Is he is a drug queen?

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''We need to talk.'' she said.

''What are you doing here?'' Louis said and hugged her. When they pulled away he saw that Lottie had teared up and Louis frowned.

''Dad.'' she said.

''What happened?'' Louis asked, as he led her to the living room and she sat on the couch next to Zayn, who looked confused at Louis.

''Lottie, this is Zayn. He is my friend and my roommate. Zayn this is Lottie my sister.'' Louis said and Lottie said a simple 'Hi.', which Zayn returned and got up.

''I am gonna let you guys talk. Nice meeting you Lottie.'' he said smiling and she smiled back. After Zayn left the apartment, Louis sat next to Harry and hugged her.

''Dad has just gotten worse. The second you left he started lecturing me and the girls about us questioning his parenting and bringing you all the way from here to Doncaster. He took my phone and we couldn't contact you and he made a schedule that says exactly what we should do every day. The girls have only 10 minutes to play and me and Fizzy can't bring friends home or go anywhere. He took our phones and makes us read books and we have a deadline to write the description, review and character analysis. He has flipped. I had to escape to come here. Please do something. I don't even know if I love him anymore. He is ruining the girls' childhood and Fizzy is a nervous reck.'' Lottie said, sighing. Louis was stunned and he knew that there was only one thing he could do and it would probably ruin everything.


Currently all the boys were hanging out at Harry and Niall's apartment with Lottie. Even Harry was there and Louis had no idea what happened the last night and this morning. Everyone was chatting happily, until a loud 'bang' was heard.

''Open the door. I know you are there, Lottie and Louis.'' Louis' dad said from the other side of the door.

''Fuck. Shit. Fuck.'' Louis said and looked at Niall who just nodded. Louis knew that it was about to get shitty and Niall just nodded, meaning that it will be fine. Louis got up and opened the door. Lottie looked extremely upset and the boys tried to calm her down. Mark looked at Louis with a mad look and went towards Lottie and raised his hand and she closed her eyes. Louis run towards his father but Harry had already grabbed Mark's hand and looked him in the eyes.

''Louis, who is that and who are all of these boys?'' Mark asked.

''They are my friends. This is Harold and the others are Liam, Zayn and Niall.'' Louis said, pointing at the boys.

''We have talked about having friends, Louis, but these are fucking weirdos. Look at this young man's shoes and his hair. Is he a drag queen?'' Mark asked and Harry lowered his eyes.

''That's it.'' Louis said and dragged Mark to Niall's room.

''What the hell are you doing? Are you 'dragging' your father? You fucking embarrass me.'' Mark said and Louis closed Niall's door.

''Are you talking about me embarrassing you? Can you please fucking explain to me why my 16-year-old sister had to literally ESCAPE from her own house and visit her brother, to whom she couldn't even talk to because she didn't have her phone.'' Louis said, raising his voice.

''Are you questioning my parenting? I am raising five kids.'' his dad said with a strict look.

''Have you seen how we are being raised? I didn't have friends until I was fucking 18.'' Louis said, sighing.

''And have you seen your friends? One of them has long hair, glittery boots and tattoos and the other has dyed his hair blonde. They are weird Louis and I demand that you drop them or I am done paying for your school.'' Mark said and turned around to leave. Louis was mad, like really mad. These people were his second family and Mark told all these shitty things about them.

''These people have treated me better than you will ever do. These people make me feel safe and at home. I love every single one of them with their weird clothes, hair and tattoos and I am not gonna drop them.'' Louis said and Mark just opened the door and started walking.

''Find another way of paying the school then.'' he said as he walked to the living room. Louis run after him and as Mark was ready to open the door and exit the apartment, Louis decided to drop the bomb in front of everyone, as it was the only way to keep the girls safe.

''I am taking the custody of the girls.'' Louis said, making Mark stop walking and turning around with a shocked look.

''No you are not. You can't win against me, your own father and I will have the best lawyers, while you won't be able to afford one.'' Mark said, scoffing.

''Mum left me a letter the day before she died.'' Louis said, looking dead serious.

''You never told me that.'' Lottie said behind Louis.

''I am sorry, Lottie but I couldn't risk it.'' Louis said, looking guilty.

''Risk what?'' Mark said.

''Risk you taking the 10 million dollars that mum left me.'' Louis said, folding his arms.

''Johanna left you money?'' Mark asked.

''Not only to me. 10 million to each of her children and I am the one, knowing the bank accounts and codes. See father, mum knew that you were a greedy asshole and she knew that the only reason you married her was because of her money. What you don't know is that she left me and the girls, enough money to live comfortably for the rest of our lives and also a whole company, that Lottie and Fizzy will own, as soon as they are done with their studies. Of course, if they want to. This means, that I have enough money and evidence to take their custody, enough money to educate them and provide them a future and enough money to make sure they live comfortably for the rest of their life. Also Mark, of course, I will pay for the university on my own and I will drop economics because I hate them. Find someone else to manage your little company that my own mum founded for you. See ya in court, Mark.'' Louis said pushing Mark out of the apartment and closing the door. He turned around to see all the boys and Lottie looking at him with a shocked expression on their faces.

''What?'' he asked.

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