Love, love, love-H

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''Harry. Wake up. We fell asleep.'' Louis said to Harry.

It was already morning and him and Harry had fallen asleep on the couch last night. Louis checked his phone and he saw he had 24 missed calls from Zayn, 10 from Liam and surprisingly none from Niall. Louis expected from Niall at least a message saying about him and Harry. Louis decided to call Zayn.

''Louis?'' Zayn said.

''Zayn? What is going on?'' Louis asked.

''Niall disappeared'' Zayn said and Louis' phone dropped from his hands, just like his heart.

Louis didn't know what to do. He felt like panicking. Who knew what Niall had consumed last night or if he was even alright.

''Louis? What is going on?'' Harry asked, worried and rushed to Louis' side, hugging him.

''Niall has disappeared'' Louis said

''It's gonna be fine'' Harry said hugging him.

''No it's not'' Louis said before getting up and heading at the entrance.

''Wait Lou'' Harry said, grabbing his car keys.


''Thank God you are both here.'' Liam said hugging them.

Zayn was a wreck. He was just crying on the couch. Louis' heart clenched for his friend and he went near him. (AN BRUH WHY IS HE CRYING DONT JUDGE I HAVE TO MAKE IT DRAMATIC)

''Zayn, are you alright?'' Louis said hugging him.

''He has been like this for the past hour and the only thing he says is that it was his fault that Niall went missing because he had promised you and Harry that he will watch over us.'' Liam explained, rubbing Zayn's arm, as he took a seat next to him.

''Zayn could you please tell us what happened last night?'' Harry asked gently. His eyes were starting to tear up but he tried not to let his tears fall because he didn't want to upset Zayn more.

''It was about 2AM and I thought it is time for us to leave the club and I find Liam but I couldn't find Niall. So, I thought that it would be best to return home with Liam because he was pretty drunk and to look for Niall after. I didn't find Niall. I tried calling him but he didn't reply. I thought that he had gone home with a girl or something but he hasn't returned and it is almost noon. He usually returns and he goes with us out for breakfast and... and...'' Zayn said before breaking down again. He was supposed to watch over them and make sure they returned home safely. And now, now Niall was gone and he didn't answer his phone. Louis searched his pockets to take his phone but it wasn't there. He looked at Harry and told him that he must have forgotten it in his house and if he could borrow his. Harry gave him his phone and Louis dialed Niall's number.

''Hello?'' Niall answered.

''Niall? Where the fuck are you? Are you safe? Are you Ok? What happened last night?'' Louis basically screamed at Niall who just laughed and told them to come to the Saint Peter's hospital and that he was just fine and really happy.

''He is happy and he wants us to go to the hospital.'' Louis said to the boys and Zayn jumped from the couch and run towards the door, opening and heading towards the school entrance. Louis and the rest of the boys followed him and got on the car excited to see Niall and happy to know that he was okay. They arrived at the hospital and they went to the reception, asking to see Niall, when Niall approached them and hugged them all tight.

''Why are you here?'' Zayn asked before punching his arm. He was so worried about Niall and he didn't even call him. Last night Zayn didn't sleep at all. He lied to the boys. He was all night out, trying to find Niall and he asked everyone if he had seen a blonde boy, wondering and when he lost hope, he called Louis.

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