Fuck you Zayn

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*2 days later*

''He told me that he wants us to go on a date and start over.'' Louis said, as he jumped, landing on his soft, comfortable bed and let out an annoyed groan.

''And that's bad because...'' Liam started out and Louis let out a louder groaned.

''Payno, payno, payno you don't get it do you? It's so complicated. Am I supposed to leave everything behind? I just broke up with Danielle-''

''After you kissed Harry.'' Liam cut Louis off.

''After I kissed Harry.'' Louis continued, pointing this out too ''And he wants us to go on a date? What does this even mean? How am I supposed to even act there? Like we were 5 months ago, lovey dovey? Or start everything over, like this is my first date with Harry?'' Louis asked, hella confused because really what was him and Harry?

''So, you want to go huh.'' Liam beamed and clapped his hands in victory.

''I mean, yeah I kind of do actually. Am I crazy?'' Louis asked, hopelessly.

''No, if you think it will work out this time.'' Liam said and laid next to Louis.

''Zayn will be so mad, if he finds out, though.'' Louis complained and squeezed his eyes shut.

''Wait, you are not going to tell him?'' Liam asked and Louis shrugged.

''He won't like it and you know it. Do I have a choice?'' Louis stated the obvious. Zayn didn't even want to hear about Harry and he was already pissed at Louis who talked to him a little the other day.

''It isn't up to him what you will do and you know it. Tell him before he finds out and it gets ugly. I mean, it is your life, Louis and Zayn is literally your best friend and he loves you and wants the best for you.'' Liam said and Louis nodded in agreement.

''Zayn and Lottie both. She said that Harry was sweet and nice for what he said in court but in her exact words 'Don't act like a dumb hoe and take him back'. '' Louis said and Liam laughed a little.

''No, seriously, Harry looks so much better. I mean, have you seen his eyes? No dark circles and bags under them, plus, he has gained a little bit of healthy weight.'' Liam pointed out and Louis smiled.

''Yeah, can I tell you something? I am not mad at him because you know, he really looks so much better and I see it now. He could have just left or cut me out of his life but he is really trying and there was a good reason he left probably. Niall also told me that he sleeps well, even though, he has been back for three days.'' Louis explained and Liam turned his head, looking at him confused at the mention of Niall.

''Niall?'' Liam asked and Louis nodded a little.

''After all this time, I realized that I was so selfish, wasn't I? I mean, I made you guys distance yourself from Niall for no reason and I hate myself for doing that. So, I went and apologized last night. I hope that's okay.'' Louis said, a little ashamed, regretting how he treated Niall, who was always there for him and he actually loved him and was honored to be his friend.

''To be honest, it was clearly our fault too to push Niall away like that. It isn't like you control us and I have to go talk to him too, maybe tomorrow or tonight.'' Liam said and Louis nodded in agreement, happy that everything was slowly but steady going back to normal, as they were five months ago, when everyone was happy.

*2 days ago*

Louis unlocked the front door and entered the living room, emotionally and physically exhausted, as he walked all the way from the court, as he didn't feel like driving, plus, he wanted to think about what happened 2 hours ago, because yeah, it took two hours to arrive back to his house from there.

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