Life is too short

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''Ready?'' Harry asked the girls and helped Phoebe wore her jacket.

''Yup.'' Fizzy said and Harry smiled at her to encourage her.

''Alright, in the court you should not talk about me and Louis and pretend like we don't have any relationship anymore, okay?'' Harry reminded the girls once more and they all nodded, rolling their eyes because Harry had said it a million times, since they arrived from their grandparents' last night, in order to make sure they remembered.

''Good, good. Don't upset, Louis and don't be nervous. Everything is going to be fine, alright?'' Harry said again, not sure if he wanted to calm them down or himself down. He was so anxious about the court and its final decision, even though, Liam's father had reassured them that its decision would be probably in Louis' favor.

Louis run down the stairs in a hurry and he flashed them all a fake smile, which they all understood that it wasn't real. Louis was a wreck from last night and he barely slept last night. Instead, him and Harry talked, until it was late and stayed in Harry's arms the whole time and Harry was asleep and every worst case scenario was going around in Louis' head.

'Happy thoughts, Louis'. That's what he kept reminding himself and it didn't work.

''Okay, that's it. Ready?'' Louis said and he wiped his sweaty hands by rubbing them on his pants.

''Everything's going to be alright. You heard what my father said.'' Liam said and James nodded.

''Louis, there is not a tiny possibility that Mark could get custody. Maybe they will allow him to see them but not full custody. Plus, now that they know that the girls will have their grandparents' and that you have a good financial situation, they will probably give you the custody. Remember how many people showed up in the court, just to testify? People, who you've talked to once had the best to say about you.'' James said, trying to calm Louis down. James was like a father to Louis, even though, he knew him some months. He had helped him a lot and James felt the same way about Louis too.

''You never told me that.'' Harry said, referring to the part of people coming to court, just to testify in Louis' favor.

''Yeah, in the early courts, so many people showed up. Everyone from his class, the football club, the book club, even some teachers came to testify and they all said great things about Louis.'' Zayn said and ruffled Louis' hair, who let out a groan because he had spent so long styling them and Zayn ruined them.

Harry hugged Louis tightly, catching Louis off guard, who hugged back.

''I love you so much.'' Harry whispered and Louis smiled.

''I love you too.'' his said and kissed his neck.

''Okay, that's enough of cheesiness today. We have to go.'' Niall reminded them and they both pulled away.

''Yeah, let's go.'' Louis yelled and hugged his sisters, who smiled at him.


''Court case number 124. The custody of the Tomlinson's. Oh yeah, how are you Mr. Styles?'' the judge read the paper and then took off his glasses, searching for Harry with his eyes, still remembering his unforgettable testify. Harry looked at Louis who sat on the other side of the court room and then at Niall, who looked as confused as he was.

''Yes, Mr. Styles, I asked how you are.'' the judge said and Harry smiled awkwardly.

''Good, good. How are you, sir?'' Harry asked back politely and the judge smiled a little.

''Really good, Mr. Styles. We all have to admit that your energy in your testify was quite unforgettable. Glad to see exes, being on good terms.'' the judge said, before moving on, leaving the whole court confused and Mark extremely pissed off.

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