Whatever the little man wants

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''Ok let's go back'' Liam said and everyone nodded.

They have been in the woods for the past two hours and they saw nothing suspicious so they decided to head back because in an hour it was dinner time. Harry and Louis hadn't talked to each other since their fight and they didn't plan to. Both of them were too stubborn to admit that this was a pointless fight but still Louis thought it was Harry's fault that the boys got drunk last night because he is a hypocrite, while Harry believed that he wasn't supposed to babysit the boys, as they were almost adults. As they were all walking Liam came and stopped Louis, waiting for the others to walk a bit forward, so he could talk to his friend.

''What happened between you and Harry?'' Liam asked.

''I don't wanna talk about it Lima. Harry is just a hypocrite, who thinks he can accuse other people, but god forbid, he can not be judged'' Louis said with a shocked expression. Liam decided to shrug it off. So instead he started asking his friend questions about his family, early years and his future, in which Louis answered to all of them with a cheery tone.

Well, most of them. In some, he avoided the subject or he lied.


Harry was mad. Mad because of this small elf, that thought he could accuse him of things when he wasn't even responsible for them. Harry could not think straight. He was pissed and more pissed at himself that he let him talk to him that way. HE FUCKING APOLOGIZED WHAT DID THE LITTLE MAN WANTED HIM TO DO? Nice, Harry was done with the whole thing. Louis would see a different man from now on. Harry turned his head and saw Liam and Louis talking and laughing. Liam spent a lot of time with Louis and he seemed to enjoy it. They were always hugging and stuff.

''Are they fucking or something?'' Harry thought but he shook his head.

He didn't care.


''What the hell are you doing in the woods?'' Harry heard a man asking.

Oh shit.

It was Cowell.

''Let's go to the headmaster's office'' he said with an amused smirk playing on his lips.

Harry hated that guy.

They all followed him inside, looking at each other worried. They knew they could even get expelled for this.


Louis was worried. Not for him. Louis couldn't give a fuck about that. He was studying something that he hated. He could just returned home and start over. He had money for his grand- grand- grand- grand children to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, even if he sold the businesses. Louis was worried about Zayn and Elise, who got here by a scholarship. Gosh, he was biting his nails. His mum hated when he did that. All of them were walking with their heads down looking at the ground.


''So you went to the woods, even though we have warned you that whoever goes there would be severely punished or expelled.'' Mr. Charles, the headmaster, said and then went on asking the following questions.

''Whose idea was it and why?'' he asked.

''Mine'' Louis said looking at the headmaster straight in the eyes, as he supported his hand on Zayn's shoulder, squeezing it gently and slightly pushing, showing Zayn that he should stay at his seat quietly.

''Mr. Tomlinson, I certainly did not expect that from you.'' Mr. Charles exclaimed clearly surprised.

''I am deeply sorry sir, but I was bored so I decided to go to the woods and I am afraid I dragged my friends into this. I am really sorry and I can promise you that nothing like this will happen ever again.'' Louis said not making any expression that would betray him in any way.

''Well, based on your apology and your whole behavior the past two and a half months, I will let this slide but you and your friends will still be severely punished. I will let Mr. Cowell decide your punishment. You are all free to go but stay out of trouble.'' the headmaster and all of them got up and once they were out his office, Zayn rushed and hugged him so tight that Louis couldn't even breathe.

''Louis you should not have done that. We only know I insisted and you are such an idiot, you know that? '' Zayn said before hugging him again.

''You're welcome Zayn'' Louis said rolling his eyes before hugging him back.

''You know what I mean'' Zayn whined. ''Thank you'' he said.

''But you have to promise me that you won't do shit like that and you won't go out late at night without even if I am asleep, just wake me up'' Louis said with a serious face.

''Ok'' Zayn with a sad face before ruining Louis' hair.

''Hey!'' Louis said laughing.

''I am hungry'' Niall whined.

''You ruined our moment'' Zayn said pouting.


They were all eating happily, even Zayn and Elise, and talking about anything. Louis and Harry had a cold war going on but they didn't want the other guys to notice so they joined every conversation that started. Elise was pissed at Zayn because she told him not to go to the woods but decided not to show.

Before Harry going back at his apartment, he whispered at Louis' ear.

''Don't try to be a hero. We all know who you really are.'' And with that he left, leaving Louis shocked and pissed.


That night Louis opened his favorite book because he hadn't read it in nearly two months.

''I am not an angel, and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself. Mr. Rochester, you must neither expect nor exact anything celestial of me - for you will not get it, any more than I shall get it of you: which I do not at all anticipate.''

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