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''I know you'd think that I wouldn't write it and that this was just a random thought in 5AM but here it is, Lou. The new, rewritten and better version of 'Louis the fish and Harry', written by your dear friend (I hope), Harry.''


He was different, they both were and they didn't fit in that stupid island. That stupid island, in the middle of nowhere, where they couldn't get away from, well, one of them could but he was so different that he wouldn't fit anywhere else probably.

Harry was not the normal resident in the 'Eroda' island. He was cheeky, happy, always smiling. In fact, he had that abnormal and unusual bright smile, that would flash at anyone and it was annoying to everyone on that island. And Harry was tired of 'Eroda'. He was tired of the small island, where the sun never came out and that he had to eat fish every day of his life and probably for the rest of it. And the feeling, that he didn't fit in. Man, it was horrible. From the moment he was born, he could see the disappointment in his dad's eyes, when he flashed him a weird, bright smile. It wasn't just a bright smile. It was like he had small lights in his eyes, that blinded everyone, who saw them. At least, when he was younger he had his mum. She always told him that he was special and that he was the light of the island. Without him everything would change. The island would lose its light but after the death of his beloved mother, Harry stopped feeling that way anymore. He felt, like he was the black sheep, between unhappy and miserable people. Harry wanted to put an end to everything. He wanted to go somewhere, where people accepted him for his cheeky, happy self but the thing was.

If no one likes you in your own hometown, where everyone knows you from when you were a small baby, where would anyone like you?

He walked down the street and he looked at Mr. Henry, the man who owned the local bakery and smiled at him, politely. No answer, no smile, just a small scoff, as he passed Harry, bumping his shoulder on Harry's. This was not how Harry was supposed to live.

And then the thought of leaving everything behind popped into his mind. Leaving everything and everyone and being with the only person that accepted him.

His mum.

So, he headed towards the beach, with the small sharp, black rocks, where no one went to swim, even in summer. He filled his pockets with small rocks and started walking towards the ocean. He was in the water and kept working until the water reached his knees. This was it. He continued walking slowly and looked for one last time around the sea and the island. Suddenly, a small fish, probably a salmon landed on a rock, breathing heavily.

'What the hell?'' Harry mumbled and stopped walking examining the fish.

The funny thing is that the color of the fish wasn't just shiny, it was really shiny in an abnormal way shiny, which also made it different than the other fish. Weird that animals can also feel the same way, as people. Realized it when other fish don't like it and it hurts the same way. It hurts when they ignore it or when they would leave without it. And he tried hard. He did. He tried to fit in with every sea animal, he could but no results. So, it was just better than leaving everything behind, than being lonely in the deep, dark ocean.

Harry looked around and tried to put the fish back into the place it belong. The sea. But what Harry didn't know, was that the sea wasn't the place that fish, specifically belonged. The fish hopped again and landed on the same rock.

''Come on. You'll die.'' Harry whispered and put the fish back in the ocean. Happened again. It landed on the damn rock. Harry put the fish in his hand and got out of the sea. He started running, trying to find somewhere to put the fish in. People looked at him with a funny look on their faces, when they saw him around, holding something in his hands and looked away or started walking away, when they saw him approaching.

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