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''Where the fuck are we at this point?'' Louis said annoyed looking at the big-ass castle at the other side of the lake.


That's right.

The school is a freaking castle. Louis was just looking at it with a snobby look. Yeah it was impressive but still who do they think they are? The freaking Queen Of England? Jesus. He expected a modern uni or something not that shit.

Louis could describe it with only one word.


The freaking Harry Potter castle. It was a huge castle with everything. It looked older than his granny and it has a lot of windows,where he could see light from and there was a bridge crossing the whole lake.

What is even this?

''A freaking joke that's what it is' ',Louis thought.

''Tommo boy this is insanely good. We will study in a freaking castle. Ten years from now they will be asking us 'Where did you study' and shit and we will be like 'At a freaking castle' Awesome.'' Zayn practically screamed into Louis' ear and Louis made an annoyed face.

''Honestly Zayn, don't you think it's a little too much?'' ,he asked

''Who cares?'' Zayn said and went closer to the lake ,ready to step on the bridge.

''Wait'' a huge man said and rushed to Zayn's side


Maybe not that huge.

Louis is small that's why he considered the man huge.

''We cross the bridge all together'' the teacher said to Zayn.

''Ooops,sorry'' Zayn said to the teacher and gave him a toothy smile.

''Well kids, we are gonna cross the lake. Everyone be careful and don't yell or scream I really can't stand the noise''

Louis was a little annoyed, well a lot annoyed at the teacher, who didn't even introduce himself and just said that he doesn't want the children to scream.

Fucking looser

''And who the hell are you?'' Louis said towards the teacher.

''I'm Mr. Cowell'' , he replied

''More like Cowshit seems to me'' Louis whispered to Zayn, who held his breath not to laugh.

''Neil Horan, Harry Styles.'' he announced.

''Excuse me, it's Niall.'' the boy corrected.

''Yeah...whatever. Your key.'' he said, handing it to him.


They are in the school.

Well, castle


It was huge and it had beautiful paintings hang on the walls, which were beige. The stairs were old and wooden and the steps were covered with a red carpet. It was so clean that Louis was afraid to step on it in fear of his shoes having mud and staining the wooden floor. There weren't many doors but one was slightly open and Louis took a sneak peak of a huge library. ''I'm gonna spend a lot of time in here'' ,he thought and smiled at himself. He always loved reading. His favorite book is Jane Eyre. He knows it may be a little girly but he always believed that literature doesn't have a gender. He always thought that it was incredible how books can travel you to new places, unknown to human, where you can watch new characters do stuff, pirates, princesses and knights fighting, leaving their best life and Louis can be a part of that. He can see, hear and some times even smell that new world or even worlds that the books travel him.

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