He forgot about her because he was with him

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Louis and Harry's mouths were moving in sync and they didn't quite know what was happening.

Louis had a girlfriend and he was straight... or so he thought.

Harry, on the other hand, was... Harry.

But for now, for the 5 minutes that they were kissing, noting else mattered.

Louis was still Louis.

Harry was still Harry.

But at the same time they weren't just Louis and Harry.

The rest of the world wasn't the same. Everything was different but at the same they were the same.

Water was still water.

Fire was still fire.

But at the same time they weren't.

Some time ago, they used to look at each other, like they were almost lovers, they were meant to kiss each other, hug each other, made love to each other, laugh in bed together, say knock-knock jokes to each other, be with each other but at that time, they were just close friends and they couldn't do anything about it because they were too scared, they thought that their friendship was something fragile and it was. (A/N WHAT THE HELL AM I WRITING? THESE ARE FUCKING HILARIOUS. CONSIDER THIS A JOKE BOOK)

It broke a long time ago, in fact their friendship was like a vase, which broke and the pieces stayed there for two months. No one picking the mess, no one trying to fix the mess but it was not just a vase. There was something inside that was set free just 10 minutes ago.

Harry and Louis were currently sitting in the middle of the road, still kissing and not letting go of each other. Louis didn't want to let go but he just had to. Every second that passed he told himself that he would push Harry away but after a few minutes he just forgot.

He forgot he had a girlfriend. He forgot every little fucked up thing that Harry did or anyone did. He forgot what is right and what is wrong. He forgot about how he screw and he is screwing his relationship with Eleanor, his first relationship. Because Louis had waited so long. So long. Through his friendship with Harry, he found himself, the real Louis with his flows and the good things because he had good things, he was not all insecurity and shit. He was strong and he knew it and Harry helped him with that. Made him think that he was worth it and that he was unstoppable. Harry was like a drug for him. He made him feel good but he could also destroy him at any moment, with a snap of his fingers, with a look, with a smile, with a phrase, with a word, with a piece of paper, with everything.

And the worse?

Louis had no self- control. He would always go back to Harry, not just physically but his mind would travel to what Harry was doing, where he was and there was only one solution to that.

Keep Harry close, not just leave now. Him and Eleanor were obviously over but he didn't want others to know. They would ruin it with questions and shit. It was only him and Harry for now.

''Sorry.'' Harry said, as he pulled away and laid on the ground, breathing heavily but with a smile on his face. No regrets from him but still he just kissed Louis without his permission. Louis just looked at Harry for a second before going on top of him and Harry trying to get up but Louis put his hands on Harry's chest and went so close to Harry's face that their noses touched.

''Don't be'' he said and pushed his lips against Harry's, this time leaving Harry stunned, who expected Louis to leave or yell at him or freak out in general.

''Are you drunk or high?'' Harry said between the kiss and Louis laughed a little bit before connecting their lips again. He put his cold hands under Harry's T-Shirt.

''No. Not like this.'' Harry whispered and got up, leaving Louis on the ground pouting. Harry offered Louis his hand and Louis took it and got up.

''Shouldn't we clean this up?'' Louis said and Harry shrugged.

''No one comes from here. You almost fucked me here and no one saw anything so relax, the glasses won't harm anyone.'' Harry said and Louis still looked at the broken pieces of glass, worrying about anyone getting a flat tire or hurt. Harry noticed Louis' troubled face and wrapped his hands around his waist.

''Ok, here's what we are going to do. Tomorrow morning we'll come and pick them up with gloves and stuff.'' Harry said and Louis nodded, smiling slightly.

''Let's go back.'' Louis said and Harry nodded.

The way back home was silent but not an awkward silence, a comfortable one, where they just processed what had happening.

First of all, neither of the regretted it, even though Harry definitely expected that Louis would do.

Spoiler: he won't.

He wanted it to happen, it was his choice and he is an adult and a responsible one. The only thing he regretted was the way he treated Eleanor. She was a nice girl but just she wasn't Harry.

Second of all, no one should know about this because it would change the way that the others treated them and if it ended up badly then what?

Suddenly, Louis phone rang and he took it out of his pocket.


What did she want? It was 1AM.

''Answer it.'' Harry said with a sad tone. He didn't like that Eleanor was still between them, he wanted him and Louis to be free the first time they would be something more, but well... that's not happening. What if Louis didn't do anything? He just continued and he was the third between him and Eleanor.

''Stop overthinking, Harry.'' Harry thought and felt like slapping himself.

''Hi Eleanor, is everything alright?'' Louis asked, as soon, as he answered the phone.

''Yes, I just wanted to check up on you. Were you asleep? Sorry.'' she said, sounding, as she had regretted calling.

''No, no just tired. I am returning home. Hey, want to go grab some coffee and talk tomorrow?'' Louis asked and felt his voice trembling.

''Sure. See you tomorrow. Goodnight, Louis.'' Eleanor said and hang up.

''I have to break up with her.'' Louis said, sighing up. It was a mistake. He was dating her for a week and he already had cheated on her.

''It's going to be okay.'' Harry said, looking at a stressed Louis.

''I hope so.'' Louis said and they continued walking.

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