Fuck you, Harry

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''That was the last contract. Here is a copy of all of them and you are officially the owner of this house.'' Miranda said and offered her hand to Louis, who gladly shook it.


''I like this chair.'' Zayn said, as he sat down.

''What's the code?'' Louis asked and Zayn told him and he wrote it down.

They were at Ikea to buy all the furniture and stuff for the new house. At least, the ones that they were more important and they would buy the others later. Louis didn't want to stay at Harry's house for much longer. He felt like a weight. He hoped that by next week, he would move into the new place.

''Hey, do you have anything you need?'' Louis asked, as he saw Niall, Liam and the girls approaching them.

''Yes.'' Lottie said, who handed Louis a piece of paper, that was filled with codes.


''Where the fuck are you going?'' Niall asked, hurrying towards Harry's room, who was throwing some shirts in his suitcase.

''Somewhere.'' Harry replied, focused on packing two pairs of his boots, not even looking at the Irish lad, who was pissed at him for the first time since they knew each other.

''Somewhere? That's your fucking answer? Today you disappeared and that's fine, you took a step back, I understand that, I fucking encouraged to do that but you can't just fucking leave. Classes start tomorrow and you can't leave , without even telling me where the hell you are going.'' Niall yelled but Harry didn't even spare a glance at him or replied.

''Look at me when I am talking to you.'' Niall yelled at Harry and grabbed his arm. Harry immediately grabbed him and pinned him on his wardrobe.

''No, you fucking listen to me. You are not my mother or my father to tell me what can or cannot do. I said I am leaving and I fucking am, so just leave me alone.'' Harry growled slowly, as Niall looked straight in his emerald eyes. He was not going to back down now, so he pushed Harry.

''This is not how it works, you ungrateful fuck. I tried helping you countless times and you just leave. You know what? I am done with you Harry Styles and your whole bullshit. Just someone doesn't have the same feeling for you, as you do it doesn't mean that you will have to run away. And who do you think you are fooling? Just a week ago, you were fucking some random whore and now you suddenly have feelings for Louis? The boy, who basically bullied and made fun of him for god knows what reason? You are so full of bullshit and I was so wrong about you. All you are is a hypocrite, who leaves his fucking friends.'' Niall spat out the last words. Harry was so fucking ungrateful... so... so ungrateful. Niall had done so much for him but all Harry did was leaving. He is a coward... such a fucking coward. Harry didn't deserve Louis. He didn't deserve any of them. He was all talking, but when the time came and someone needed him, like actually needed him Harry would just leave. He wasn't just leaving Louis. He was leaving Niall alone, with no explanation and Niall was hurt, to be honest.

Harry didn't say anything. He just grabbed his suitcase and exited the room.

''Keep running away, Styles. That's what you do, that's what you will always do.'' Niall yelled and let out a dry laugh at the end.

''Goodbye Niall.'' Harry said, offering his hand.

''Fuck you, Harry.'' Niall said, before turning around and walking towards his room, slamming the door behind him. The last sound that was heard, was Harry shutting the entrance door, as he entered the apartment.


''So he just left?'' Liam asked and Niall just nodded, before sighing and running his hand through his hair.

''What are you gonna tell Louis?'' Liam asked and Niall shrugged.

''Nothing. I meant what I told him. I don't care about him and I am not gonna clean his mess. If he wants to fucking go, then he can tell Louis.'' Niall said.

Liam didn't know what to say or do. He saw Niall just two hours ago and now Niall was telling him that Harry had literally left and now Niall was telling him that Harry had literally left and he didn't know where he was and that Niall basically hated Harry.

''You wanna move in here?'' Niall asked suddenly and it caught Liam off guard.

''Niall.'' Liam said and placed his hand on his shoulder.

''What?'' Niall said, looking at Liam with a cold stare.

''You know that Harry is still staying here, right?'' Liam asked Niall, who threw his hand off his shoulder, as he got up and let out a dry laugh.

''Liam, you know that Harry doesn't give a shit about me, you or anyone, right? You have no idea what I did for him and he left me behind with no explanation, he left you, Zayn, Louis, everyone. He just left us. All of us. You know what he does? He fucking manipulates you and tricks you into being his friend and helping him out and then he suddenly decides that he is bored of you and just leaves without saying anything. If I hadn't returned home, he would have just left with no goodbye. He is probably pretending that he is helpless or is fucking someone, anyways.'' Niall said and Liam couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. That was not true and Niall was just upset.

''Niall, I'm sure that you just misunderstood some things. You are just upset. Harry didn't leave fore-'' Liam started but Niall cut him off.

''Don't you dare make excuses about him.'' Niall said and opened the front door.

''Where the hell are you going?'' Liam asked and Niall looked at him, not saying anything and he left.

Outside, it was dark and it was raining hard but Niall didn't care. Instead, he started running, until he couldn't feel his legs. He sat on the wet grass and looked at the view. It wasn't raining anymore but it was still cold. He saw the shadows of the tall naked trees and far away a lake could been seen. The moon was reflecting on it and it was like it was silver. It was quite... so quiet... finally. The only thing that could be heard was Niall's breathes and the light wind brushing the branches of the trees and the leaves of the short bushes. Niall put his freezing hands in his pockets and touched something cold instead. He pulled his hand out and saw the small, shiny thing that had been there for so long and Niall was better off without it.

A blade.

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