Families and secrets

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''Fuck you.'' Louis mumbled at Harry, who was still sleeping, arching his back, wincing in pain.

''I love you too.'' Harry said and turned on the other side. Louis wrapped a sheet around his waist and got out of the tent, stretching out.

''My back hurts. God, what were you thinking, Curly?'' Louis said and looked around, searching for his clothes. He found some of them randomly thrown on the lawn, including his boxers.

God, this was embarrassing.

He got dressed quickly and opened his phone to search for any possible messages.

There was a voicemail from Liam.

''Louis. Where the hell are you? Tomorrow is Harry's results out. Hurry to see them.'' he said and Louis' eyes widened.

''Harry'' Louis said, shaking the whole tent and tried to search for the rest of Harry's close, having spasms every time he bended down.

''Mhm.'' Harry moaned and Louis shook harder.

''Wake up. Your results must be already out. Let's go see.'' he said and Harry didn't reply anything in return.

''Come on, Harry. I was supposed to be the one that doesn't wake up.'' Louis said, entering the tent again, pulling Harry's arm.

''We can found out anytime...shh. Come back to bed.''

''It's not even a bed, now, come on, love. Here are your clothes.'' Louis said and Harry groaned, before changing.

''Louis?'' Harry asked after a while.


''Did you like this one?'' Harry asked a little shyly.

''Loved it.'' Louis whispered and kissed him.

''But please don't make me sleep on the ground. I'm old.'' he said, when he pulled away and Harry smiled, before kissing him again.


''Where are the results?'' Louis said, checking the front board, when Liam called once again.

''Come to Niall's apartment.'' he instructed, before hanging up.

''He says to go to Niall's apartment.'' Louis said, confused and having a bad feeling in his guts.

This was not good.

They started, climbing the stairs fast, when they saw Niall and Liam. Saying that they both looked like shit would be an understatement. Niall had bloodshot eyes, dark circles under them, messy hair and he seemed like he hadn't gotten any sleep. Liam looked even worse. His shirt was full of wrinkles and he hadn't shaved.

''What happened?'' Louis asked.

''We are so sorry, Harry. We were just hanging out and they knocked on the door, asking for you and we tried to explain to them that you are not here but they stayed here all night, sitting, waiting for you, saying that they won't leave if they don't see you. We tried calling you, we went to your house but no one was there, so we assumed you were out.'' Niall said and Harry looked at Louis confused with some horror in his eyes, guessing about whom they were talking about.

''Robin and Gemma?'' Louis mumbled, looking at the door behind Liam and Niall, who nodded.

''It's not too late. We can leave. They don't know where we live. You can come too. Come, they'll leave after a while.'' Harry said, already starting to walk away but Louis grabbed, his wrists, turning him around.

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