Would you fuck him?

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''Niall?'' Liam answered almost immediately.

''Liam, I messed up.'' Niall said, letting a sob come out of his lips.

''Where are you?'' Liam asked.


''You look like shit, man.'' Liam said as he sat opposite of Niall, who was drinking coffee.

''Thanks, lad.'' Niall said running a hand through his hair.

''What can I get you something, sir?'' the waitress asked.

''A tea please.'' Liam said and smiled. After she left, Liam looked at Niall and asked him what happened.

''You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this, no one.'' Niall said. He couldn't risk anyone else, knowing about this. Harry would never forgive him if Louis found out.

''Yeah. I swear, I won't say a word.'' Liam said.

''Look, last night I was with Harry after you guys left and he was bad. He literally broke down and I asked him what was going on and the only thing he said was 'Louis' and then he said that he had feeling for him and that it was my fault because I started the whole thing and he said that he was tired of feeling things about Louis when Louis clearly didn't have feelings back. Then he left and I run after him and he said that the old Harry is dead and now he is a cold dude and I haven't see him since then.'' Niall said and sighed. Liam was shocked. He didn't know what to say. He looked at Niall and said

''It is not your fault Niall. Harry would feel the same things for Louis either way. Harry just wants to blame someone because Louis didn't have the same feelings. I feel so bad. Last night, we literally asked them how did they end up together, while Harry's heart was breaking.'' Liam said and leaned back to his chair.

''I should fucking search for him. I feel so bad. Bye Liam.'' Niall said throwing a 20 dollar bill on the table and started walking.

''I am coming with you.'' Liam said trying to catch up.


Louis and Zayn were currently chilling on their apartment when Louis asked Zayn

''Do you really think that me and Harry could be something more than friends at some point?''

''Wow, that was random but I mean, yeah?'' Zayn asked making it sound more like a question.

''Oh'' Louis replied. He opened his phone and typed Harry's number. He pressed 'text' and started typing. He deleted. He wrote. He deleted.

''Will you write for fuck's sake?'' Zayn asked.

''Fine.'' Louis groaned.

''Hey Hazza:)'' he typed and pressed sent.

''Nice...simple.'' Zayn commented.

''HOW DO I DELETE IT?'' Louis screamed.

''Calm down, Louis. It is fine.'' Zayn said and Louis looked at him and nodded.

''Do you like Harry?'' Zayn asked with a serious look.

''Me? No. Me? No. Ok yes.'' Louis said and Zayn's eyes widened.

''What?'' he said.

''I don't know. It's complicated. He is pretty and I feel good around him. It is not like you or Liam make me feel the same way. I don't know. I mean, am I straight? Am I gay? Am I bi? Am I-'' Louis got cut off by Zayn.

''Would you fuck him?'' he asked, sighing.

''Uhm I don't know. Maybe? I don't know ugh. This is so confusing. I have spent my 18 years on this Earth, thinking that I am straight and now here I am questioning it.'' Louis replied, looking sad. Zayn grabbed Louis' hand and squeezed it.

''It's ok to be confused Louis. Just be yourself and you will figure it out on the way.'' he said, looking at Louis' blue eyes. Louis squeezed back and hugged him.


''Where the fuck is he?'' Niall said. Currently, they were wondering around the school grounds for the past two hours. Liam said that he may was at someone's house but Niall said that it wasn't a possibility. Because Niall knew that Harry didn't want to spend the night with anyone other than Niall, due to his nightmares. The only times that Harry didn't have nightmares were the days something between him and Louis happened. The day Harry brought Louis home, soaking wet, when they fell asleep at Harry's house and at Christmas. Niall then realized that there was one place that they haven't looked.

''Liam I know where he is but I have to go by myself.'' Niall said and he walked off.


''Here we are. You can do this.'' Niall said to himself and knocked the door. After half an minute he heard the door unlocking and a Harry with messy hair and dark circles appeared. Harry looked at Niall with a confused look but Niall hugged Harry, crashing his bones. Harry had spent the whole night at his house. That small weird house, where he took Louis a few weeks before.

''I missed you and I was so worried. Don't you ever leave again.'' Niall said and Harry tried to get away from his hug but Niall only tightened his grip.

''You can let me go now, Niall.'' Harry said sighing.

''Only if you agree that we will talk.'' Niall said.

''Fine.'' Harry said and Niall let him go, before he sat on the couch, Niall following him.

''Look Niall, last night was hard and I am sorry I blamed you. It was never your fault, I just felt betrayed by the way that Louis reacted. Scratch that. I am the stupid one. I let my guard down. I felt things for Louis when I shouldn't. So he is what will happen. I'll try to get over Louis and you will just let it be. I can act however I want but you will say nothing about it.'' Harry said and looked at Niall dead serious.

''Ok Harold. Do as you please but don't hurt Louis.'' Niall said and Harry shook he head.

''I will get over Louis, however I want ,that was the deal.'' Harry said and got up, opening the front door.

''Fine but be careful.'' Niall said and left without saying anything else.


Zayn and Louis were playing video games, when they heard a knock at the door. Louis opened the door and there was Lottie.

''We need to talk.'' she said.

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