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''Here we are.'' Niall exclaimed, looking at the big mansion in front of him, which was Liam's house.

''Ugh.'' Harry groaned, before closing his laptop and opening the car door. As soon as, he stepped on the road he looked at Louis, who had already arrived and he was talking to the girls, probably telling the to behave themselves.

''Hi, lads.'' Liam exclaimed, as he hugged Niall and Harry, excited to see his family because it has been a while, since he had seen them and he had genuinely missed them.

''Hello, Liam.'' Harry said, without even looking at him. His green eyes were focused on the blued-eyed boy, who was looking at him too. Louis looked awful and so did Harry.

Louis' eyes had dark circles under them and they were puffy and red. He hadn't shaved in a while and a really small beard was visible, while his hair were a little bit messy but he had to look at least, presentable in front of Liam's father because after all, he was probably the man that would help him get custody of his precious sisters.

Harry, on the other hand, looked a little bit worse. His eyes were red from all the crying and the fact that he wasn't sleeping well in the past 3 days. He hadn't slept properly in so long. He doesn't even remember the last time he did at this point but this time it was a lot worse. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could picture was Louis and their fight and he didn't want to remember anymore. He just wanted everything to go back to when it was when he hated Louis and so did Louis. It was so much easier then. Every time he thought of his all he could see was red and he loved it. He loved how much he hated Louis because at that time, Louis was a hypocrite. How could he know that loving Louis would hurt more than hating him?

''Hi Zayn.'' Harry mumbled and went near him but he walked towards Louis, ignoring Harry completely.

''What's up with him?'' Harry whispered to Elise, who shrugged slightly.

''He is mad at you for not being there for him, since you returned. You are here for a month and you haven't talked to him at all. I mean, I understand him.'' Elise said and Harry sighed. And the screw up continued, ladies and gentlemen.

''Oh. I just didn't-'' Harry started out but Elise quickly cut him off.

''Tell that to him, not me.'' Elise said and went to greet Niall.


''Nice to meet you, sir.'' Louis said and shook Liam's father, James Payne, hand, politely.

''Nice to meet you too, Louis.'' James said with a genuine smile, happy to meet his son's friends because he had heard a lot about them, especially about Louis but he had never seen them up close.

After all the boys greeted Liam's father, they all sat in the dining table and a lot of maids came, serving them. Man, it has been so long, since someone had served Louis and it felt weird to be honest, because for the past 6 months Louis was used to do everything on his own, well, except from cleaning. The cleaning lady was kind enough to clean twice a week and Louis was thankful to her or else they were going to live in their own filth. If someone asked Louis one year ago, he would say that he was straight and that he would never ever do any of the household chores. But things changed the past year, probably for the best.

The dinner went by smoothly. They didn't talk about the case or anything. They just focused on how their time in college was so far and how they were doing in their lives. But even Liam's father, who didn't know anything about Harry and Louis could feel the sexual tension between them.

Yes, that's right. The sexual tension.

And it just made the whole dinner so uncomfortable for everyone, except from Louis and Harry, who were low-key enjoying the whole situation for some unknown reason.

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