He is getting all shadow

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Louis returned home from his first lesson, only to find Elise and Zayn making out. Again. Zayn and Elise are into some kind of agreement or something and Elise comes for at least a hook up a day but it always ended in the same way. Elise screaming a ''Fuck you'' to Zayn before banging the door, leaving.

It was routine at this point.

Louis went to his room and changed his clothes, into more cozy ones and sat on his bed . He finished Harry's book last night and he ended up crying. Like crying a little too much. His eyes were still red and puffy from last night.

He opened the box and chose a small pink paper. Pink symbolizes love and romance and this book was about the love that siblings have and about them finding their true love. After Louis was done writing and perfuming the little paper, he grabbed a paper and wrote his favorite quote of the book.

Don't try to make me grow up before my time.

He liked this quote. He related to it. And for the first time in his whole life Louis realized that he didn't want to own a fucking company by the time he is 21 or 22. Louis wanted to be free. Louis wanted to travel. Louis wanted to do something that would make him happy. It didn't matter what. He wanted... he wanted...

He wanted to become a teacher. He wanted to teach young people about art. About books. He opened the box and read every little review of every book he had ever read. He read the Peter Pan's review and he teared up. He looked at his letters. He wrote that when he was 10 years old and he realized that what Louis wanted to be was Peter Pan. A boy living alone in an island, leaving his dreams and not having people controlling him or parents. A free boy. A boy who didn't have to dream because that boy could do anything he wanted. When people are free, they don't have to dream. They can do anything they want. Louis wanted that so badly that it was killing him. All these years of listening ''Louis you are a Tomlinson. You will take over the family business.'' and all that kind of shit, Louis realized that no one ever asked him about what he wanted. Only his mum, but she was long gone and Louis needed her more than anything right now. Louis didn't realize that he was crying but he didn't care, because right now, right at this moment Louis didn't want any of this. Louis wanted a new life. Louis wanted to be someone else. He opened the box again and took out the last piece of paper. It was a letter. A letter that his mum wrote before she passed away. No one knew it existed. Louis wanted to keep something for himself. A piece of his mum was in that letter. Louis opened it and started reading it. After he finished reading it he put everything in place he grabbed his jacket and left the apartment.

He ran. Again. He found himself at the field again and he sat down at the lawn. He looked around. No soul and Louis liked that. Louis laid down and he looked at the sky. It started getting dark and Louis sat there, for God knows how long. Louis heard shoes stepping on the soft grass but didn't turn his head. He didn't care. He closed his eyes and dreamed of a life...a different life.

And he fell asleep.

Louis felt someone carrying him and then he was placed in a soft bed. Louis didn't react to any of that. He was too tired, so he just went with it. Then he heard a door being closed and a light turning off.


The next day Louis opened his eyes and saw a boy with long curly hair sleeping beside him, his arms, which were covered in tattoos, wrapped around him and he opened his eyes widely and jumped off the bed. Unfortunately, Niall happened to walk in at the same time.

''Yes they are finally fucking. How is the sex? No wait I got to call Zayn and Liam'' Niall said and ran to the kitchen to grab his phone.

''No wait!'' Louis said but at the same time Harry woke up and asked 'What is going on?' Louis rolled his eyes and he went to the kitchen.

''And Zayn you won't believe it Harry wasn't alone there. Guess who was there... Louis. Louis got banged by Harry last night. Wait what if Harry got banged by Louis. Louis! Hey! Are you topping?'' Niall asked and then Louis ran towards him, grabbed his phone and broke it in two.

''You filthy leprechaun'' Louis said as Harry was entering the kitchen.

Yeah. Apparently Niall's dad demanded a room with a kitchen. So their apartment had a kitchen. Not really big but it was enough for Niall to make his midnight snacks.

Harry was only wearing his black sweatpants and his toned chest had some tattoos too. His long hair were messy from sleeping and they were falling on his shoulders but he still looked good as fuck.

''Niall look at me. Last night I went to the field, as I told you, and I saw Louis so I went to say a hi and Louis was asleep. I took him to his apartment but I heard moans, so I thought that it would be better here and then you found us. I swear nothing happened and Louis didn't even know it was me'' Harry said in a serious tone.

''So I was wrong. Great I own Liam 10 dollars'' Niall said taking a sip of his coffee.

''Wait...You have bet on when we will sleep together? Sorry Ni but I am not into dudes'' Louis said laughing.

''We'll see'' Niall said smirking

''Niall, Louis is not my type.'' Harry said rolling his eyes.

''Ok'' Niall said shrugging.

''Wait who was moaning at my apartment?'' Louis said.

''Hey guys.'' Zayn said, entering the apartment

''Never mind'' Louis said.


''So, you woke up at Harry's bed'' Liam asked.

''Yup'' Louis replied.

Liam and Louis decided to hang out because they hadn't done that in a long time. They decided to go to a small café and they talked about a lot of stuff. Liam was studying psychology and Niall business. He had two older sisters and he liked music. They talked about the early years and then Liam asked:

''Why were you at the field yesterday?''

''Uhm you know I just wanted to relax and stuff and no one goes there so-''

''Louis are you ok?'' Liam asked.

''Yeah everything is fine.'' Louis said with a smile.

''If you say so but you know you can talk to me any time'' Liam said.

''I know Payno. Thank you.'' Louis said.


That night Harry decided to read ''Little Women'' because he hadn't in so long.

Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow.

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