Let me cut your hair

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''Hey Harry, I am going golfing with a classmate and- Louis'' Niall said and stopped, when he saw a shocked Louis in Harry's bedroom. Thank God, as soon as Harry heard Niall voice, he pushed Louis away and looked at him with a mad look.

''I am leaving.'' Louis said with a mad voice and looked at Harry with a furious look.

''As you should.'' Harry mumbled and Louis scoffed.

''Well, wait a second, do you want to leave first? Because that's what you do best, judging for the million times that you have left your friends. Did you leave your friends before you met Niall or oh... wait poor Harold didn't have any friends, did he?'' Louis said with a smirk on his face and Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

''At least, my 'girlfriend' didn't dump me.'' Harry said and Louis rolled his eyes.

''Whatever, manwhore. I am out. Bye, Niall.'' Louis said and grabbed his jacket.

''Bye.'' Niall said confused, while Harry stayed silence.

''See, ya.'' Louis mouthed at Harry behind Niall's back and Harry smiled a little, before realizing that Niall was still there and he furrowed his eyebrows again.

''What the hell was that and why was Louis in your room?'' Niall asked pissed at them. God, for the past one and a half month, they have been fighting non-stop and Niall was sick and tired of them. Every god damn time they would meet, it would end-up with them fighting. Harry was supposed to like or love or be in love with Louis. What happened suddenly? Harry hated Louis, even more than he did before.

''I don't know. He just burst into my room and started yelling at me for something, that I didn't even understand what it was. God, Niall I am going to kill him. I swear, he is just so... ugh. I am disgusted at myself, that I liked him, that I left to get over that piece of shit.'' Harry yelled, pretending to be upset.

''Okay, calm down. Just cut him off completely, if he annoys you that much. I have to go now to play golf. It is going to be so bad and boring but he had helped me with an assignment so... I kind of have to go. Bye'' Niall said blew him a kiss before laughing and leaving.


''We should go on that date that I asked you, like a month ago.'' Harry said and Louis took a sip of his smoothie.

''Isn't this a date? Like the 15th that we have been into?'' Louis asked with an obvious and Harry scoffed.

''Do you consider us walking in a park in secret with old people and a guy, who is taking a shit right behind this bush a date?'' Harry said and laughed.

''Now that you talked about the guy over there, you ruined the romantic atmosphere, that we had 10 seconds ago.'' Louis whined.

''No, like a real date, you know? A date.'' Harry said excited and Louis looked at him confused.

''A dinner?'' Louis stated, scratching the back of his neck.

''No, we are not basic. Something that would stay in history, that we will be saying to our kids.'' Harry said and Louis chocked on his drink.

''You want to tell our future kids, that we did all these things. Like, I don't know lying to everyone for a month? Because I am not letting you do that and traumatize them like that.'' Louis said and Harry smiled at him because Louis actually considered the possibility of future kids, even if it was early. If two people love each other, everything will come on time. They just need to love each other. (A/N -Eva,2021 THESE ARE HILARIOUS WHAT WAS I THINKING)

''What? It is romantic. It is like a movie. We are both hiding from-'' Harry started but Louis cut him off.

''From our friends. Do you ever feel guilty for doing that to them? Lying to them? They have been rooting for us and we have been lying to them. I mean, they have to put up with our 'fights' all the time, all day.'' Louis said and leaned his head on Harry's arm and wrapped his hands around it.

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