Happy New Year Lou

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''NIGEL'' Louis screamed, while throwing the football at him. Niall let out a scream and started running around, screaming, trying to avoid the ball.

''Niall, how many times we will have to tell you? We are not gonna hit you with the ball... again.'' Liam said. Today was the 31th of December and they were all at the field, before heading to school for the dinner and the celebration of New Year's. Liam and Louis wanted to play football, while Niall was scared that they would hit him like the last time. Harold approached them and told them that he would play with them if Niall joined. Niall wanted so much to watch Harry playing football because he was sure that Harry sucked and that he was going to make a fool of himself.

''Fine'' Niall said.

''You don't even wear appropriate clothes.'' Louis said.

''Wait'' Harry said and started unbuttoning his shirt and his pants.

''Man, what are you doing?'' Niall asked, covering his eyes.

''Niall, please, don't pretend you haven't seen me naked.'' Harry said rolling his eyes, making Louis and Liam raise their eyebrows. Harry put on his shirt and some sweatpants. He put his hair into messy bun and changed shoes. When Harry was done Liam high-fived and said a 'Nice, Styles'.

''Ok let's do this.'' Niall said through his teeth.

''Shouldn't we wait for Zayn?'' Louis said.

''Meh, he is talking on the phone with Elise, so it might take a while.'' Harry said, winking. Zayn and Elise spent a lot of time on the phone lately and Louis was happy about it.

''Let's see what you've got Tomlinson.'' Harry said before running to his spot. Louis looked at Harry and kicked the ball. Harry fell down as an attempt to catch the ball, but he didn't and Louis jumped, screaming 'Score.'

''Hey lads.'' Zayn said while walking towards the boys.

''Who were you talking to this whole time?'' Louis asked, pretending that he didn't know that he was talking to Elise.

''Uhm...my mum.'' Zayn said.

''How is she doing?'' Louis asked.

''She is fine and says hi.'' Zayn said, smiling.

''Who are you kidding, Zaynie?'' Louis said, hopping on his back and ruffling his hair.

''Not the hair, Louis.'' Zayn said and sighed. ''I was talking with Elise.'' Zayn said, glaring at Harry, who told them.


''Today was fun.'' Niall said, as he sat on the sofa.

''For you, you Irish fuck broke my freaking nose.'' Harry said as he was entering the flat, supporting his hand on Zayn's shoulder.

''The nurse said it wasn't broken.'' Niall said, blowing him a kiss.

''Whatever you fucking idiot.'' Harry replied.

Niall thought Harry was a good player so he kicked the ball as hard as he could. Turns out, Harry was lucky the first time and he didn't know shit, so when he saw the ball coming, he didn't react at all and the ball hit him straight in the nose. It was bleeding pretty bad and it hurt so much that Harry and the others thought he had broken it. The nurse, though, said that it wasn't. Harry was pissed at Niall and, honestly, Louis had never seen Harry so angry, not even when they were 'enemies'.

''So... Movie?'' Liam suggested.

''Sure'' Zayn said, taking a seat next to Niall.


It's 2 hours before midnight and the boys decided that it was time for them to attend the school dinner. Louis wore a simple shirt and skinny blue jeans and so did Zayn but his jeans were black. Niall was just wearing a T-shirt and black jeans. Liam was wearing a jacket and a T-Shirt with black skinny jeans. Harry was overdressed but again Louis thought that he could pull off anything so it doesn't matter if you are overdressed when you are Harry Styles. He was wearing a purple floral suit with an unbottened white shirt and the glittery boots that Louis gave him. His fingers had a lot of rings and his long hair was styled perfectly.

''I told him that it was too much.'' Niall said, pointing at Harry.

''You can never be overdressed or overeducated.'' Louis said, keeping his eyes to Harry, who was smiling.

''Shall we?'' Zayn asked, feeling the tension between Harold and Louis.

''Just make out already.'' Niall said before closing the door, without anyone hearing him.


''Ok students, here's to another new year.'' The headmaster said, raising his glass of wine. The boys started eating, while discussing about everything. In 20 minutes the time will be 12 o'clock and the boys thought that they should share the happiest moments of this year.

''Well, mine is probably finding out that I entered this school and meeting you guys.'' Zayn said, smiling.

''Mine is meeting you guys and my sister giving birth.'' Niall said.

''Mine is meeting you guys.'' Liam simply said.

''Same, except from meeting Liam.'' Louis said.

''I know you love me.'' Liam said, smirking.

''You wish, don't ya?, Payno.'' Louis said, chewing a carrot.

''Yours Harry?'' Zayn asked.

''Definitely, meeting you guys and also achieving my dream about literature and not having my nose broken.'' Harry said before glaring at Niall once again, who just rolled his eyes and said 'Will you ever let this go?''

''No'' Harry said taking a sip of his water.

''Students! It's time! Let's all meet in the balcony in 5 minutes to celebrate the new year and watch the fireworks.'' Mr. Charles said. The boys got up and headed towards the balcony, where they were gonna watch the fireworks.


''10...'' everyone started shouting.

''Hey Lou, I just wanted you to know that I am happy that we are friends.'' Harry said and hugged Louis.

''I am happy we are friends too.'' Louis said in Harry's arms.

''Happy New Year.'' Everyone said.

''Happy New Year, Lou'' Harry whispered in Louis' ear, still hugging him.

''Happy New Year, Harold'' Louis said.

''Oi oi Happy New Year, lads.'' Niall said and everyone wished each other Happy New Year.

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