Two sick idiotic boyfriends

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''Harry.'' Louis whispered, as he shook a sleeping Harry, who was dripping in sweat, his beautiful curls, glued on his forehead, that was shining in the low lighted room.

''Harry.'' Louis said again this time, because now, Harry's whispers have turned into screams and he was literally crying in his sleep, if you considered it a dream because from Louis' point of view, it was just if Harry was being tortured in hell.

''You are lying and you love me. Say it. Say it.'' Harry yelled and Louis grabbed Harry's cheeks, shaking Harry's head a little and he opened his eyes wide, looking around confused and then looking at Louis.

''Louis.'' he whispered and Louis pressed his lips into a thin line, before taking a few steps back and sitting on an armchair opposite of Harry's...well Louis'... well... their bed and he just crossed his legs, looking at Harry with a serious look.

''You are sick, Harry and you have a really high fever too.'' Louis said and Harry looked at his hand immediately, seeing that his ring was gone.

''You took it off, don't you remember?'' Louis said and Harry nodded.

''I did... and you said you played me and that you don't love me.'' Harry accused Louis, who raised an eyebrow.

''When did I say that? I literally went upstairs for seconds and went I came back you had passed out on the floor. And wait a second... you thought that I played you?'' Louis asked with a hint of offence in his voice and Harry felt a little bit guilty that he thought that Louis was actually capable of saying that to him in real life.

''It was just a dream.'' Harry said, trying to defend himself.

''Whatever. Take these.'' Louis said and offered him two pills with a glass of water and Harry swallowed them, not questioning what they were, not even thinking it in fact. If Louis gave it to him, it was probably for the best.

''Thank you.'' Harry mumbled and Louis nodded in return, sitting again on the armchair, hugging his knees, supporting his hair on them, still looking at Harry, who kept looking at him with a sad, sorry face.

''Lou?'' Harry said and Louis did nothing, as he was already looking at him.

''I'm sorry. I don't know why I acted like this for no reason, literally no reason and I said and did awful things-'' Harry said but Louis cut him off.

''I said some mean stuff too, sorry.'' Louis mumbled and Harry just shook his head, trying to get up but Louis got up first, walking towards him.

''Don't get up.'' Louis said.

''Sorry.'' Harry mumbled, sitting again, looking at Louis, who was smiling a little.

''For everything.'' Harry said, looking straight into Louis' eyes.

''I'm sorry too.'' Louis said.

''You have nothing to be sorry for. I started this. I threatened to ruin your books and stuff. I am so horrible.'' Harry said, trying to apologize the proper way. Louis smiled a little walking towards Harry and sitting on the bed, spreading his legs, so Harry was between them.

''We both said and did hurtful things, so let's pretend this never happened, okay?'' Louis said, putting his hands on Harry's warm cheeks, before leaning a little, smiling but Harry pushed him away a little.

''You'll get sick.'' Harry warned him and Louis smiled a little and pressed his lips against Harry's.


''We are two sick idiots!'' Harry explained, smiling and he wrapped his arm around Louis' waist and pulled him closer, while Louis just giggled a little, his cheek having a rosy color, due to the fact that, yes, he got sick and yes, he willingly did that.

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