TOMLINSON YOU ARE GETTING TATTOOED HAHAHAHA'' Harry basically screamed. Louis had never seen Harry so happy and all of that because Louis lost their bet. Harry hadn't told him what tattoo Louis would get but Louis knew that it would be something embarrassing.

''Whatever'' Louis scoffed as he was opening the tattoo shop's door.

''What are we doing today?'' the tattoo man asked and Harry showed the man and the man laughed and asked where.

''On his ass'' Harry said, smiling and Louis' jaw dropped and shook his head.

''I am not tattooing anything on my ass.'' Louis said and folded his arms.

''I was just kidding'' Harry said laughing and went closer to the tattoo artist and whispered something in his ear, as he showed him again the photo on his phono. The tattoo artist nodded and took Louis arm, while Harry had put his hands on Louis' eyes. Louis was sure that he would regret the whole bet but what could he do? So he sat silent and in about half an hour the tattoo was done. It wasn't big and Louis when he saw it almost cried. This words made him hate his current life but he was confused because how did Harry know? Louis looked at the tattoo with teary eyes. It was written with small delicate letters just above Louis' wrist, on the one side.

Don't try to make me grow up before my time.

''Lou, are you Ok?'' Harry asked him with a worried look.

''It's perfect'' Louis whispered and hugged Harry, as he let some tears fall. (A/N it is just getting worse bruh. Why was I so cringe this summer?)


That night Harry opened his diary and wrote

''Let him be the same''

''He is a small kid''

''He needs love''



''He is alone''

''Help him''

''Be happy''

''He feels lonely''

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