Haven't lost my taste, Tomlinson

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''We're not that useless, Louis. We can take care of four girls.'' Liam said, sighing.

''You are completely useless, Payno. Zayn, if anything happens, call me immediately.'' Louis said and Zayn nodded.

Louis and Harry were in Harry's, going to see the first house.

''You've never told me about your family.'' Louis suddenly said. He wanted to get to know him better. He knew nothing about his childhood or his past.

Harry frowned , slightly when he heard Louis' words. He didn't know if he should answer the question. Nobody knew. Not even Niall. Harry trusted Louis. He really did but it was not easy to talk about his mother's death. Most people had a bad reaction when Harry told them that his mother had killed herself when Harry was fourteen and that he was the one finding her. There. In the cold bathtub in the huge, cold, emotionless house when no one was there. So Harry decided to lie.

''You know, my mum died in a car accident and my stepfather raised me. I also have one sister.'' Harry said and Louis nodded, not saying anything, while looking down at his finger. Louis knew how hard it is for someone to lose their mum. When he lost his mum last year, he was broken, but Harry used the word 'raised', meaning that Harry had lost her, when he was young.

''How old were you, when you lost her?'' Louis asked and Harry didn't really feel like answering the question, but it was Louis and he trusted him.

''14'' he said and Louis felt sorry for Harry but he didn't say anything because he knew that Harry would either get mad or annoyed.

To be honest, Harry was relieved that Louis didn't say anything because Harry didn't want people to feel pity for him. He had lost his mother but no apologies from stranger would bring her back or make him feel better.

The rest of the ride was silent. Not an awkward silence, a comfortable one. Louis was looking out the window and Harry was focused on the road. Light music was playing in the background and both of them were in deep thoughts, considering their relationship. What did Harry mean for Louis? And if he meant more than friends, was Harry feeling the same way?

Ugh Louis was under so much pressure lately.

''We're here.'' Harry announced after a few minutes, making Louis snap out of his thoughts. He looked from the car window. It was a huge house, in a modern design. It had a garden, a pool and it must be three stores. It seemed very comfortable and it would fit all of them.

''This is so stressful. What if I buy it and it turns out to be shit?'' Louis thought.

''It's gonna be alright, just don't stress yourself to much. You will have plenty of time to decide and even more hours to see all these houses.'' Harry looked at him confused. Was he reading his thoughts?

''Shall we?'' Harry asked and Louis nodded.

They headed towards the entrance and knocked on the door. The door opened and a woman appeared.

''Nice to meet you Mr. Tomlinson. I am Lou Teasdale and I am gonna show you this beautiful house.'' the woman said. She had blonde hair, some tattoos, fake eyelashes, lip filler and too much tanning.

'Fucking Barbie.' Louis thought.

''And you are...?'' Lou asked Harry, touching, lightly his arm.

''Harry Styles.'' Harry simply said and moved his arm. Louis felt good, when he saw Lou scoffing a the sudden movement of Harry's arm.

''So the house?'' Louis asked, slightly annoyed at how unprofessional Lou was.

''Right, the house.'' Lou said and unlocked the front door. It was enormous. The floor was wooden, it had a huge kitchen and a living room with a fireplace. The windows were really big and Louis felt like he actually liked this one. He looked at Harry, who was looking pretty skeptical around.

''What?'' Louis whispered and Harry turned his head, smiling immediately.

''Nothing.'' Harry replied, looking around.

''Something is wrong.'' Louis insisted.

''Everything is fine.'' Harry replied.

''Can you please leave us alone?'' Louis asked Lou, who looked at him with a fake smile.

''Of course.'' she said and turned on her high heels, walking away. As soon as she left, Louis asked Harry again what was wrong.

''Look, I'm not gonna tell you how to raise the girls, because I know that you only want the best for them but do you really think that they should grow up in a house like this?'' Harry said and Louis looked at the window and sat on the floor. He put his hands on his face, while his elbows were on his knees and his hands were supporting his lowered head. Harry sat down next to him, looking at him with a frowned face.

''What's wrong, Lou?'' Harry asked, placing his hand gently on Louis' back.

''I don't know shit about any of this. I just want them to be happy and I can't see the coincidences to my actions. If I buy this place, will the be happy or unhappy? Will they act like all those rich kids, like how I acted, just a few months ago?'' Louis said and he looked at Harry, who was just listening carefully to him.

''It doesn't matter, whatever house you buy. You are the one, from whom they will learn how to act and how to behave.'' Harry said, trying to calm him down.

''How am I supposed to do that when I, myself, was a brat?" Louis said.

''Mark learned you that. When you moved away you stopped this attitude, didn't you?'' Harry said and Louis looked at him.

''Do you remember what you said to me that day at the bar? You said that I was acting that way and that I just wanted to have friends... that I was fake and it was true. What if I tricked or fooled the boys into being friends with me?'' Louis said and Harry eyes widened. He should have never said these things to him. Louis was insecure about his friends because of him. Harry didn't know what to do or say and he just did the first thing that came to his mind.

He hugged Louis, tightly.

''Louis, I was a jerk. A fucking asshole who treated you like shit for absolutely no reason and I mean it. Zayn, Liam and Niall love you and so do I. We will always be your friends. Just please, please don't ever think or say that. Never. Because it will never happen. I promise you that I will be there for you for as long as you need me. '' Harry said, still hugging him. Louis was stunned by what Harry said and he just looked at him.

''Thank you Harry. I just think about these things sometimes and I ruin everything. I just want these thoughts to go away.'' Louis said, desperately. Harry didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say.

''So this isn't 'the house', is it?'' Louis said, sighing.

''Do you feel it like home?'' Harry asked and Louis shook his head.

''So let's go.'' Harry said, getting up and offering his hand, for Louis to get up.

''Where are you going?'' Lou asked, as she entered the room.

''We don't really feel it like home.'' Harry said as politely as he could.

''It's a great house, though.'' Lou insisted.

''Well, we just don't like it.'' Louis said, starting getting annoyed.

''Then take my phone number, you know, just in case.'' Lou continued, offering Harry a card, winking slightly. Harry looked at the small piece of paper and ripped it off.

''Your service will not be needed.'' Harry said smiling and Lou's smile faded. Louis, on the other hand, smiled in victory and turned to leave.

''See ya!'' Louis called out, as he opened the front door, for Harry to exit. Harry saluted and ran towards the door. They entered the car again.

''She was totally flirting with you.'' Louis said, laughing.

''Haven't lost my taste, Tomlinson.'' Harry said, winking at Louis.

''So next?'' Harry asked and Louis nodded.

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