Finding a home

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The next month was a good one for Louis and Harry and of course for the rest of the boys, even though they had to put up with Harry and Louis' 'fights'. Maybe the rest of the boys were too focused on how to make them friends again that didn't notice the secrets fonding looks or smiles, that Harry and Louis shared or them both texting at each other, while throwing insults at each other.

''Hello?'' Harry replied, as he picked up the phone.

''Where are you?'' Louis said excited through the other line and Harry looked at the kitchen, where Niall was preparing some tea. Harry decided that it would be for the best if he talked to his secret boyfriend in his bedroom. He went inside and closed the door behind him.

''In my room, why?'' Harry asked smiling, while pushing himself against the door and sliding down, like he was talking to his high-school crush. Next thing was to play with his hair and oh great, he was already doing that.

Pull yourself together, dude. You have been dating Louis for a month and you keep acting like this. (A/N This is by far the cringiest chapter u will see)

''Okay, wait there. Do not leave.'' Louis said but Harry panicked and started protesting, talking about how Niall was there but Louis didn't even listen because he had already ended the call.


Harry stayed there pacing back and forth in his room, still holding his phone. Niall is going to freak and lose his shit. Maybe he should make him leave. Maybe Harry should leave and try finding Louis.

Knock, knock

Knock, knock.

A sound was heard and Harry looked around confused, until he noticed a smiling Louis knocking on his window.

Oh Louis.


Harry rushed to the window and opened it immediately and Louis entered, hugging Harry and kissing him, while wrapping his legs around Harry's waist. Harry was shocked but he didn't stop Louis or anything and he tried to shut the window down, without looking and he knocked down a little pot that he had placed on the ledge and it fell 20 meters, probably shattering into a million pieces.

(A/N I HAVE TO ASK DO YALL FEEL LIKE ITS GOING FAST NOT THE BOOK GOING FAST BUT THE NARRATION WHY WE GOING SO FAST BRUH? Talking shit about the book I have spent half a year writing is some other kind of weirdness lmao)

''Oops.'' Harry said.

''Hi'' Louis whispered and smiled, before connecting their lips again.

''Niall is here.'' Harry said and Louis nodded, smiling, kissing him again.

''What if he sees us?" Harry said and Louis pretended as he was tired of Harry's worries.

''I am serious, Louis.'' Harry said and Louis laughed a little.

''It is about time, they find out, don't you think?'' Louis said, still having his legs wrapped around Harry's waist and unbuttoning his shirt.

''Not like this.'' Harry said but Louis didn't even pay attention to him and started kissing his neck.


''You smoke?'' Louis said surprised, as he noticed a pack of cigarettes on Harry's nightstand.

''Uhm...yes.'' Harry admitted and grabbed the pack, trying to throw it but Louis grabbed it from his hand and asked him

''When did you buy it?''

''Uhm... two days ago?'' Harry said and Louis opened the package. There are two inside. A package has around 25. Damnit Harry.

''Stop smoking.'' Louis said and looked at Harry.

''I'll try.'' Harry said and tried hugging him but Louis shook his head.

''Promise me.'' Louis said and Harry sighed.

''You know, I can't do that, right?'' Harry said and tried to smile. Smoking is literally an addiction and he was already scared that he my or may not have crossed the limits considering if it's just a habit or an addiction.

''You have to. Do you know the dangers of smoking? Jesus, Harry, you should have known better.'' Louis complained and got up trying to wear his boxers.

''Where are you going?" Harry said immediately and tried getting up.

''Home.'' Louis mumbled and Harry wore his boxers too and went closer to Louis, who put on his shoes.

''Okay, I'll quit, I promise. What else do you want to know? Anything.'' Harry pleaded Louis. He hated when they fought and luckily, it was rare. They hadn't fought since that night at Louis' house, when he talked with Lottie. When they fought, though, Louis would get pissed at him and he had the right to be. Harry wished that he could be better but he just wasn't and he hated that. He wanted to Louis to be happy all the time but right now Louis was mad and sad at the same time.

''Remember what I said? If we don't have trust we have nothing and what do you do? You develop one of the deadliest habits without even telling me? You think that's cool smoking that you are a bad boy or something? Cut the crap Harry and focuse. This will kill you.'' Louis said and set the pack back on the nightstand. The truth is, he was so fucking scared of cancer, it was insane.

''It's your choice, now.'' Louis said and went to open the door but Harry panicked again because he didn't want him to leave, at least not until things were back to normal. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and hugged him tightly from behind.

''Stay.'' Harry said and Louis sighed.

''What if something happens to you? You know that people get cancer because of smoking and what if something-'' Louis started out his voice starting breaking at the end and Harry just hugged him tighter and tried to calm him down.

''Sh... I promise you that I will quit. I don't know why I started it at the first place.'' Harry said and Louis felt his eyes watering.

He LOVED Harry and if something happened to him, Louis wasn't even sure if he would be able to handle it. He adored him so, so, so much. And Harry did too but neither one of them had the guts to admit it because the both thought that it was too soon. But the point is, when you know, you know, so it didn't really matter if the time was right or if it was too soon. (A/N PURRR OTB REFERENCE to anyone wondering what the fuck these notes are I am rereading because I post this and I dont even know if I will because it is SHIT)

''I love you.'' Louis blurred out, without even realizing it and his eyes widened when he actually realized what he had just said. Harry stood there frozen, for a second, his hand stopped rubbing Louis' back and held his breath. Louis' head was placed on Harry's chest and he could feel his heart pounding.

Shit, it was too early. He should have just shut the fuck up because he literally messed up ever-

''I love you too, Lou.'' Harry said and Louis' mind went blank.

That was... wow. Harry was the first person that told Louis I love you in a relationship and oh-

Eleanor did too.

Ugh this bitch ruined everything, but it's alright because it doesn't matter. Nope it doesn't because now the feeling is mutual and it is actually love, so yeah, Harry is the first person loved in a romantic way and hopefully the last because Louis felt like he was home and Harry knew it.


''This place turned out great.'' Harry said, lying on Louis' bed with Louis next to him. They have been dating for two weeks now and everything was going great, like really great. Harry was kind of scared because he knew that something would happen, that it would ruin everything. No


Nothing was going to ruin that. He should just stay optimistic because it was stupid of him to think and to let something to ruin what he had with Louis. It was all in his head and he was just worried, right?

''Yeah, I know. Home.'' Louis said but the whole time he was just looking at Harry, not even paying attention to the room.

''Home.'' Harry said and smiled at Louis.

*End of flashback*

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