Wir werden nach Deutschland fliegen

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''Here.'' Louis said, handing him some vinyls and book at Harry.

''These are...?'' Harry said, trailing off and Louis nodded, pressing his lips into a thin line.

''Then why are you giving them back?'' Harry whispered and Louis for some reason felt like Harry had grown 10 feet taller for some reason.

''Because they are yours.'' Harry said, in an obvious way.

''No, they are-'' Louis said but Harry cut him off, pressing his lips against Louis' and he grabbed the stuff from his hands, before throwing them on the ground, before putting his hands on Louis' hips.

''Harry, you were punished.'' Louis said but Harry just ignored him.

Louis smiled a little and jumped on Harry, wrapping his arms around his neck, deepening the kiss more, if that was even possible.

''We should be quiet, though.'' Louis said, not wanting the girls to hear them and Harry smiled.

''It feels like we are married with kids.'' Harry said and Louis laughed a little, before connecting their lips again.


''Hey.'' Harry said, as he woke up smiling and rubbed his eyes a little.

''Hi.'' Louis said and kissed him softly.

Suddenly, Louis' phone rang and he groaned.

''Who?'' he asked, not politely, due to the fact that he interrupted him and Harry, who supported his chin on Louis' shoulder, planting small kisses on it and his neck.

''Hey, Louis? Um... we are in Germany and for some reason Zayn and Elise are gone.'' Niall said and Louis chocked on his own spit.

''What happened?'' Harry asked, worried.

''They are in Germany and both Elise and Zayn are gone.'' Louis explained and Harry's eyes widened.

''What can we do?'' Louis asked Harry, who shrugged.

''We were wondering if you could come and help us.'' Niall suggested and Louis wanted to slap his stupid Irish face so hard.

''No Niall we can't travel all the way to London, take a fucking plane and come to Berlin, sorry.'' Louis said and Harry looked at him with puppy eyes.

''What Harry?'' Louis asked, hoping Harry wouldn't say what he was about to say.

''We must go. Maybe they need help.'' Harry said and Louis groaned.

''They are adults and we are not fucking superheroes in a kids show. Come on, let's go back to sleep.'' Louis pleaded Harry, who sighed and went under the covers again.

''Sorry Niall we can't. I can't leave the girls alone.'' Louis explained but he immediately felt like a shitty friend.

''No Niall, wait. We are on our way. Just stay where you are.'' Louis said and Harry opened his eyes, raising an eyebrow and Louis got up, putting on his boxers, pressing the phone against his ear and Harry followed his example.

''Hey, grandma? Sorry, I know I am asking for a lot and I know that I am the most irresponsible person in the world but the boys are for some reason in Germany and Zayn is gone along with Elise and um... me and Harry kind of have to go. Can you please watch the girls?... Great, I will come over. Thank you so much... Bye...Bye.'' Louis said and hang up smiling at Harry.

''Wir werden nach Deutschland abfahren.'' Louis said and Harry looked at him confused.

''We are going to Germany.'' Louis explained.

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