I am already hurt, Niall

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''Let's braid our hair!'' Daisy said excited and Phoebe clapped in excitement.

''Yes.'' Elise said. ''Phoebe is braiding Daisy's and I'll do Phoebe's'' she continued and the girls nodded.

''So anything special happening while you were away?'' Zayn asked and Elise shook her head.

''Nothing special happened, to be honest.'' Elise said.

''How's your family?'' Zayn asked again.

''Good. Still pissed at you, though.'' Elise said, laughing.

''You are really enjoying this, aren't you?'' Zayn said and Elise nodded, laughing even harder.

''Guess who is back.'' Louis called out, as he entered the apartment with Harry by his side, smiling.

''Louis!'' the twins exclaimed from the living room and Elise finished their hair, as fast as, she could.

''Elise'' Louis said surprised, before hugging her.

''Louis.'' Elise said happily and hugged him back.

''Harold.'' she called out Harry's name and hugged him.

''How could you do this to me?'' Niall said, as soon as, he saw Louis entering the flat.

''What?'' Louis asked, while hanging his scarf.

''You allow your sister to cook?'' Niall asked, pretending to be offended.

''Fizzy is cooking? Awesome.'' Louis said.

''So, did you guys find a house?'' Liam asked.

''Kind of.'' Harry replied.

''We saw this house, which was perfect on our way to see one house but no one was inside. We scheduled an appointment for tomorrow.'' Louis said, excited to see the inside of the house.

''Food is ready.'' Fizzy said and everyone got up and went to the kitchen.

''What have you cooked?'' Elise asked.

''Chicken wrapped in parmaham, stuffed in mozzarella with a side of homemade mass.'' Fizzy said.

''I know how to make that too.'' Louis said, proudly.

''No you don't. We got food poisoning because of you.'' Lottie mumbled and Louis glared at her. After everyone was served, they sat on the table, which surprisingly fit all of them. Everyone took a bite and moaned as they congratulated Fizzy.

''Let's see.'' Niall said, taking a first bite.

''Marry me.'' he said immediately.

''No'' Louis and Fizzy said at the same time, not even looking at him.

''Be my personal cook?'' he asked, hopefully.

''No'' Fizzy and Louis said again.

''Cook regularly?''

''Yes'' Louis said.

''No'' Fizzy replied immediately.

''Why?'' Niall whined.

''Because you were mean to me for the past two and a half hours.'' Fizzy replied, with a whining tone, mimicking Niall's Irish accent. Louis glared at Niall and asked immediately.

''Hey Niall, what did you do to my younger sister?'' Louis asked with a fake smile. Niall gulped before answering.

''I just said that she shouldn't cook because she is very young but clearly I was mistaken and I am apologizing. I am sorry, Fizzy.'' Niall said looking at Fizzy.

''It's okay. So here's my deal. I cook for you guys once a week but that's it.'' Fizzy said and everyone nodded and Niall slightly pouted.

''So we have a deal?'' Fizzy said, offering Niall her hand. Niall looked at the food and then at her before shaking her hand.

''Deal.'' Niall said, looking serious.

''That was weird.'' Zayn said, before focusing again on his plate.


''So guys, I will be back in a while. Take care and Harry if anything happens, call me.'' Louis said, as he was putting on his jacket and Harry nodded. Louis opened the door and left, heading towards the headmaster's office. When he arrived to his office, he knocked on the door and he waited for a 'Enter' by the headmaster, before opening the door and entering the office. He still remembers the day that he came after Cowell caught him and the others in the woods. A lot had changed since then.

''Oh Mr. Tomlinson. I was expecting you.'' Mr. Charles said, before getting up and offering Louis' his hand. Louis shook it with a smile on his face.

''So what do I own the pleasure?'' Mr. Charles said, before sitting down and leaning, slightly backwards.

''I was wondering if I could change classes and change the account for the tution fees?'' Louis said, scratching the back of his neck.

''Mr. Tomlinson, I don't think that you can change classes for this year. There has been a great amount of work done and you won't be able to catch up.'' the headmaster said and Louis felt himself getting upset. No, no, no this can not happen. Louis must change classes now. He would do anything needed to start English literature.

''Mr. Charles, please let me change classes. I will catch up fast and I can give the exams right now. Just please, let me attend the classes for a month tops. Please. I am not going to economics anyways, so I am just gonna wait until next year.'' Louis basically pleaded headmaster Charles to change classes and Louis sounded extremely promising for the headmaster not to even think about it.

''Ok, Louis. But if you don't pass the class then you are not going to make to the next year and you will have to restart next year.'' the headmaster said, looking at Louis serious.

''Yes, you won't regret this sir. Thank you so much. Also the tution fees will be taken from the account 'Louis Tomlinson' and not 'Mark Tomlinson.'' Louis, quickly added and the headmaster nodded before writing it down.

When Louis exited the office, he run towards Niall and Harry's apartment and opened the door.

''STYLES YOU HAVE A NEW CLASSMATE.'' Louis yelled and everyone screamed, before hugging him all, tightly.

''Wait how did he let you join the class after the first semester? He had refused a lot of times to other students.'' Liam said and Louis smirked.

''Oh Payno, I can be very persuasive some times.'' Louis said, before winking.

''How are you gonna catch up, though?'' Niall said and Harry said immediately

''I can tutor you.'' he said and Niall looked at him surprised.

''Thank you so much, Harold.'' Louis said and hugged him.


''Harry what are you doing?" Niall said, as soon as the boys left.

''Not now, Niall.'' Harry said without looking at him.

''Harry.'' Niall said and Harry looked at him with a cold stare.

''Niall.'' Harry replied, slowly, still looking at him.

''Look, just be careful. Take a step back. I don't wanna see you getting hurt.'' Niall said and Harry got up.

''I am already hurt Niall. I am just trying to make a person not be as hurt as I am because Louis really needs it, right now.'' Harry said, before opening his bedroom door and closing it. Niall, sighed.

This is not gonna end well and no one is prepared for that, not even Niall.

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