Fuck, I'm going

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''Where is Harry? It's been ten minutes and he still hasn't shown up. He is never late.'' Niall said, looking at his watch. Harry was not at home when he woke up and he had no nightmares, meaning that he didn't spend the night at the apartment, which made Niall kinda worried. He had texted Harry but he hadn't replied. What was going on?

''I am gonna call him.'' Louis said and went to his bedroom, to phone Harry. It went straight to voicemail.

''Hey Harry. We are here with the boys and we are going to see the house. I understand if you don't want to come or you are busy. It has been a lot to take the past days and uhm I am sorry. I really don't wanna depend on you guys but it just happens, you know. Anyways, I am sorry for blabbing. Please, take care and if anything happens text or call. Anything... bye.'' Louis said the last few sentences, as fast as he could. He felt like he was talking to his high school crush. Ugh stupid heart.

Niall checked his phone and saw that Harry had texted him. He immediately opened the text.

''You were right. I can't keep doing this. I am going to slow down a little bit. Take care of Louis and the others.'' Harry texted and Niall felt his heart clenching in his chest. This is gonna ruin the friendship, isn't it? Things will change in a way no one is expecting and this is not gonna end well... not until one of the is emotionally open at least. Harry thinks he is but he is not and his future actions will show that he will choose to be selfish rather than helping Louis realize his feelings. Harry doesn't know that and really no one will, until someone reads the signs and Louis will finally wake up from this. This confusion and his feelings will explode, explode in a way that no one will be prepared for... not even Louis himself. But for now, what Niall knew was that Harry was taking a step back from this and Niall didn't even know if he would fucking return home or where he was staying.

''Who is it?'' Liam asked and Niall didn't realize that he was looking at his phone this whole time.

''No one. Just my sister telling me about the baby.'' Niall replied and flashed the boys a smile. Louis came out of the bedroom and Liam asked him.

''Harry is not coming?''

''He didn't pick it up or texted back so...'' Louis said almost sounding like a whisper. Louis knew that it was a lot to take in for Harry and he didn't expect him to come with a snap of his fingers but this was a big deal for Louis, maybe the biggest that he will ever face. He just wanted Harry to talk to him and tell him that it was too much for him and that he needed to take a step back but what did Harry do? He fucking disappeared.

''Liam, Niall, Lottie, Fizzy take Liam's car. Me, Phoebe, Daisy, Zayn, my car.'' Louis said and everyone nodded.


Harry sighed as he sat on the couch, running a hand through his hair. What was he doing? He wasn't just a fucking kid to run away when he couldn't face his feelings. He looked at his phone and saw that he had two missed calls from Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall. He also had one voicemail from Louis and a missed call from Gemma.

Why the fuck was she calling him?

Harry didn't want to speak to her now... or ever, to be honest, so he just pressed the 'play' button and Louis' angelic voice blasted from the phone's speakers. So, Louis and the others were going to see the house. This was huge for Louis... and it also affected the boys. Louis and Zayn won't be living together anymore and this would change everything. Harry didn't really like changes.

''Fuck this. I'm going.'' Harry said and got up from the couch, grabbed his jacket and slammed the door behind him.


''Ok, we're here.'' Louis announced and they all got out of the car.

''Elise should have come with us.'' Louis said.

''She has date tonight and she wanted to get ready.'' Niall said and Zayn's eyes widened.

''She has a date?'' Liam asked and surprised and Niall nodded.

''With whom?'' Zayn asked, trying to act natural, like he didn't care.

''Some Tom guy. I have only seen him once. Blonde hair, hazel eyes and he is muscular.'' Niall explained and the boys shook their heads, indicating that they had no idea who that guy was.

Zayn was so jealous and he wanted to leave and find Elise, in order to talk her out of this and beg her for one more chance but this was important to Louis and he wanted to be there for him in any way he could. Zayn didn't want Louis to move but he tried not to show it because it would be just so selfish of him. In just a week, Louis had to take care of four girls. That was insane. Zayn didn't want Louis to stay with the girls. Not because the girls weren't nice or good but because Louis had shown a lot of signs of not being able to raise someone at the age of fucking eighteen. No one could be prepared at that age but Louis was just so broken himself that it wasn't going to end up well this whole situation. Louis was the type of person that was always insecure about everything. For example, Louis had a hard time opening up to him, his roommate and best friend for fuck's sake. Louis never talked to him about his childhood and stuff.

Louis was also insecure about his body. He had refused eating fast food or extra so many times and he always found an excuse not to go to pool parties multiple times.

Louis was also questioning if the boys were actually his friends. Zayn once told him that he trusted him and Louis was looking at him as if he was about to say that he was just joking and that he wasn't worthy of his trust. It was not Louis' fault and Zayn knew it. Only one person was responsible for Louis' insecurities and trust issues.


What Zayn didn't know was what Mark had told Louis him about friends and stuff. All he knew was that Louis needed to be alone right now, even though that wasn't possible. Louis needed to work on himself and focus on Louis and only Louis. But again. This was impossible. Zayn also wanted to talk to Louis about going to therapy but this could wait, until the evening.

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