Ridiculous shirts and symbolic rings

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''Hi.'' Harry said, smiling and she smiled back.

''Hello. So, here it is.'' she said, offering a small box to him, that gladly accepted.

''Thank you so much for keeping it for me. It means a lot.'' Harry said and proceeded to take some money from the back of his pocket.

''Please, don't. It's the less I can do for helping so much.'' Anne said but Harry shook his head.

''Come on.'' Harry said, offering her some pounds.

''I'll get upset if you continue this. You've done so much with the exams and my mum. Thank you so much.'' she said again.

''No problem and if you need anything, you know where to find me.'' she said and Harry gave her a quick hug.

The day after the exams, Harry found out that her mum was still hanging but she was in a crucial situation and being in that crappy, public hospital wasn't helping her getting better. So, as Harry had plenty money to spend, he tried to put her in a better clinic, in fact, the only one in this town and he also paid for Anne's tuition, so she didn't have to study her butt off and take care of her mum at the same time.

''You are such a great guy, Harry.'' she said.

''I know.'' Harry said and she laughed, before walking away to continue her job.

Harry pressed his lips into a thin line, smiling and opened the small, red, velvet box. Inside there was a discreet silver ring with the infinity symbol curved on it and in the middle two small stones. Green and blue. Harry would swear it was just something so symbolic about these two colors and Harry felt like the signs were with Louis and him in this one.

''Harry. Where the hell have you been, mate?'' Liam exclaimed and Harry turned to show him the ring, smiling.

''Are you gonna...?'' Liam trailed off shocked but Harry shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows.

''No.'' Harry said and Liam let out a sigh of relief.

''Yet.'' he completed.

''Than what is this? Great by the way.'' Liam said and took a more careful look at it.

''It's just a gift, I guess. I really liked it when I first saw it and reminded of Louis so yeah...'' Harry explained and Liam smiled, before giving him a tight hug.

''I'm so happy for you guys. After all of this...you really made it.'' Liam said and patted his back.

''I know...''


''Catch me.'' Louis yelled, laughing, putting his arms forward and Harry smiled, before expending his hand, grabbing Louis' ones, but last second he lost his balance, causing both of them to fall on the ice.

''I swear with these giraffe legs, you are gonna get us killed.'' Louis said and tried to get up but he couldn't.

''It's hopeless, we'll stay here, until we die. Seasons will change, people will die, babies will be born, kids will be raised and we'll be stuck in here, frozen on this- oh hey, Zayn thanks.'' Louis said and caught Zayn's hand, pulling him up and then, he helped Harry.

''You are so dramatic.'' he said, rolling his eyes.


''What is realistic about dying at an ice skating ring at a festival full of people?'' Harry asked and Louis stuck his tongue out.

''I'm being so poetic and creative and you ruin it. Liam, whoever reaches Niall first, wins.'' Louis started out, looking at Harry but then he noticed Liam, who was struggling to keep his balance at the other side of the ring and smiled with that smile that seemed to come from the deep down of the darkest hell, that one that only Liam was lucky enough to see. As soon as, Louis finished his sentence, Liam looked around panicked to find Niall and when he spotted him, he started sliding down the ice.

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