Looking at the stars

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A/N THIS IS PROBABLY GOING TO BE MY FAVORITE ONE SO FAR AND I WILL PROBABLY CRY A LITTLE (NO PROMISES). Anyways, I have no idea why anyone is reading this far but hey, how are you? Go drink some water before you continue!!!

A/N *THIS TIME* It just shows so much when we were on Christmas holidays and I left notes like these bc I was happy.


Stars are huge celestial bodies made mostly of hydrogen and helium that produce light and heat from the churning nuclear forges inside their cores. Aside from our sun, the dots of light we see in the sky are all light-years from Earth. They are the building blocks of galaxies, of which there are billions in the universe.

Basically, they are balls of gas, really, really, really far away, so we can just see them as small lights.

Yet, there is something so fascinating about them, in my opinion.

They are lights in the sky. They are lights in the fucking darkness. How cool is that?

And Louis was always fascinated, amazed and mesmerized by them. Harry, himself, was too.

Although, they both knew what stars were, it always made them feel like they were something more.

For Harry, stars were people. One soul died and it was sent above to protect, to observe and send signals. His mum was there. Harry couldn't see which star she was but he knew that between the approximately two hundred sextillion stars, his mum was watching, along with other people rooting for him and to be honest, there was a brief time, especially a night, where the stars and this thought counted more to Harry than anything and he didn't know if he would even be where he is now without that night.

You see, Harry's story didn't end when he was fourteen and he found out what happened to his mother. No, no, no, a four years gap is a long time and there is a reason why Harry never talked about it. At fifteen, Harry fell behind his classes, stop attending and was locked in his room most of the time. Both Gemma and Robin, tried to cheer him up or help him in any way, so he went to therapy, which didn't help that much but it made Harry feel better sometimes. The point was that, when Anne died, Harry stopped feeling emotional connection to Robin, because Anne was the only thing that connected them and so when Harry was sixteen, he thought that some fun wouldn't do any harm, plus, he was still really young and Robin would get him out of trouble at any time.

So, the drinking started and Harry would return almost every night home wasted, when he actually returned and he didn't spend his nights getting fucked and passing out in random people's houses.

He was such a mess back then.

But the worst started at the middle of the school year, when Harry unsurprisingly had attended a person's ,that had never heard of, party. To this day, he had no idea who that person was, not even their name or gender and yet, that was the day he did the most fucked up shit of all. He was with one of his friends, at that time Nick and they were having some fun, when Nick thought that it will be a 'cool idea', as he called it to sniff some cocaine and Harry just smiled, wasted and nodded, yelling 'Bring it in!''. Worst. Idea. Ever. At some point, Harry's condition had gotten so bad that he remembers himself buying drugs and doing them in his own bedroom, not giving a damn that Robin, Gemma, his teachers, the maids and everyone knew that he was a fucking junky but Harry, at that time he didn't give a fuck and ignored all these looks, looking at him, judging him, clear disgust reflecting on their eyes and he just kept on smirking and shaking his head, living in his own bubble, the bubble that made him act like a maniac, his eyes red and his nose hurting like a bitch but he had to admit that at that period of time, that white powder and those pink pills did their magic tricks on Harry and they sure, took the pain away so, he just continued spending his money and time on these, making his health even more shitty and his head pounding every single morning.

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