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Louis spent the whole summer working at the local supermarket and sleeping at an almost destroyed house. He was a mess, to be honest but he was trying to save up money, even though, he just simply carried them around in his jeans' pockets, as he had no idea where else to put them. Harry had told him, that there were other places, where he had never been to and all he had to do was to take one boat and he wanted to travel the world. Insane. He didn't even know basic things, as write or read, but he really wanted to see if the world was, as beautiful as, Harry described it or worse or really different or even better. He wanted to see so badly and he felt really lonely out here.

He was sitting at the beach, having his hands buried in the warm sand and his head thrown back, his face burnt by the afternoon sun and his freckles were popping on his sun-kissed cheeks. His eyes were closed and there could be seen a really, really small smile plastered on his lips, that were rosier than usual. He didn't mind that his hands and his face would be slightly more sensitive and Louis would feel that burn for a few days or he would look flushed in the morning. It didn't matter when he looked at the sun because he loved how it lit up the whole island and the sea was shining, as if it were full of glitter. At night, he was quite scared, not only because he didn't have any electricity but also because weird sounds could be heard and it made Louis want to shit his pants.

He saw Harry sometimes and he never knew if he should talk to him, so he expected him to say 'Hi' or anything but he never did.

Being a human was hard.

Harry watched Louis. Not in a stalkish, creepy way but he was just watching out for him, as he had promised him, because five months ago, he used to be a fish for God's sake. Harry still didn't know how or why but Louis really seemed good, thankfully. He was sitting up the hill, a lot of meters behind him and it was mostly impossible to be seen. He saw him getting up and cleaning himself from all the sand and took off his jeans and shirt. He stepped in the water and dived immediately, not even trying walking inside or trying to get used to the water's temperature. He was a really good swimmer, of course and if he was somewhere else, not this shithole, Eroda, he could have a career and make actual money out of it. Not just the lowest amount of money he happened to get for working his butt off. He really wanted to help Louis, in any way he could. He understood why Louis was upset with him and he just snapped and he really wanted his friend back. Maybe, just maybe, he could start approaching him again. He could find a better job for him, help him improve and find out about his skills and maybe, he could have the actual person that talked to him back. Maybe. He went down the hill and he felt his feet, being buried in the sand, so he decided to take of his shoes and he run towards the sea and he stopped when his feet touched the water.

''Louis!'' he exclaimed, putting his two hands in front of his mouth, trying to sound louder and Louis, who was so many feet away, which was really impressive, turned around and smiled at Harry, before starting swimming again. He didn't have a lot of people calling out his name, so you could say that he was beyond thrilled that someone did and even more excited, that this someone, was Harry. He smiled again, when he got out of the water and sat on the sand, while Harry followed his example.

''Hi.'' he said breathless, shaking his head a little, some drops of water, falling on the sand and making her a little darker and more muddy.

''How are you?'' Harry asked and Louis shrugged.

''Good. I mean, I found a job. How cool is that?'' he said, laughing a little and Harry grinned.

At least, Louis was happy with the life he had.

''I can help you find a better one.'' Harry blurted out, not even thinking and Louis raised an eyebrow.

''I don't know. I like this one.'' Louis said. He really did. Seeing new people, helping them out.

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