You're not my son

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After Louis hang up, he handed his phone back to Liam and he let out a breath, he didn't know he was holding.

''I am allowed to take the girls home.'' Louis said and all the boys hugged him, as they were congratulating him.

''I should probably go check up on the girls.'' Louis said and the boys nodded but before Louis could start heading towards their rooms, Daisy came out.

''Is everything okay, love?'' Louis said walking towards her.

''Yes. We are ready.'' Daisy said and smiled at Louis. The stains from her tears were marked on her chicks but her eyes were happy because she would leave this house and she would grow up happily without having to worry that Mark would hurt her.

''Oh Ok. Let's go get your stuff.'' Louis said and grabbed Daisy and put her on his shoulder. Daisy was laughing and the other boys followed him inside to help him with caring the suitcases and their stuff. When they entered the room they saw Lottie hugging Fizzy and Phoebe, looking around. Louis felt his heart breaking. They would have to leave their home, the place where they grew up. It was hard for them and it was hard for him too. He wanted to see his sisters growing up in the same house he knew that they couldn't and he wouldn't let them.

''So, are you ready girls?'' Louis asked and approached them hugging them and let Daisy down.

''Yes'' Fizzy said and grabbed one of her bags.

''Let me help you with that.'' Zayn said and took the bag from her hand. Fizzy looked at him with a weird look and whispered a 'Thank you'

''Oops sorry.'' Louis said when he realized that the girls had no idea who the boys were. ''This is Harry, Zayn, Niall and Liam.'' Louis said, pointing towards each boy, who waved or smiled at the girls.

''I like your hair.'' Phoebe said looking at Harry's bun. Harry smiled at her and felt his confidence, being boosted a little bit. Harry didn't want to show it but he was hurt by Mark's words. He knew that he dressed different from regular boys but it was just the way he was dressing and even though he was saying that he wouldn't let it make him insecure but it did and he absolutely hated it.

After the had put all their luggages on the cars, they said that Louis would return with his sisters and the boys will come back with the other.

''I wanna go with the boys, so Harry will have to go with you guys.'' Lottie said smiling and Louis' looked at her with a furious look.

''I thought you liked us.'' Louis said pointing at himself and the twins.

''You are lame. I like my sisters though.'' Lottie said and Liam laughed.

''She is right.'' Liam said and Louis looked at him with an angry making him stop laughing.

''Fine. Are you okay with that Harold?'' Louis asked Harry, who just nodded.

''Hey guys? I am going back in the house for just a little bit.'' Louis said and everyone nodded. Harry took the twins by their hand and started talking to Fizzy, while walking towards the car. Louis entered the house again and went to his room. He looked around and felt nostalgic. He had some pretty good memories from his childhood in this house. Him and his mum used to talk about everything when he was younger on this very bed. Louis didn't change beds because it reminded him of his mum. He sat on it and realized that he couldn't leave it here. He must take it with him.

''I thought I said to you to leave.'' Mark said making Louis raise his eyes.

''I am. I wanted to ask you something first?'' Louis said, trying not to make him angry.

''What?'' Mark barged.

''How much do you want for the bed?'' Louis asked and Mark looked at him confused.

''What?'' he asked.

''What do you want for me to take the bed.'' Louis said, sighing.

''I want nothing from you. You can have it.'' Mark said. Louis mumbled a 'Thank you' and was ready to exit the room, when Mark said

''I don't want you to come to this house, ever again.'' Mark said and Louis turned his head. Mark continued ''You are not my son.'' Louis felt his heart breaking and his eyes tearing up. He hated Mark but he was his dad. If Mark didn't abuse them mentally or physically, he could have been a good dad. Louis exited his room and walked to the exit door.

''You are not my biological son, Louis.'' Mark said and Louis felt his whole world collapsing in front of his eyes.

''What?'' Louis asked with a trembling voice.

''You are not my biological son. Your mum was a few months pregnant with an another man. Her family made her marry me because she couldn't bring you in this world without being married. You are not my son. You could never be. You are not like me. You are useless.'' Mark said through gritted teeth. Louis had so many questions but he didn't want to talk to him right now. He didn't want him to see his tears, so he just opened the door and left. He headed towards the car and he wiped his tears. He opened the passenger seat, where Harry was sitting and he handed him the keys.

''You are driving.'' Louis said and Harry nodded.


When they arrived at the university Louis simply got out of the car and simply headed towards the apartment. He was quiet the whole ride. Harry got the girls out of the car and decided to give Louis some space.

''Hey... How about us going to mine and Niall's apartment?'' Harry suggested and everyone looked confused. Harry rolled his eyes and asked again ''Who wants to see my awesome, glittery clothes?'' and the girls said 'Me' and Harry smiled.

''You are coming too.'' Harry said pointing towards the boys and they sighed.

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