He was mad

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''Hi Harry. It has been four days. I don't know... we don't know where you are. I... we are worried. See ya.''


''It's been half a month. Just contact with someone. How do you even keep up with classes and stuff? Where are you? Please reply or leave a message or something.''


''It's been three weeks. Why is no one wondering where the fuck are you. Suit yourself. I just thought we were friends or something.''


''This is the last time I am calling. Man, I don't even know why the fuck I am the one who is calling. Stay fucking safe, asshole. You are a fucking piece of shit for leaving your friends alone. Good fucking bye.''

''Still no answer?'' Zayn asked, as he put a hand on Louis' shoulder. Louis shook his head. He didn't get it. Did he do something wrong? He was so pissed at Harry. He should have been a good friend and that he didn't want to be friends anymore and not just be a wuss and just leave.

''Maybe he is just busy or something has happened. Don't jump to conclusions.'' Gigi said and Zayn nodded, wrapping his hand around her waist.

''Don't excuse him.'' Louis said and went to the living room, as he took a seat next to Liam, who was playing a board game with Niall and the girls. Gigi and Zayn looked at him smiling at the girls and felt bad about him. He couldn't just move on from Harry. He wasn't coming back. I mean, it has been a whole month. Zayn was pissed at Harry... so mad. Not for leaving just him but also Louis. Louis was so heartbroken about it and he just had so much on his plate right now. Zayn thought that Louis and the rest of them deserved a goodbye or an explanation. Niall was also devastated the first week but he seemed fine now. He started focusing on himself lately and he was actually doing really good. Zayn had also gotten back with Gigi , just two weeks ago and Liam had gotten rid of his crazy roommate because the guy changed apartments. Liam was living alone and he was enjoying it so much. Niall was also staying alone but every now and then Liam would come over to have a sleepover, especially the first days, when Niall was shit.

''So Fizzy... what have you cooked?'' Niall asked Fizzy, who looked at him with a serious face.

''Nothing.'' she replied and Niall gasped.

''What? Why?'' he whined.

''Because I have a thing called school and homework.'' Fizzy said and rolled her eyes.

''Next time find a better excuse.'' Niall said and wiped a fake tear.


''So you wanna come over?'' Niall asked Liam, who shook his head.

''Can't do. I have a test tomorrow and I wanna study but I promise tomorrow.'' Liam said and hugged Niall, who nodded.

He entered his apartment and all he could hear was silence. It has been a while since he had checked Harry's room, in hope that he would find him there sleeping or reading a book. He decided that he should probably check... just in case. And oh my god there was...


''Ok let's go to bed.'' Niall said to himself and went to sleep.


There was a loud knock on the door that woke Niall up. He checked his clock that was placed on the nightstand. 3AM. Who could possibly be? Niall cursed under his breathe as he got out of bed and put on his grey tracksuits. He rubbed his eyes and run his hand through his hair. He opened his bedroom door and headed towards the living room and turned on the lights. He immediately felt his eyes burning and squeezed them shut. He headed to the door, opening his eyes slightly.

''Liam, you can use your keys-'' Niall said, as he opened the front door and turned his head to look at Liam.

But oh well...

It was not Liam.

Harry was standing there. Yeah, his fucking roommate, who disappeared one month ago and decided to come at 3AM, while outside was raining cats and dogs. Harry was breathing heavily and his long hair were dripping wet. His eyes were greener than usual and they were teared up. Niall was just standing there watching Harry, who was just looking at him, his eyes full of tears and his chest going up and down. Harry after a few seconds, he hugged Niall, as tightly as he could, his knuckles turning white. Niall was just standing there, emotionless, having no idea what the hell was happening. A whole ass month he had left. No sign of Harry in one fucking month. He knew him five months and the one was gone. He thought that he wouldn't see him again, even if he had left basically everything at the apartment. Niall didn't throw out anything for some reason. Maybe deep down, he knew that he would come back and everything would go back to how they were. Harry was crying and was hugging him tightly, that Niall couldn't breathe. Niall felt himself wrapping his arms around Harry and rubbing his back gently.

''I am so sorry. I don't know why I left and why I was such a dickhead to you and the others. How could I do this? I just left everyone for a whole month for no reason.'' Harry said between sobs and Niall didn't know what he was supposed to say. What do you say to someone that left everyone and everything and you thought that you would never see that person again?

''Where were you?'' Niall asked, feeling kinda lost in this whole situation.

''I was staying at my house, which is three hours away. I wasn't going to come back, I swear. I didn't want you guys to see me again because I am an asshole. You were right I am a coward and I don't deserve you guys.'' Harry said still hugging Niall.

''You shouldn't have come back.'' Niall said and let go of Harry.

''I know.'' Harry said and continued ''I just wanted to tell you I am sorry. I don't wanna see the other guys. What am I going to tell them anyways? It was great seeing you and I am so sorry.''

''No, you shouldn't have come back but you did. Why did you?" Niall asked, as he turned his head to look at Harry, who had put his hand on the door handle and was ready to leave.

''Because you may not see it or anything but you were really my friends. Just because I was not a good friend to you doesn't mean that you weren't good friends to me because you guys really were. I can't believe I was such a jerk. I don't know what you want me to say.'' Harry said and Niall felt like Harry had actually regretted everything.

''Don't go.'' Niall said and Harry looked at him confused. He treated him like shit and Niall just told him not to leave?

''Don't go, okay? Things will come back to normal eventually. They are not mad at you. At least not all of them. Stay. Everything will be okay.'' Niall pleaded Harry. Niall wanted things to go back to normal. The past month was great but nothing could compare to when all of them were together. They had so much fun together as a group.

''How am I supposed to look at them, Niall? At least, you saw me before I left. They have no idea what happened.'' Harry said desperate.

''Liam and Zayn are fine with this. I told them that you need your space and they understood. They understand Harry. Please don't do this. Stop overthinking everything.'' Niall said, trying to calm Harry down.

''Louis?'' Harry asked, clearly surprised that Niall said 'Liam and Zayn'. Niall gulped and felt his mouth dry.

Oh Louis.

He was mad.

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