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Today it was their graduation day and everyone was pretty excited about it. All of their families have come and right now, the boys along with Elise were in one of the gardens, waiting for the ceremony to start.

''You'll hurt us.'' Louis said to Liam, who had trouble opening a champagne bottle.

''Shut up.'' he said and it popped up, causing all of them to cheer and taking a sip.

Louis grabbed Harry's neck, pulling him closer, kissing his cheek. To be honest, he was a little bit scared about how their future would be, not about the marriage but because what if without classes, they wouldn't work? They had a certain pace and path but now they had to get a new pace and a new path but what if it was a wrong one? What if there had to be school for them to work?

''What?'' Harry mumbled, having his head on Louis' neck.


''Mhm...now what's wrong?'' Harry asked but Louis didn't reply.

''Nothing.'' Louis said, smiling.

''Let me guess. You are scared about what happens after school, about us, about your whole life. Am I right?" Harry said and Louis gasped.

''Are you a magician?''

''No, I just have these worries too. We can postpone the wedding or cancel it if you want. I probably pressured you into it, didn't I?" Harry said, pulling away with a sorry face.

''No, no, no, Harry. Stop. I can't wait to get married.'' Louis said, smiling.

''I just don't get it, Elise.'' Zayn was heard saying and they both turned to look at him.

''What don't you get Zayn? I'm fine, I'm cool with it. For someone else. Not me. I'm not going to be the stereotypical wife. Jesus. You always bring that up. Ask again in six years.'' Elise said and Zayn groaned.

''Louis said yes and we all thought he wouldn't.'' Zayn said and Louis looked offended.

''Hey. What are we talking about?'' he asked and everyone ignored him.

''Elise keeps saying no to marrying him.'' Harry whispered.

''Okay, calm down everyone. We should go to our positions now.'' Liam said, checking his clock and Louis grabbed Harry's hand. They all started walking towards the main garden, where they would get their diplomas, when they saw different paths that they should follow. Everyone hugged tightly, smiling and laughing, while some- Niall and Harry- barely contained their tears.

''We should go from here, according to this. Liam, Niall, the third and Elise and Zayn fifth.'' Louis said, looking at the map.

''And we'll meet at the grand garden.'' Niall said and everyone nodded, before walking but last minute they all stopped, looking at each other smiling.

''We made it, didn't we?'' Liam asked, taking a deep breathe.

''We did, you didn't.'' Louis said and Liam scoffed but Louis walked towards him, pulling him into a tight hug, patting his back, which Liam of course returned.

''See you, mates, Liz.'' Louis said, smiling at all of them and everyone cheered one last time, before Harry grabbed Louis' arm, dragging him to the path with him following, laughing.

He was going to miss this school so much. Every single, tiny thing. The slightly stained marbles in the back of chemistry building, that was quite the landmark a couple years ago, when a student, Louis thinks his name was Marcus, puked all over it, after he had consumed a remarkable amount of booze at some party and was with his guitar, playing for his ex-girlfriends, begging her to take him back, when Cowshit-as most students called him- appeared from nowhere, sending him to the principal. Marcus was quite the legend back in the day and everyone had heard this story.

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