Don't pretend you aren't a pretender

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''Did you bring chips?'' Louis asked excited.

Him and Zayn have planned watching Louis' favorite movie.

Star Wars.



Louis could not believe that Zayn, his freaking roommate, the man who he will spent the rest of his university years with a man who has not seen Grease.

''We are going out Tommo'' Zayn said as he entered his room to change clothes.

''Wait what?'' Louis said.

''I ran into Liam so lad WE ARE GOING OUT'' Zayn said clapping his hands.

Louis flipped him off and said

''Go wherever you want I ain't coming with you. I don't wanna see Harry. He pisses me off'' ,turning around to go back to the couch.

''Harry will not be there. He has a thing''

''Oh cool wait for me then'' Louis said, practically running to his room to change.


''You little shit. I am never, ever, not in a million years going out with you. Like if the hell freezes, still I am not going out with you'' Louis said through gritted teeth to Zayn as they entered the club.

Louis once he set foot in that god-damn club he saw a man with a floral red suit, sitting at the bar, surrounded by men and women.


Zayn lied because Mr. Styles is alive- unfortunately- in front of Louis.

''You said he had a thing?''

''Yeah, to be here Tommo'' Zayn replied.

''You said he won't be here'' Louis said.

''Whatever. Let's say hi to the boys.'' Zayn said happily.

''I hate you.''

''Love you too lad''


*At the same time at the other side of the bar.*

Well a few minutes before.

Harry was surrounded by hot women and men all night and as he was about to choose who was or were the lucky ones that he would spend the night at his apartment we he saw them. Suddenly, Zayn entered the club with a boy that Harry couldn't see his face but his hair looked soft and styled perfectly. He was not tall and he had a really curvy body.

''I'd definitely bang that'' ,Harry thought.

Thank God Louis won't be here tonight. Harry could not stand him. Niall, as a good friend, made sure that Louis was not gonna be at the club at that night.

And then he looked at the boy's direction.

No. Fuck . Shit.

Louis motherfucking Tomlinson was here. Tonight. The day that Niall told him he wouldn't. Harry got up and went to Niall, who was busy talking to Liam and laughing and just screamed


''Did I? Guess I just forgot...Oops?'' he said with a guilty look.

But Niall wanted this to happen. So did Zayn. They wanted Harry and Louis to become friends, so they could finally hang out peacefully.

''God damnit Niall!''

''Hi guys'' Zayn said

''Hi'' Niall said dragging the i.

''Hi Payno'' Louis said hugging Liam tight.

Over the past days him and Liam developed a special friendship.

''You went with that shirt huh?'' Louis said and made a disgusted look.

Told ya.


''Hey'' Liam said as he was laughing, trying to make an offended look.

''I am not talking to you'' Louis said as he was glaring Niall.

''Why?'' Niall said as he pouted.

''You and Zayn did something dirty behind my back and lied to me'' Louis simply replied.

Louis went to the bar and ordered a coke. He would not drink tonight. Last thing he wanted was to be drunk and make a fool of himself. He also knew that Zayn is definitely the type of person that would get so drunk that wouldn't find his way home. So guess who had to make sure Zayn would arrive safely at his home? Louis.

''Daddy doesn't let us drink alcohol?'' a raspy voice said.

''What is your problem with my dad being rich or something. I have never even brought it up.'' Louis said without even looking at those green eyes, belonging to no one else but the person who hated Louis the most.

''You know what my problem is shorty? The look in your eyes. When I first met you, at that dinner, when you said ''Do you know who I am?'' I understood what kind of person you are. Let me guess young boy, who is gonna take over the family business comes in this school and decides that he wants to be someone else for a change. A nice guy. Makes friends and he will feel like he belongs somewhere for once. Guess what rich boy. You will always be the gold-hearted guy ,that will manipulate people in order to be likeable.'' Harry said with pure hatred in his voice.

Louis wanted a fresh start. For the past year, since his mum's death Louis was being a shitty guy. He wanted to change but he never tried to manipulate the other boys. He just wanted friends. People who would keep him close and support him. That's what Louis wanted.

''If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.'' was all Louis said and got up and went to Liam whispered something in his ear, hugged both Niall and Zayn and left without looking back. He heard Zayn calling his name but he continued walking towards the exit.

Last thing he saw was Harry making out with a red head.


Louis needed to get out from there. He needed to get out from this world.

He didn't belong here.

He wanted to disappear.

He run and he run and he run until he realized he was at the field.

The field, where the boys had their pic nic. It was nice that day. Louis felt happy.

And yeah.

It's raining. So cliché.

He didn't care, cause he loved rain. Suddenly his phone made a beep sound and Louis checked it. It was from Liam.

''Hey Louis. Zayn left with a girl and he went on foot and I followed him until I saw him entering the school grounds, so he is all good xx''

Louis smiled. Liam was a nice lad and he was happy that he helped Louis out.

''Thanks Lima. I owe you one :)'' Louis wrote and switched his phone off.

He thought about Harry's words and he just broke down. Hot tears were streaming down his face. He didn't want to be rich. He didn't want to own a business. He wanted his mum. A simple life. Not that. He didn't care about these shit. He then screamed. He screamed until his throat hurt. And he just got up and started walking towards the apartment.

Zayn must have been asleep Louis thought and he opened his favorite book, which he carried everywhere.

Self abandoned, relaxed and effortless, I seemed to have laid me down in the dried-up bed of a great river; I heard a flood loosened in remote mountains, I felt the torrent come; to rise I had no will, to flee I had no strength.

And Louis fell asleep.

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