He has moved on

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''You sure, you okay?'' Zayn asked trying to get the golf stick out of Louis' hands, who was literally ruining the lawn from hitting the stick so hard on it.

''No. I am fucking not. I will kill that fucking asshole, who thinks he can fucking fool us.'' Louis screamed and continued ruining the grass.

''I think he is mad at you but I am too, so he is right. Maybe overreacting a little but he is right.'' Liam said, who was standing next to Niall, who was looking nervously at Louis and Zayn trying to calm him down.

''You little fucking bitch. You lied to us to protect your stupid motherfucking, shitty, stupid, idiotic friend, who didn't have the fucking balls to say anything and just disappeared, leaving his friends behind and you still talk to him and protect him, while you are lying to us, you filthy bastard, you stupid dickhead-'' Louis started out but Zayn yelled at him before he let him continue.

''Louis, that's enough.''

''No, it's not, until he explains how the hell did Harry's number ended up on his phone and rang, when he promised he had no contact with him.'' Louis yelled at Niall again, who just looked at him, not knowing what to say because he was taken aback by both Louis' reaction and Harry's completely bad timing.

''Tell me. You said you hadn't talked to him, since he left and now here he is fucking calling you, explain.'' Louis demanded again.

''What do you want me to tell you? That I lied? Yes, I did but do you know why? Because you are so god-damn selfish. You want everything for yourself. Just because Harry left you, it doesn't mean he left me, okay? And l shouldn't stop talking to him because he left the rest of you'' Niall said mad and bit the inside of his cheek, realizing that this probably hurt Louis and the rest of the boys but it was the truth. Harry trusted him and wanted to talk to him. (A/N NOT COOL IRISH PRINCESS)

''Whatever Niall. You will always put Harry first won't you?'' Louis said and gave up, taking a few steps away from him and throwing the golf stick on the ground.

''I don't know what the hell you want me to tell you, Louis. I really don't.'' Niall said and sighed, looking at Louis with a sad look because man, Louis was his friend and he hated everything that was happening right now. Yes, he was friends with Harry but Louis was the definition of friend in every way. They just didn't click the way he did with Harry. They had a great time and he loved him but he related to Harry and they had so many good laughs with him but Harry also acted a little bit in the moment, you know? He could just get up and leave without considering anything or anyone.

''I don't care. Fuck off. Just remember that neither you nor us is capable of making Harry stay, so don't feel like you are special.'' Louis said and turned away, walking away. Zayn shot Niall a cold stare and Niall just shrugged. How original of Zayn sticking up for Louis every god-damn time. It was tiring. If you ever had a fight with Louis, it was 100% sure that you would have a beef with Zayn too.



Hi, I'm Niall and there is a lot of shit happening right now, so I better get started.

It has been 2 and a half months, since Harry left, I think and everything is not okay. Me and the rest of the boys have been in cold terms lately, due to the fact that I 'chose' Harry over them but I didn't. All I wanted was to be friends with all but they just didn't want that, I guess. How did it affect them me talking to Harry? It wasn't like it could hurt them or anything. I just wanted to be able to talk to my dear friend Harold and if they didn't like that it was their fucking problem. I can't just cut him off my life because they want to. This wasn't a cult. We are just hanging out.

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