What a nice couple

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Tomorrow it was Louis' birthday and the boys decided to go out, even though they had zero it was his birthday. They would go to a new fancy club and Louis and Zayn were preparing before the boys came. Louis decided to go with a plain white T-shirt and skinny black jeans. He would also wear his black leather jacket. Zayn wore a blue shirt and plain blue jeans. Elise decided to go home for the holidays. The boys came after some minutes. Harry was dressed ridiculously. He was wearing a purple shirt and a same color bow wrapped loose around his neck. He had brown pants and simple beige boots.

''I know I am hot'' Harry said smiling, while Louis rolled his eyes for the billionth time.

Arrogant son of a bitch.

''You are ridiculous'' Louis said and pointed to his outfit. Harry just shrugged. After a while the boys arrived at the club, they ordered drinks and they went to dance, except from Louis. He was shit at dancing and he absolutely hated it. He sat at the bar and took his drink. Louis looked around and saw Niall dancing with a girl and so was Liam. Zayn was dancing by himself and Harry had disappeared.

''He is probably fucking someone in the toilets'' Louis thought and took a sip of his drink.

''Wanna get out of here?'' Harry whispered to Louis' ear.

''Man, come on, it's Louis'' Louis groaned, thinking that Harry mistook him for one of his one-night-stands. Instead, Harry laughed.

''I know that but I got bored.'' Harry said pouting.

''We've been here for less than 30 minutes. Oh, no one wants to fuck little Harold?'' Louis said, pouting.

''Please, I came from the bathroom with a blonde, didn't you see?'' Harry said, smirking.

''I am not your stalker or your babysitter to watch over you, lad.'' Louis said laughing.

''Whatever. Still, do you wanna to go somewhere else?'' Harry asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.

''You know I can't, Harold'' Louis said.

''I talked to Zayn. He will watch over the boys.'' Harry said.

''What if something happens?'' Louis asked. Louis had started depending on the boys more and more every day. He needed them and if something happened to them, Louis was pretty sure that he would not be able to handle it and he definitely didn't want to leave the boys alone, drunk.

''Look, Louis, the boys will be fine. They are not even completely drunk. You have to stop doing that. You are not their mum, you are their friend. Zayn said that if anything happens, we will call immediately.'' Harry said with a serious face. He felt like he was a dad, telling a mum to go out on a Friday night and let the kids with a babysitter.

''Fine but let me go talk to Zayn first''

''Ok. I will be at the entrance'' Harry said, heading outside the club.


''What is this place?'' Louis asked. It was a small house, just a little bit outside the school grounds with a small garden outside.

''My house.'' Harry simply replied, unlocking the door.

''Your what?'' Louis replied.

''When my dad enrolled me in this school, he said it would be a good idea to have a house outside of campus so I chose this one.'' Harry said smiling. He had come only 2 or 3 times here but he felt good knowing that he had somewhere to be alone for a while, if he needed to. It was pretty small but cozy. It has a small living room with a couch and a TV. On the coffee table they were some candles and some books. There was a small kitchen, that was completely empty of any food. The stairs led to two bedrooms with each having its own bathroom. It reminded Louis of a house that a grandma would have and it made him why would Harry pick this house. So he asked.

''You know Tomlinson from a young age I wanted to live in a small house that would just fit me. Play guitar, have my candles, watch my shows or listen to music, cook my food and dance by myself. I never had that ,as a kid, so when I got the chance I thought 'why not' and took it''. Harry explained as he was putting on his shoes.

''Where are you going?'' Louis asked, confused. Louis liked Harry's explanation. Maybe Harry under all these weird clothes and this personality was a simple boy, who had simple dreams about life, like a small house with a garden, where he played music and did gardening.

''As you noticed we don't have anything and there is a 24-open mini market. So I am gonna go buy groceries.'' said, opening the door.

''Wait I'll come with you.'' Louis said putting his shoes as fast as he could.


''No we are not buying chocolate, Louis'' Harry said, asking from an employee to cut him a piece of cheese to put on the pasta, that Harry said he will make.

''Please?'' Louis asked again.

''Fine'' Harry replied, sighing. Louis made a small dance and run to the sweets section. Harry laughed and shook his head. Louis could be such a kid sometimes and Harry, to be honest, enjoyed it.

After a while they were both done with the shopping and went to pay. The cashier was an old lady, who looked at them with a fond look and after Harry and left she said to herself 'What a nice couple'.


''You can't cook?'' Harry asked Louis with a shocked face.

''I can...make toast? No, actually I can't. Cereals. Yeah I can make cereals.'' Louis said, giving him a toothy smile.

''Well, Tomlinson. Today is your lucky day because we are making pasta with tomato sauce.'' Harry said.

''Oh I think you mean 'you are making pasta with tomato sauce today' '' Louis said and smiled innocently.

''Oh you aren't eating?'' Harry asked fake-pouting.

''What is my job?'' Louis said, washing his hands.

''Cut the tomatoes with this knife and be careful.'' Harry said, giving him the knife.

Louis started slicing the tomatoes but the knife didn't cut well.

''LOUIS!'' Harry basically screamed.

''What?'' Louis asked confused.

''You are cutting with the wrong side of the knife.'' Harry said and looked at Louis with a deadly look.

''Oops'' Louis said and continued cutting with the right side.

After three cuts Louis could say that he was really good at cutting tomatoes. Harry could not say the same thing. After half an hour, food was finally ready because Louis was starving.

''Let's watch a movie'' Harry suggested.

''I am choosing'' Louis said.

''Ugh whatever''

''We are watching 'Grease' '' Louis beamed.

''Yeah cause that is so much more manly than 'The Notebook' '' Harry said rolling his eyes. Louis just ignored it as he put the movie on, taking a sit next to Harry.

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