I don't feel okay when I'm not with him

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''How are you feeling?'' Harry asked and Louis, who was sitting on the counter and looking at Harry doing the dishes, that the boys left on the table.


''Weird. Now I get why I wanted us to stay a secret. You?'' Louis said and Harry sighed.

''Honestly? Same. It's just felt strange there and they are our friends. Will it be that way with anyone?'' Harry said and Louis looked at him with a sad look.

He felt relieved that the boys knew it but at the same time he wanted to go back in time and just not enter this house with Harry, like he did some hours ago. Even Niall was optimistic at first but then he was shocked, like way too much and Liam looked like he definitely didn't want to be there. Is this how it's going to be from now on, because nothing has changed at all for Louis. Harry was still Harry. He wasn't Harry Styles. He was Harry because now Louis knew who Harry was and he loved everything about it.

''No, it won't. You know what? Let others think what they want okay? We will act like we do and they can either accept that or just... screw them.'' Louis said and Harry smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

''Don't be scared okay? We will make it because I love you and that's the only thing that matters, right?'' Louis said and got out of the counter and went near Harry, wrapping his hands around his waist, hugging him.

''Yes. I love you too. Never forget that. Even when I do something shitty, remember that.'' Harry said and kissed the top of Louis' head.

''What did you do?'' Louis asked suspiciously.

''Nothing, I swear, but if I do something, remember that I love you and I will always do.'' Harry said and Louis smiled.

''Then, don't mess everything up because I will kill you.'' Louis warned Harry and he laughed a little.

He didn't want to tell him about his past life, his family, the old Harry. He didn't. Because then, Louis would see how fucked up Harry was and he would leave him, like his mum did, because Harry was not a good boy and he was always in trouble.

Even his own mum couldn't stand him.


''Okay, what the fuck was that Niall?'' Harry asked, as soon as he entered his and Niall's apartment and Niall raised his eyes from his book but didn't say anything.

''What the fuck was that reaction? Louis felt ba-'' Harry said but Niall scoffed.

''What are you scoffing at?'' Harry asked offended and Niall closed his book, placing it next to him on the coffee table.

''That Louis is your boyfriend and that you didn't even tell me.'' Niall said and Harry looked at him, not exactly knowing what he was supposed to say to that.

''Louis didn't-'' Harry started but Niall cut him off.

''Louis didn't what? You know that I would root for you to be together with him. I did, even before you knew it yourself. I opened your fucking eyes to see it sooner. And what do I get? You made me feel like shit for even telling you my opinion back then, then you fucking left for a whole ass month and you suddenly came back. And what did I do? I treated you as a good friend would because I am a good friend. I am and I know that very damn well. You said you were going to talk to him and you did and I don't know or care what you told him and what he told you but you were and are fucking together? And you didn't even bother telling me. What made you think of not telling me? I wouldn't approve or I would tell everyone? What?'' Niall yelled pissed at Harry.

Niall always forgave all the shit that Harry did. Always. And he would never complain about anything but Harry was always supposed to be the one that Niall could trust and the other way round. By lying to him over and over again, it just showed that Harry didn't trust Niall at all.

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