Louis and Harry

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''Wait, I am going to bring some golf balls.'' Harry said and headed towards the main house, where all the golf equipment was kept.

Niall waited there for a few minutes, looking around and trying some shots, when he suddenly saw Louis running towards him.

"Hey Niall." Louis exclaimed and put him hands in his pockets. Although it was already March, the weather was cold and Louis had a runny nose.

"What are you doing here? You wanted to see Harry?" Niall asked confused that Louis came all the way to the golf club just to see Harry.

"What? I didn't even know that Harry was here. Anyways, the reason i came here is because i wanted to talk to you about Harry. I mean, last night he was staying at my place and everything was perfectly fine, until he had a nightmare around 3AM and it was pretty bad. He was crying, gasping for air and although, he said it was the first time having one, something made me feel like it wasn't. Has this happened before or anything?" Louis explained and Niall looked at him with a serious face, while listening carefully for anything he had to say.

"No. This has never happened before. It was a first and probably meant nothing." Niall said and focused on his golf stick.

"Niall it was pretty bad and i don't want it to become an every day thing. I thought he was dying. Please, if this has happened before Harry needs help or something. Please, Niall i am begging you." Louis pleaded and Niall felt himself feeling bad for Louis. He seemed so upset about this and he felt the words slipping out of his mouth before he even realized it.

''Yes, almost every night but he doesn't want anyone to know about this so please don't tell him. I don't know myself why he has them but don't ask him or don't say anything about it to anyone. Just be there for him because he needs it. Just hold him, make sure he knows that it is just a dream and give him some water. I know it's a lot but he needs you right now more than anything.'' Niall said the last words, really fast because he saw Harry approaching them with a smile on his face. Louis was stunned by Niall's words. Every night? Harry has been going through this every night and Louis had no idea.

''Hey Lou. What are you doing here?'' Harry asked confused but with a smile plastered on his face.

''Hey, you. Um... I came to see Niall because I missed him and yeah...'' Louis said and Niall's eyes widen at how bad Louis was at this and that Harry was going to understand that they were lying.

''Yeah, also all the spicy stuff that you do.'' Niall said and messed with Louis' hair. Louis smiled awkwardly and let out a small laugh.

''Oh...um okay. You wanna play?'' Harry said and offered him a golf stick but Louis shook his head no.

''Thanks but I have to prepare for our class in the afternoon.'' Louis said and turned, walking away fast.

''But we don't have any classes in the afternoon.'' Harry said but Louis was too far to listen.


''Hey.'' Harry said as he entered Louis' apartment with the keys Louis gave him some weeks ago.

''Hi.'' Niall and Louis said, as Zayn and Liam just nodded.

''You guys are finally together.'' Elise beamed happily and Harry just smiled at her.

''For the past month.'' Fizzy said and put a piece of apple in her mouth.

''You want some?'' Louis said and offered him a slice of apple, that he cut.

''Why are you cutting apples?'' Harry said laughing, as he gladly accepted the apple.

''It's called good parenting.'' Louis replied and gave one slice to Phoebe and Harry let out a small laugh.

''So guys, do we all agree to go to my parents' house for Louis to arrange his things with my father and us to just I don't know hang out?'' Liam asked once again and everyone nodded.

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