You killed her

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''Harry it's okay. Wake up. It is just a dream.'' Niall said, shaking Harry, who was covered in sweat and was screaming.

''Where is my mum? I want to see my mum. You killed her.'' Harry was screaming. His eyes were wide open and tears were running down his face. Even, though, he seemed awake, Niall knew he wasn't. Niall rushed to the kitchen and brought a glass of water with him. He splashed some drops of water on Harry's face. Harry was still screaming. Niall kept splashing water, until Harry took a deep breath and his eyes widened. Niall felt relieved, as he saw that Harry awake. He still remembered the first night he spent at this apartment, a few months ago. Niall was terrified of Harry, the first day he had met him.


Harry entered the apartment, wearing an unbuttoned, purple shirt, black skinny jeans and brown boots. His fingers were covered in rings. His emerald eyes looked at Niall with a furious look.

''Harry Styles.'' he said.

''Niall Horan.'' Niall replied and offered him his hand. Harry just ignored it and looked at Niall.

''Never touch my stuff and if you hear any screams at night, do not come in my room. Do you understand?'' Harry asked and Niall nodded, gulping.

''I want words.'' Harry ordered.

''Y- yes.'' Niall stuttered.

''Good.'' Harry said and went to his room, shutting the door behind him.

Harry that night drank a lot of coffee, in order not to sleep. Everything was so messed up. He had sworn that he wouldn't make any friends and he did good. Niall must absolutely hate him. That's good.


He had just bought a house, but he still couldn't sleep alone. He didn't want to be friends with Niall but he didn't want to stay alone. He was so pathetic. He opened a book and started reading it. Even, though he tried hard to keep his eyes open, he couldn't stay awake.


''Mum?'' Harry called out, as he entered the house. Everything was different. The house was dark and Harry was scared. His mum would usually come and greet him and ask him how his day went. He looked around, hoping he could find his mother. He hated being alone. He tried calling out his sister's name.


No answer.

He climbed the stairs and he saw his sister and his stepfather, Robin. He rushed towards them but they were just standing there frozen.

''What's going on? Where is mum?'' Harry asked, smiling.

No answer.

Harry was confused because he didn't understand what was happening and no one was telling him. Robin and Gemma's eyes were glued on the closed bathroom door. Harry looked at the door and at his stepfather and decided to open it. He opened the door carefully and looked inside. He couldn't see much, so he walked in. His heart was pounding in his chest. There was red water running down the cold white marble. His breathing was heavy, as he went closer.

And there she was.
Anne, his mum, with eyes wide open. She looked pale and she was in her own blood. Harry started screaming and shook her shoulders but he got no response. Tears were streaming down his face as he pleaded her to move or say something. He looked at the door, where his stepfather and sister were standing, emotionless.

''Robin, Gemma. Do something!'' Harry yelled.

No response.


Niall was listening to screaming that night but he didn't know if he should or shouldn't check up on Harry.

''Fuck it.'' Niall mumbled and got up. He opened his door and headed towards Harry's room. He opened the door and saw Harry talking and screaming. Niall didn't know what to do but he decided that he should probably wake him up. He tried to shake him but he didn't wake up. He went to the kitchen and brought a glass of water, which dumped on him. Harry woke up and looked at Niall with a furious look.

''Are you okay, you fucking idiot? I almost died. Do you fucking know that I could have a freaking heart attack?'' Harry yelled at Niall immediately. Niall was stunned because he didn't understand what he had done wrong. He just wanted to help. Harry sighed, looking at Niall.

''Look, I'm sorry. I-I just don't let people in very easily. You know what? Let's start everything again. Hi! I'm Harry Styles and I love books and I have this weird habit, where I write reviews of every book I have ever read, I perfume the paper and I put it in a small wooden box.'' Harry said and offered his hand.

Niall looked shocked and an awkward silence fell between them, when Niall suddenly grabbed his hand, shaking it, smiling.

''Nice to meet you Harry. My name is Niall Horan and I am Irish. I play the guitar and the piano.''

''Nice to meet you Niall.'' Harry said, chuckling because the first thing that Niall told him was that he is Irish.

''So what are you studying?'' Harry asked.

''Business Management.'' Niall said.

''I am studying English literature.'' Harry said.

They chatted for an hour, until Niall checked his watch and saw that it was almost 6AM.

''Well, it was great talking to you, Harry but I should probably let you sleep.'' Niall said, getting up from Harry's bed. Harry nodded, smiling and as Niall was ready to exit the door, Harry spoke out.

''Niall'', he exclaimed and Niall turned his head.

''Thanks for being nice to me, after all the horrible things I said to you.'' Harry said with eyes full of regret.

''You seemed pretty polite. What are you talking about?'' Niall said, pretending like nothing had happened, before Harry apologized earlier. Harry laughed and opened his book, as Niall had already gone to his bedroom.

*End Of Flashback*

''Are you okay, Harry?'' Niall said, as he was rubbing his back gently.

''Yeah, I'm fine, sorry.'' Harry said with a guilty look in his eyes.

''We have been over this a thousands times, Harry. Don't apologize. You are my friend. I am happy to help you.'' Niall said, smiling and Harry gave him a weak smile. Niall was worrying about Harry. This has happened over fifty minutes and Niall was pretty sure that Harry just tried not to sleep or yell multiple times and Niall had no idea. Niall was literally begging him to go to a psychiatrist but Harry was always refusing. Harry got up and put on his clothes.

''Where are you going?'' Niall asked.

''Go to sleep Niall. I'm going for a walk.'' Harry said and Niall looked confused.

''Niall.'' Harry said, before opening the front door.

''What?'' Niall asked.

''I'm sorry for today and last night. It's not your fault.'' Harry said and Niall said an 'It's okay.'

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