Maybe...maybe he isn't that bad

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''I'm bored.'' Niall exclaimed, along with a groan.

''Cool.'' Louis replied, unbothered.

''There is a festival today. Wanna go?'' he suggested.

''No, Niall. We can do something here.'' Zayn offered.

''You are basic and boring. I'm not just sitting here with you.'' Niall said.

''So flattering.'' Harry mumbled, playing with the couch.

''You know...he is probably talking about you.'' Louis said and Harry glared at him.

''Oh please. I'm far more interesting than you.''

''Yeah, fucking and insulting make you fascinating.'' Louis said, shooting him a dreamy look.

''I know. I could fuck you sometimes. You seem like you could use some dick.'' Harry said and Liam chocked, while Louis glared at him.

''Even if you were the last person on Earth, I wouldn't sleep with you.''

''I didn't say sleeping, I said fucking.'' Harry said with a smirk.

''You are so unbelievable, fuck you.'' he hissed.

''Fine, if you want you can fuck me.'' Harry said and Louis got up.

''Glad to know that you want to get fucked so badly by me.''

''It's charity.''

''No one wants your charity, asshole.'' Louis said.

''One day, you will be begging.''

''I don't think so.''

''I do.''

''Of course, you do, you stupid fucker.'' Louis said and Harry grinned.

''You two need to calm down.'' Zayn interrupted them and Liam coughed.

''For real.'' he agreed.

''Hey. What about my request?'' Niall asked and Louis sat back down, next to Harry, who laid on the couch, placing his legs on Louis' knees.

''Get your feet off me.'' he said, trying to push them but Harry smirked.

''How about no?'' he replied with a smug smile and Louis groaned.

''You are so annoying. Oh my God.''

''I want to go!'' Niall exclaimed again.

''Go grab your stuff, jeez, we'll go.'' Liam said and he squealed getting up.

''So, will you honor us with your presence along, Mr. Tomlinson?'' Harry asked and Louis glared at him.

''If you move your legs and I can go get ready, of course, Mr. Styles.''

''Glad to hear that but I like what you are wearing, unless if your plan is to wear nothing then I will be more than happy to lift my beautiful, long legs.''

''Mhm...don't think so but thank you for letting me know, you want to see me naked.'' Louis said, getting up.



''Wait where is Niall?'' Zayn asked, looking around.

''Guys, this is so cool.'' Niall yelled running around like a lighting bolt.

It has been already an hour and Liam and Zayn were with Niall playing games, eating and Harry was probably fucking someone. Currently, Louis was walking around the festival and looked at the little kids having fun and young men and women, not caring that in a couple of days school started. Then he saw a girl crying on a bench not even 20 metes away from the tents and the lights. Louis was wondering if he should go or shouldn't go near her and comfort her.

''Oh fuck it'' Louis whispered and went towards the bench.

''Hi. Are you OK?'' Louis asked.

''Yeah. It's just ex-boyfriend kind of attend the same school and I slept with him last night. No self respect, apparently.'' the girl said while wiping her tears.

''Oh I am sure that he must be an idiot for leaving you. You are gorgeous and forget this idiot. Oh and I am Louis by the way''

''You are not saying all of these to get into my pants, right?'' the girl asked, laughing

''Uhm I wouldn't mind... ''

''You fucking idiot-''

''Wait, I was just kidding'' Louis exclaimed.

''Oh I am Elise by the way'' the girl replied.

''Well nice to meet ya Elise''

''Nice to meet you too Louis''


Harry was wondering around looking for Louis. He shouldn't have said all these things. He knew that Louis was trying but he just... he just freaked out. Last night Harry followed Louis. He wanted to apologize. This was not how his mum raised Harry. He went to the field and well

He saw everything.

A crying Louis.

A Louis who was screaming.

A broken Louis.

But Harry couldn't do anything because Louis hated him. Louis didn't want to see him. He literally ignored him.

Suddenly he saw Zayn approaching him. Zayn was a nice and so were the other lads, except Louis.

Louis was different.

''Hey lad where is Louis?''

''He is over there talking to that girl'' Harry said as he watched Louis and that girl hugging each other.

''I will go get him'' Zayn said

''Hey Louis- Elise?''Zayn asked

''Fucking asshole?'' Elise asked.


*Some hours later.*

Harry finished the book that he was reading

''Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird''. He opened the front page of the book and wrote:

''Most people are nice when you finally see them.''


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