If something happens to you...

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''What are you doing here?'' Harry asked, as he opened the way for Zayn to come in. He then looked around and started laughing hysterically, falling on the ground.

''Are you drunk?" Louis asked, confused.

''Am I drunk? We'll never know.'' Zayn replied and started laughing more. Harry looked at him with a sad look and offered him his arm, pulling him up and leading him on the couch.

''Now, what happened?'' Harry asked and sat opposite of him, while Louis sat next to Zayn, who looked at them confused.

''You guys had a fight.'' he figured out and they both looked at each other.

''We didn't.'' Louis said, adding a laugh to make it more believable.

''You. What happened?'' Zayn asked, pointing at Harry, who had his fingers tangled together on one of his knees.


''Nothing?'' Louis asked, offended and Harry looked at him confused.

''I thought that you didn't want Zayn to know.'' he stated in an obvious way.

''So, there was a fight.'' Zayn said and clapped his hands in victory. Drunk or not he knew the deal between them and he was proud of himself.

''Yeah, I didn't want him to know but that doesn't mean that was nothing.'' Louis said and Harry run a hand on his face, exhausted by how Louis acted and crossed his legs.

''I meant nothing had happened not that our fight was nothing.'' Harry replied and Louis mumbled a 'Whatever', looking away.

''What happened?'' Zayn asked again.

''This little shit wants to control what I eat.'' Louis accused Harry, who gasped.

''I said I was sorry for the way I said it-'' Harry started yelling at the same time with Louis.

''So, you admit that you still want to control me, you little bitch and-''

''That's enough.'' Zayn yelled and they both looked at him. Zayn wasn't the type of person to yell a lot, only in rare occasions, when he couldn't do otherwise.

''Okay, Louis now go sit next to Harry.'' Zayn, pushing him and Louis groaned, before heading towards Harry, who went on the edge of the couch, glaring at Louis.

Ungrateful, short bitch.

''First of all, Louis, he is right. I'm your bro and you eat less than Elise, who ate less than everyone I know, well... except you. Personally, I believe that Harry should help you improve what and how much you eat.'' Zayn said and Louis rolled his eyes.

''I know how to eat.'' Louis stated and Zayn nodded.

''Look, I am really drunk right now and I can't focus on a lot but yeah, Harry is only here to make sure you don't pass out in the middle of a practice.'' Zayn said and laid on the couch.

''But that's not why Harry is here and I can-''

''You clearly can't, so shut up. You two are giving me a headache and it's not because I have drunk two bottles of that brown liquid.''

''Whisky?'' Harry asked and Zayn nodded.

''Yeah that wh- I can't say it.'' he said, not being able to say these words now that he was drunk as fuck. Soon, he was sound asleep and Louis just stared at Harry, who did the same.

''I'm sorry.'' the both said at the same time and Louis smiled a little.

''I tend to overreact. Sorry.'' Louis said and Harry smiled, before hugging him, lifting him up a little and placing him on top of him, wrapping his hand around his waist.

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